Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 94_ Movie date 1

A sly smirk graced Damien’s lips when he saw the look that crossed her face, did he just render her speechless?

“I don’t mind you having one of my child again..”

A blush crept up her cheeks spreading across her face, she could feel her heartbeat thumping wildly against her ribcage, why does he need to be so blunt?

“Uhh.. i-

He took a step backward, away from her just so she could breath, maybe all she needed was time to adjust to him which he really didn’t have..

Yesterday a man popped up from nowhere claiming to have romantic feelings for her..

Was he scared?

Yes! he was scared because the only woman who could stir something within him wasn’t giving him the chance he wanted, what if she falls for another man? the thought of that makes his blood boil..

“Forget it.. I’ll head out first”

Olivia watched his back leaving the office, she inhaled deeply walking back to his desk where her laptop sat..

She picked it up from his desk knocking a stack of files over in the process, she crouched down to pick them when her eyes fell on a book which had been covered by the files earlier..

Rising up to her feet, she placed her laptop back down on the desk staring at the book she was holding which had a red heart shape on the cover, that wasn’t what piqued her attention the most.. it was the title..

‘How to make a lady fall for you’

Her brows furrowed deeply, why does he even need a book like this? curiously, she flipped through the first page where a green marker ticked out a part titled ‘Send her flowers’

She read further down the next few green tick ‘Offer her a ride’

‘Say some cheesy words to her occasionally’

‘Steal a kiss from her randomly’

Her eyes rounded, the last one was ticked too, that explains everything! his weird behaviors were as a result of following instructions from a book?

She closed the book and placed it where it originally was before along with the other files on the floor..

After making sure that everything was intact and in place, she left for her office..


Bianca yawned as she came down from the stairs, however, she froze up at the last step as soon as she met with her mum’s teasing smile..

Cassie stood at the end of the stairs holding a cup of tea, it appears that she must have been waiting for Bianca to come down..

“Mum? you’re still here? it’s past ten already!”

Cassie chuckled shaking her head slowly “Oh yeah.. you didn’t come out of your room right after Xander left and neither did you come down for dinner last night or breakfast this morning.. are you avoiding me?”

Bianca cursed silently walking past her mum and also trying to cover up her embarrassment, her mum came just right on time when Xander shamelessly kissed her yesterday…

How was she supposed to face her after that? if she knows, then Sandy must definitely know about it and she was right!..


“Hey Bianca.. a little bird told me about the beautiful time you spent with Xander”

Okay that was it! maybe coming down was a bad idea, she made a mental note to break Xander’s jaw..

“Seriously mum? I wouldn’t be surprised if Mrs Sterling knows about it..” She murmured stuffing her mouth with the sandwich Sandy placed before her..

The two women let out a hearty laugh, their teasing words and pokes only made her turn red as the seconds passed by..Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

‘I’m gonna kill him’ she chanted inwardly.

Luckily, the doorbell rang diverting the two women’s attention away from her, times like this was when she wished she could disappear into thin air..

A low shriek escaped Cassie’s lips as she received a large bouquet of roses with a white envelope stuck in between the roses..

Bianca rolled her eyes, Nathan was at it again always showering her mum with gifts..

Cassie closed the door behind her with her left foot, she hurried to the two sitting at the dining grinning from ear to ear..

“What’s so special about this one mum? you receive it almost everyday”

“Well yeah… except that it’s not for me but for you baby..”

Bianca’s brows furrowed confusedly, her?

“Ooohh what does this say?” Sandy asked taking out the visible envelope from the roses..

She opened it clearing her throat a little “A sunrise cannot compete to your smile-

Bianca stood up, she snatched the envelope from Sandy and the bouquet from her mum in embarrassment, obviously, it was from Xander..

“Guess who’s blushing right now?” Cassie teased..

Heaving a deep breath, she turned around running out of the dining, she could still hear their teasing voices as she ran up the stairs..

Once she got into her room, she slammed her door shut..

Damn! they were crazy..

Now she understood how Olivia must have felt whenever they teased her..

She stared down at the bouquet of red roses with a sneer, she walked to her thrash can and was about to dump it in there when she had second thoughts..

Her phone beeped which she took out with her other hand, it was a text from an unknown number..

She couldn’t recall how many times she had block his number but being the persistent guy that he was, he uses a different number each time..

‘I’ll pick you up by four..’


Alexa sat up grumbling, she snapped her head to her pillow which was as hard as a rock, she sent a punch to it in annoyance..

Last night, she couldn’t sleep at all, she had grown accustomed to luxury beds, now all she got was a low class bed..

Her stomach made a loud grumble, yeah that was right, she didn’t have a proper meal all throughout yesterday..

And it appears Hardin was a big time jerk, right after she asked him to make Lunch for her, he just walked right out of her like she wasn’t even there..

All she had was pizza which she ordered last night..

She walked out of the bed stretching, time to start a new day with a normal life..

“Olivia!” She gritted..

The main reason why she was in this mess was because of that lady..

Snapping out of her thoughts, she walked out of the room to the kitchen massaging her nape gently..

“Time to fill my tummy”

Her face fell staring at the empty pots, great! nothing to eat or cook..

She turned back disappointedly going back to the room, there was no other choice left than for her to go to the market..

She shuddered in disgusting muttering the word “Eww” at the thought..

She had never been to the market before, but she had heard scary and disgusting stories about it from a few friends..

As a Sterling, she always got what she ever wanted, the maids and numerous servants were the ones who do things like that and they don’t just purchase it at random grocery stores but high class stores..

But since her ‘Sterling’ title had been put to hold for a year, she’d have to purchase her groceries from the low class markets..

She cringed inwardly..


A sound of glass breaking brought Olivia out of her daze, shaken, she snapped her head to Damien from the transparent glass separating them..

Curiously, she stood up from her seat and walked out of her office, her gaze dropped to the shattered coffee cup on the floor..

“Are you alright?”

Damien hummed in reply not sparing her a look, he picked up his phone from his desk typing on it hurriedly..

Olivia crouched down to the ground about to pick the shards of broken glass when his stern tone came..

“Don’t touch that.. a cleaner will be here soon”

“No worries it’s fine I’ll just-…. Ah!”

Damien jerked up to his feet when he heard her single cry…

He held her arm pulling her up to her feet where the little cut on her index finger came in view..

“Didn’t I ask you not to touch it?”

“I’m alr-

He held her by her wrist taking her out of the office and straight to the restroom giving her no chance to protest..

He kicked the door open as he stepped in along with her, he walked to a hand wash bowl turning the faucet on..

The clear water made a funny noise against the bowl, he guided her injured finger to the running water, rinsing every trace of blood..

“You’re just so stubborn Olivia! didn’t I tell you not to touch it?”

“And that goes both ways.. I also told you that I was alright” She argued..

The door to one of the two cubicles opened with a little bang..

Olivia snapped her gaze to the door which just opened, wasn’t this Damien’s private space? who else was in here other than them?

Rihanna’s embarrassed face popped out next, her hands clenched around the thin mop she was holding..

“It escaped my mind to ask, why is she here as a cleaner?”

Damien turned the faucet off giving her a little shrug..

“Don’t you want to tell her why I’m here Damien?” Rihanna’s voice came with a hint of mockery and sarcasm..

There really wasn’t anything to be sarcastic about, after all her life was already filled of mockery and sarcasm..

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