Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 84_ Nemesis 2

Olivia sighed deeply, Kelvin never gets into a fight unless he had been provoked or perhaps annoyed..

She pondered on what could make her little boy get into a fight at school..

“Mrs Parker, come this way”

She followed behind Kelvin’s teacher in a hurry bumping into several people on her way, she mouthed a few ‘Sorry’ till she got to his ward..

She pushed the door open without bothering to knock on it, her gaze fell on the little frame on the bed and almost immediately she rushed to his side shoving the nurse and doctor standing next to his bed aside..


She called out to him amidst tears stroking his hair gently, nothing seemed to be wrong with him, no bandage or anything that could prove that he was hurt..

She touched his hand only to flinch back after his yelp reached her ears..

“Careful ma’am!” The doctor called out sternly, he gave the report he was holding to the nurse by his side after giving her a few instructions, she turned around and left..

Olivia’s ears watered at the sight of Kelvin groaning out in pain touching the arm she lay her hand on earlier..

“Aunt.. Kelvin hurt his hand when that mean bully pushed him down to the dirty ground” Kiara cried out placing her head on Olivia’s lap..

She had struggled quite hard to fight off everyone who stopped her from going with her hurt friend after the ambulance came by..

“My son is in pain! and all you can do is to stare at him writhe in pain?! what kind of hospital is this?! your policies never changed for seven whole years?!” She growled out glaring daggers at the doctor who could only take a step back..

One thing he knew was that, An angry mum is equally as ferocious as a tigress when her child or children are in danger..

Now she was mad since this hospital happened to be the same hospital her dad passed away due to their carelessness..

“ma’am.. please be calm we only wanted to make sure the child-

“To hell with your explanation!” she yelled out and paused “please do something” she calmly murmured..

Few minutes later, the sound of hurrying footsteps approached Olivia who was patiently sitting outside the ward, Bianca, Sandy and Damien bursted in panting heavily..

“Olivia!” Bianca called out pulling the latter into her arms, her eyes were all red and swollen from crying over the last few minutes..

Bianca pulled away from Olivia taking a quick glance at the closed door..

She took a step back granting Damien access to speak with her..

A word hadn’t fallen out of his lips when she suddenly wrapped her hand around him, she placed her face on his chest wailing out..

“Kelvin is in a lot of pain… they aren’t giving him the proper attention that he needs”

Surprised by the bold move, his large arm encircled her slender figure..

He leaned next to her ear and whispered gently “It’s okay I’m here alright?.. I’m sure he’s fine.. just relax”

He felt her tense body relax right after he said those few words to her..


Tracy sighed taking a glance at Asher’s door, she hadn’t seen him today at all, which meant that he was still locked up in his room..

After that night at the party, she had noticed that his mood was off till date, her children had been behaving strangely lately..

Rihanna’s case was justified, her poor daughter was still heartbroken by her recent breakup, but then there was Asher..

She needed to find out what exactly was wrong with him too, she inserted the key into the keyhole and unlocked the door..

Stepping in, her nose was assaulted with the foul stench of alcohol and cigarette with a mixture of male sweat..

The room was a bit dark, she took a step forward to move towards the dark curtains hindering sunlight from penetrating into the room..

However, she tripped over one of the bottles laying around..

She cursed beneath her breath successfully walking over to the other side of the room, she swiped the curtain open..

Tracy turned around to face the lit up room, this time her face scrunch in disgust..

She walked to Asher who was sprawled on the bed helplessly snoring deeply..


He remained motionless, if not, his snores only got worse than before..

Annoyed by his unbearable snores, she picked up a pillow from the bed ready to smack it on his face, but her hands froze on air when she spotted a photo which was previously hidden underneath the pillow she was holding..

She lowered the pillow down and reached for the photo, she raised it to take a closer view only for her jaw to clench tightly as a pair of amber orbs smiled mockingly at her..

A gasp escaped from her lips, shocked? surprised? nope… she was mad! furious! any word bigger than those..

“Asher!” she bellowed smacking his messy hair with the back of her palm..

Fortunately this time, she was able to get a response from him..

He groaned out in pain raising his head a little to have a look at the intruder..

His brown eyes were completely red, he settled his vicious gaze on his mum and suddenly smiled, he sat up slowly from the bed still dressed in his suit pants and white shirt with the first four buttons opened and a rolled up sleeves..

Tracy’s brows knotted as he tried to reach her face, he successfully grabbed her chin pulling it closer to his face until a slap fell on his cheek..

He fell back down to the bed and suddenly became wide awake, his palm pressed against his cheek that was still burning from the hot slap he just received from his mum..

“You still dare to daydream? or should I wack you a little more?!”

Asher touched the back of his head groaning out in pain, his eyes fell on the photo his mum was holding out to him..

He snapped his head to the door which was wide open, didn’t he lock that last night?

“Mum.. let me have it!”

“I see you and Rihanna are in cohorts to make me a laughing stock to everyone!.. what is this Asher?! why do you have her photo with you?! and why exactly is your room littered this way?!”

Asher leaned forward and snatched the photo from her hand, he tucked it under his pillow once more with a grunt..

“It’s nothing.. forget it”From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Don’t tell me that you’re suddenly interested in her Asher because trust me, this won’t end well for you!.. and what about Alexa –

“There’s nothing between Alexa and I alright?! i don’t want this, neither does she.. and yes mum.. I’m interested in her, do you have a problem with that?!” He growled, irritation evident on his face..

As soon as those words fell out of his mouth, a deafening slap fell on his right cheek..

“Have you forgotten that she is the same woman who turned your younger sister’s life into a chaotic mess?!”

“That’s a very wrong way to put it..”


Olivia and Damien sat by Kelvin’s bedside staring intently at him, the doctor relayed that he sprained his arm after an X-ray was conducted, luckily, he didn’t break a bone when he fell over but it was still bad enough for a cast to be on his arm…

“Are you alright baby?”

Kelvin shook his head with a pout “No mummy.. why would I be alright while you’re crying.. please don’t cry anymore”

Olivia chuckled sniffing back, look at him trying to be brave whereas she was just a big cry baby, she felt a squeeze on her slightly fisted palm resting on her laps..

“He’s alright isn’t he?.. stop crying.. you look really ugly when you cry”

Olivia wiped her tears with the back of her palm, trying hard not to cry, she giggled softly, her face turned serious once more..

“Kelvin why did you get into a fight at school? you never pick fights, what went wrong?”

“A boy in my class said mean things about you.. he said I’m a fatherless jerk just because my daddy doesn’t come for any of my school activities, then he said you’re a dummy” he paused then continued “And my mummy isn’t a dummy”

Bianca who had been standing aside with Kiara took a step forward to them..

“We all know that you’re not a fatherless jerk right? you have an awesome daddy and your mum isn’t a dummy..”

“But no one believes me when I tell them..”

Bianca leaned forward with a teasing smile, she took out a pen from her pocket and drew a heart shape on his white cast..

“Now they will.. because your mummy has agreed to get married to your daddy”

Damien and Olivia exchanged glances which lasted for a while, different thoughts ran through their minds at the moment..


Bianca gave a nod, she took a side glance at the two meaningfully..

“Am I right Olivia? you agreed right? can’t you see how elated he is about the news?”

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