Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 81_ Drunk

Olivia’s heart thumped wildly as she stared at the box containing a diamond ring, she pulled her hands off the table clenching it on her laps..

“No.. not this way-

Damien noticed her reaction to the ring, he felt that she was perhaps scared or worse, she didn’t want anything to do with him..

“Not this way.. I don’t want a relationship out of pity… I don’t –

She grabbed her glass once more and drank the wine in one go, she reached for the bottle and filled in her empty glass..

Damien held her hand back before she raised the glass to her lips..

“What are you doing?”

“You keep promises right? and you never break them” She inquired for him to give a stiff nod..

“Then don’t stop me” she uttered meaningfully before raising the glass once more to her lips..

Damien sighed deeply as he watched her gulping down wine like it was just water..

Few minutes later….

He stared at her figure resting back on the plush seat, mumbling some words incoherent words to herself..

He called for the waiter and settled the bills, his gaze fell on the blue velvet box once more before he picked it up inserting it back into his pocket..

Damien stood up from his seat and walked around the table to her, he pulled her cheeks lightly..

“Given your attitude a while ago.. I thought you had a high tolerance.. look at you now.. silly”

He helped her up with great difficulty, even at her drunken state, she was still trying to pick a fight..

“Let.. go..!” she struggled trying to break free from his hold..

Well he had had enough of her little tantrums because in the next minute, he swiped her off her feet heading out of the diner..


Bianca was startled by her phone’s ringtone, she closed her novel and picked it up from the nightstand table next to her..

“Hey.. how is your date going?” she teased..

However a male’s voice came through the next moment..

“Hi.. your friend is pretty drunk and i-

Bianca sat up with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, it was Damien calling from Olivia’s phone..

“Oh well.. I’m not currently at home right now.. and I’m quite far away too.. Aunt Sandy is fast asleep, so why don’t you take her home with you? she’s safe there right?”

Damien cleared his throat reading her lie so easily, he stared down at Olivia who was throwing small punches to his chest..

“Yeah.. alright” he placed his phone back into his pocket..

“Ice.. cream” Olivia drawled sniffing him, she suddenly giggled drawing a line of amusement on Damien’s face..

He opened the car’s door and helped her in not without giving a fit, he was still amazed how she was the girl from that night who was so calm even at the point of danger..

He closed the door with a sigh after he was sure that she sat comfortably..



A pair of amber eyes snapped open, she tossed and turned on the surprisingly comfortable bed, her bed has never been this inviting to her as it is now..

The left over sleep cleared off her eyes when she made eye contact with the unfamiliar ceiling, she sat up from her bed to find herself in a strange yet familiar room..

“Great! you’re awake”

Startled by the male voice, she turned to the left corner of the room where Damien sat nonchalantly drinking from his mug while a laptop lay open before him..

Her eyes rounded, she stared down at her clothes, they weren’t hers!

She pulled the duvet closer to her chest with a look of horror on her face..

“How could you?!” she yelled but instantly regretted it after a wave struck her head..

“You were pretty drunk last night.. and you vomited at my guest room so I had to bring you over to my room.. yeah your dress was changed”

Damien rose up from his seat when he heard the knock on his door..NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Olivia tugged at the oversize t-shirt, she touched her mounds with a widened gaze..

Just perfect! her bra and panty was gone!!

She pulled a pillow over her face and screamed into it in embarrassment..

A middle aged woman came into the room with a tray on her hand, she dropped it right next to Olivia who was blocking her face with the pillow..

“Ma’am.. this soup will help reduce your hangover.. and your clothes are cleaned now just Incase you want to get changed”

She gave a bow and exited the room leaving the two alone once more..

“Come on have the soup..” Damien urged..

Olivia slowly pulled the pillow off her face, not because of Damien’s urge, but because she felt a cold object kissing her finger..

She brought her hand to her face, the image from last night started playing back in her mind, this was the same ring Damien placed before her..

Wait a minute! did she say yes to him in her drunken state?!

Damien snapped a finger to bring her out of her thoughts..

“Have it before it gets cold”

“Did I say yes to you last night?” she asked in uncertainty…

Damien rolled his eyes as he sat next to her, she didn’t remember anything from last night after they got home..

“You literally begged me to wear that on your finger”

She suddenly screamed out and pushed him to lay on his back..

“You liar! I’d never do or say that!”

And perfect timing for the door to open once more, Anita’s gasped filled the room the next second..

“So it’s true!” She exclaimed in shock and bewilderment..

In the next second, a clicking sound was heard followed by a flash..

She had received a call from Sandy a while ago about Damien and Olivia staying out last night, so she had to come confirm things herself, and yay! she chose to bring a camera with her..

“Just for future purposes” she murmured with a small teasing smile

“Mum!” Damien called out to her but she bolted out of the room..

Olivia’s cheeks burned red even more, since Damien’s mum knew that she was here, she wouldn’t be so shocked when she finds out that the whole world knew..


Anita made her way down the stairs in a hurry with her camera and at the same time, two souls hurried to her direction.

They bumped into her causing the camera to drop on the ground..


Alexa’s heart skipped a beat, what was her mum doing here at the early hours of the day?

Rihanna couldn’t be the less embarrassed, she really didn’t want to come but she had to, Alexa made up her mind to have a talk with her brother over her cards..

Not talk actually, but to seek his forgiveness even if it was just for a show..

Anita examined her camera with a frown, it was good that it wasn’t broken or else she’d have broken a bone or two..

“What are you both doing here?” She questioned with a glare directed at Rihanna..

But then a thought crept into her mischievous mind, since this leech wasn’t ready to leave her son.. then let her see things for herself..

“I wanted to meet big bro.. we had plans together”

“Oh.. well he was just talking about you both.. he’s waiting up in his room.. go on” She urged before leaving their presence..

Alexa and Rihanna exchanged brief glances, they never made plans with Damien, this could obviously be a trap..

“Damien doesn’t know that we are coming to see him.. what was your mum talking about?” Rihanna asked in confusion..

Alexa took a glance up the stairs contemplating whether to go up or not..

“I have no idea”

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