Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 74_ Cake disaster

Olivia narrowed her eyes at Damien who has been sneaking side glances at her every now and then, she felt that he had something to say but was hesitating..

“Uhh.. do you have something to say?”

Damien shook his head and turned his attention to Kelvin who left his seat to occupy his lap..

“Daddy wanted to tell you that you look very pretty”

Olivia and Damien cleared their throat, this little boy of theirs really know how to leave them in an awkward position..

“Nice try Kelvin.. don’t think I have forgotten what you just did..”

Kelvin shrugged “I was only trying to protect you.. she’s mean” he said with a pout..

Damien was about to speak when the seat next to him was taken, his mum’s smiley face came in view as her gaze fell on Kelvin and Olivia..

“Hello Mrs Sterling”

Anita waved a little to Olivia with a smile before her gaze settled on Kelvin’s face..

“I’m very glad that you both could make it today.. Sandy and Cassie said they’ll be here a bit late due to traffic”

The little boy reminded her of Damien when he was still so young and really cute..

“I’m very upset with you Kelvin”

Kelvin’s head tilted to the side taking a closer look at the older lady who he recognized to also be his grandmother..Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“But why? I didn’t do anything”

“Of course you did, you pulled Rihanna’s hair… you should have pulled it much more harder than that-

“Mum!” Damien cautioned, he placed both of his palms against Ray’s ears to block it from whatever he was about to say..

Anita sat back up stroking her hair resting on her shoulder, Rihanna deserved whatever treatment she got tonight..

She couldn’t wait to see it on the news tomorrow morning..

“What? it’s not like he did the wrong thing.. she deserved it.. am I right Olivia?”

Olivia gave a nod with a thumbs up, she loved what Kelvin did, but again she was a bit annoyed, they’ve certainly drawn attention to themselves tonight and something tells her that their normal lives was about to get bursted..

“I honestly can’t believe you both.. I know Rihanna can be silly at times but-

Kelvin hopped down from Damien’s laps “daddy can I go to Kiara?”

Damien gave a nod and the latter scurried off…

“Look at him go.. you were just like him Damien.. sometimes I wished you’d go back to being a toddler”

OKay! this conversation was becoming a little bit weird between the mother and son, she stood up to her feet and excused herself..


Alexa rolled her eyes at Rihanna who was still sobbing from the humiliation a while ago..

“Please will you just stop it?! you’re beginning to get on my nerves right now!” She screamed out in frustration..

There was a knock on the door before it was pushed open, a tall figure stepped in looking around the room for a while before it settled on the two ladies in the room..

Alexa took a step to him with a cold glare “What took you so long? ewww.. what’s that on your teeth? I didn’t pay you to eat!”

Long beard arched a brow “I’m here now right?!” he lashed out which startled Alexa, she narrowed her eyes at him and suddenly raised her hand ready to strike him on his face..

He caught her hand swiftly on air squeezing it between his rough palm..

“I’ve only tolerated your I’ll manners just because you’re the daughter of the Sterling’s.. don’t underestimate my capabilities, this is just a friendly warning to you!”

Alexa pulled out of his hold on her wrist, she massaged it a little, surprisingly she was left speechless by the fierce tone he used on her..

Rihanna came in between them before they start one of their words exchange that would definitely head nowhere..

“You’re here which is good.. so how are you going to lure her into this room?.. Olivia is a very smart and sharp lady and she can’t be fooled easily”

Long beard stroked his chin in deep thought, his eyes brightened up a bit..

“Leave it all to me..” he concluded..

Alexa snorted in disdain “Now that’s a really dumb thing to say.. you aren’t capable of doing anything just right.. but you can have your first try and don’t you dare mess it up.. otherwise you’ll pay me back every cent that I paid to you”

He peered intently at the two rude punks standing in front of him..

“And when will I get the other half of my money?” He inquired

“You’ll get it after you’ve completed the task.. now get out!, this room is starting to smell just like you” Alexa muttered in disgust pinching her nose a little….


The hall roared with laughter as the guests laughed to the joke the MC just dropped, Damien’s eyes scanned the hall searching for either Olivia or Kelvin..

It’s has been a while since Olivia left to God knows where..

Meanwhile at the restroom, Olivia fixed her hair and reapplied her lipstick..

She smiled at her reflection in the mirror which suddenly turned into a frown as soon as a familiar face popped up behind her..

She turned around swiftly with an arched brow “Huhh? do you need anything?”

Bella snorted, she approached Olivia with a blank expression on her face..

“You sure had a good time with the boss over there at Chicago didn’t you?”

Olivia gave a nod, she swerved to the left ready to leave the restroom but Bella stretched out her hand blocking her path..

“I never knew you had a son.. but now I’m wondering why any of the documents you submitted didn’t actually address you as ‘Mrs’ but rather ‘Miss’ don’t tell me your child don’t have a father.. that explains why you’re trying to glue yourself to our wealthy boss”

Olivia took a step back, she walked to the hand wash bowl where a box of tissue paper lay on, she took out a tissue and walked back to Bella who had a grin on her lips..

Her smile soon died down the moment Olivia inserted the tissue forcefully into her mouth before sending a sharp but hard slap to her face..

“There.. I hope that answered all of your questions!” she mocked shoving the latter aside before stepping out of the restroom..

She inhaled deeply and returned back to the hall which was a little bit rowdy as different couples danced at the centre of the large hall..

“What did I miss?” She murmured gwaking around the hall..

Kelvin and Kiara did their little childish dance with the rest of the couples..

“Your mummy isn’t dancing with your daddy..” Kiara pointed out for Kelvin to stop dancing, he looked around the hall till his gaze fell on his mum..

His eyes lit up seeing Damien approaching Olivia, but just like before, that pesty mean aunt, Rihanna got to Damien before he could go to his mum..

“Come on Kiara.. we have to teach that bad aunt a lesson”

They made their way to Damien who was trying to pull out of Rihanna’s hold without attracting the media’s attention to himself..

“Daddy!!!” Kelvin’s shrieks reached Damien’s ears but unfortunately Rihanna was too engrossed in the dance to know what the two little troubles were up to..

All she felt the next minute was two little figures crashing into her, she stepped on her long black gown and missed a step forward due to her high silver stilettos..

And boom! she fell face flat on the large birthday cake that was meant to be cut after this warm up dancing..

Once again, the music died down as everyone gasped..

Kelvin and Kiara made a high five with wide grins on their faces..

Rihanna pulled her face out of the cake after regaining her stance, her face! and dress were both covered in icing..

The hall went quiet until…

A loud laughter suddenly broke out at one end of the hall, and just the right timing for the spotlight to fall on the laughing figure..

Aldrin took a step to the side leaving Anita all alone in the spotlight..

Her laughter died down after she noticed the gazes on her, she cleared her throat trying to stop the laughter rising up from her throat..

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