Mummy, Daddy is on his knees

Chapter 103_ Let’s start over 1

Olivia went on one knee before Kelvin who had a fallen expression on his face, the little dude was upset because he couldn’t go to school with Kiara today..

“Look baby.. I promise you’d go tomorrow alright?”

Kelvin shook his head in protest “But why can’t I go today? those bad boys might try to bully Kiara again” He added with a pout making small circles with his left foot..

“Have I ever lied to you Kelvin?”

“Yes.. you promised to get me a bike on my fourth and fifth birthday but you didn’t” Kelvin retorted with a straight face..

Olivia rose up to her feet with her hands on her hips? really? was he going to use this one failed promise against her for the rest of her life?

She could have gotten a bike for him but she had so much on her plate then to even add another expense..

“Alright.. I’m gonna report you to Bianca, she knows what to do with you”

The doorbell rang diverting their attention, she ruffled his hair and walked away from him to the door pulling it open..

“Hi.. uh”

Her face flushed pink as she met with Damien’s wide grin, that was new.. what alien spirit has possessed his body today for him to grace her morning with a big smile?

“I stopped by to pick you up.. you’re ready right?”


Damien’s brows creased as his gaze landed briefly on his son who suddenly appeared before him..

Few minutes later…

Damien was seated on the sofa with Kelvin next to him, the both of them sending questioning gazes to Olivia who stood before them like a criminal waiting to be interrogated..

“Why isn’t he at school?” He calmly asked.

She itched her nape trying to avoid his hot stares, how was she supposed to tell him about Kelvin’s fees after putting on so many brave stance in front of him?

Damien squinted his eyes at her “His fees aren’t due right?”

“Uhh.. what? I can assure you that’s really not the case”

“Why don’t you just tell him the truth and keep your ego aside?”

Olivia snapped her head to her mum who just appeared, wow.. what a great timing to suddenly come out of her room..

“Mum.. I’ve always handled everything on my own right? why do you have to be so worrisome every single time?”

Sandy placed the tray she was holding on the dining table before taking out some envelopes from her purse..

She turned back walking towards to her daughter who stood proudly, just when she was close enough, she flashed the envelopes before Olivia’s face..

“How much more bills can you handle? do you really think hiding these away from me and everyone else is the best option?”

Sandy straightened up, she took the first envelope and placed it on Olivia’s palm..

“That’s the electricity bill and this is the rent bill.. oh I’ve got a few more bills for you to check out-

Olivia snatched the envelopes from her mum tossing them aside..

“Mum.. I’ve always handled it right? what else do you want me to do?”

Sandy leaned next to Olivia’s ears and whispered..

“You need a man in your life.. and the sooner you accept this fact the better for you.. oh you think I wouldn’t find out about the fake engagement?”

Olivia’s eyes went wide, what other secret of her’s was her mum aware of?

Damien had no idea what the two were whispering between themselves, but whatever it was had something to do with him in a way..

It appears Olivia was the only one taking the bills on herself, he turned to his side when Kelvin snuggled close to him..

“Don’t blame mummy, she always manages to pay my fees”

He stroked Kelvin’s hair tenderly taking out his phone..

Sandy huffed loudly and left the living room leaving Olivia in a daze..

“Umm.. just pretend like you didn’t hear what my mum just said, she’s a bit moody today”

“You could have told me about everything rather than keeping it all to yourself.. you both welfares are my priorities”

He placed his phone aside after he was done typing on it..

“Well are you aware that I have a reputation to maintain?” She corked a brow waiting for his response which wasn’t coming forth…

He didn’t respond to her question nor tried to react to it either..

A few seconds passed by, her phone beeped several times, she brought it to her face before turning back to him in bewilderment..

“This had something to do with you right?”


Nathan raked his hand through his dark hair, he couldn’t understand what brought about the change in her all of a sudden..

Wasn’t she against his relationship with her mum hours ago? He tilted his head to the side while his hands crossed over his chest..

“Are you here to mock me over your little victory?”

Bianca tapped her forehead in frustration, she couldn’t blame him though, after all she had always been against this relationship..

“Okay.. this is a bit hard for me alright? I had to muster enough courage to say this to you.. and for once in my life I was scared to talk to someone, doesn’t this say much?” She inquired only to receive a blank stare..

He didn’t react to her words which made Bianca worried, what if he had already moved on? she drove the thought away realizing how silly it sounded..

Since he didn’t want to say anything anymore, she concluded to using her last string..


A different kind of emotion surge through his body on hearing her address him as ‘dad’

He didn’t know what came over him but he suddenly closed the gap between them and pulled her into his arms..

“Woah.. this is a lot sooner than I expected but I guess it works..” She giggled..


Alexa groaned out in pain after hitting the ground with a small thud, she sat up on the floor rubbing her sour butt..

Last night was the worst night she had ever had, from the mosquitoes to the rock like bed and poor ventilation..

Maybe she was just overreacting given that she had grown up in the life of luxury to get accustomed to this harsh life in just a few days….

“Great my day already started pretty much bad” she groaned rising up to her feet..

The door behind her creaked open startling her, she turned hastily to the direction and for a moment her lips went dry, her eyes bulged as it fell on the figure who just stepped out of the shower..

“Holy moly” she whispered softly..

There he stood rubbing a towel against his damp hair that was still dripping, the water droplets from his hair glided down to his neck before running along to his toned and chiselled chest..

Her toes curled in excitement just gawking at those abs glistening with the clear liquid..

The little drops of water rolled down further to his abs before disappearing completely into the towel wrapped around his torso..

She was taken out of her daze when a wet piece of clothing fell over her face, she frowned pulling the material off her face which she recognized to be the towel he used on his hair..

“I don’t appreciate it when people stare at me inappropriately..” Hardin mockingly stated as he took a step closer to her filling her nostrils with his woody scent..

“I don’t find your body attractive either” She retorted with a small smile hoping to see a fallen expression on his face..

Instead, Hardin arched a brow, till date, he hasn’t failed when it came to attracting girls to himself, and one spoilt heiress wasn’t going to taint that clean record of his..Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

He took a step forward to her while she took two step backwards..

Alexa felt the edge of the bed behind her, one more step would have her falling backward on the bed and she wasn’t ready for that embarrassing moment..

And to her surprise, he closed the gap between them, she flinched back when his skin made contact with hers..

Though still clothed, she still felt the heat of one of the slightest touches his skin made against hers..

“You don’t find my body attractive? or should I prove it to you?” A devilish grin spread on his thin lips..

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