More Than A Maid

Chapter 5

Isabella’s POV

I was so eager to go to school the next day that I could hardly sleep the night before that day.

And then it got to a point, I put on my school uniform and rehearsed how to behave when I get to the school.

Well, I eventually fell asleep when it was past midnight yet, I woke up very early.. prepared our breakfast which Peter and I ate at the same time on the dining table.

Then the Driver who brought me here was the one that took us to school but with a different car… This people are freaking rich. Peter also told me that this man is his own personal driver.

Peter welcomed me to his school when we almost got to the school entrance and I couldn’t stop smiling and blushing especially when I saw the signboard; WHITES.

I can’t believe I would ever attend WHITES of all schools.. well the school I attended when my Dad was still alive was a great school too although it wasn’t classy and it’s not majorly for rich students like this one.

“We would be getting down here” Peter said to me while I was engrossed with looking through the window and watching students trop into the school.

I can’t believe I suddenly became shy and nervous and Peter noticed it.

“What’s wrong with you?” He asked me.

“I’m nervous” I told him.

“All of a sudden?”

“Errr…. Yeah”

“Nervous about what?”

“Like I don’t know”

He scoffed and held my hand then we walked into the school.

“You might have to go see the principal first” He said.

And I nodded, I think because Peter was holding my hand, it drew more views and attention to us.

“I’m the school senior prefect” Peter whispered and my eyes widened.

“Why didn’t you say that earlier?” I said releasing my hand from his.

He smiled; ” You didn’t ask”

“I didn’t know”

“Well, walking beside me still draws people attention even if we are no longer hold hands”

“Ohhh… Uhh” I stammered.

I don’t know how it is here but back then in my former high school, the school senior perfect was every girls’ crush except me though.

“I would escort you to the Principal’s Office, Take this with you… It’s very likely that she will request for it” Peter said handling me an envelope.

“Thank you” I said receiving it from him.

I tried to walk like about two steps away from him,( behind him rather )because he was the one leading the way to the Principal’s Office.

He waved at some people when they hollered his name. And this made me wish, I was someone popular too.

He got to principal’s office and did what we have to do, I thought it was gonna be stressful being my first day in school but it wasn’t maybe because we’ve done almost all the registration processes online.. the principal only told me fill some forms which I did and she requested for the envelope that Peter had given to me earlier.

She also ordered Peter to show me round the school whenever he is free.

We left the Principal’s Office and made our way to the classroom, my new classroom actually.

“Are you still feeling nervous?” Peter asked me.

“Well, yeah but I’m a bit relieved now” I answered him while I looked around the school periphery.

“I would show you around, later perhaps during the recess period or whenever you’re ready” He said and I nodded.

“What’s your classroom like? Crowdy or Scanty? I have Enochlophobia, scared of crowd ” I told him and he laughed.

“It’s moderate but relax we would soon get to my classroom, your new classroom too” He said and I took a deep breathe and followed him.


We took more steps and in two – three minutes, we arrived at a doorstep.

“We are here” Peter whispered and opened the door.

The initially noisy classroom became calm and all eyes were on us. I fought back the spirit of fear which made me wish the ground could open up and swallow me. What d’ fvck! It’s not like I’ve done something bad! Why are they all gazing at me?

“Guys, meet our new classmate” Peter announced.

“You can do this” He whispered and he patted my shoulder then he left me to face the whole class alone.

“Welcome” Some voices said to me and I forced out a smile.

I scratched my un-inching hair and tried to clear my throat.

“Err… I..” I resumed with a stutter.

I could feel the presence of someone that knows me here apart from Peter.

I had the feeling that someone was staring at me deeply. I know right, everyone here is staring me waiting for me to talk but I could still feel that there’s someone…

Oh Monica!

My eyes caught hers. She’s in this school? I mean I know she’s in this school but is she in this class too?

Oops I hope we would get along this time around.

I stopped staring at her and summoned up courage to introduce myself to everyone.

“My name is Isabella” I said perfunctorily. ” I’m a transfer student and I hope we would get along quickly” I said.

“Oh yeah, there’s a lot for you to catch up with” A girl said and hugged me unexpectedly.

I smiled at her when we disengaged.

Not knowing what to do next or where to sit, Peter pulled my hand.

“Come sit here, it’s actually a blank seat”

Where he asked me sit was close to window and I have no sit partner. I like it that way.

I sat down comfortably, tryna make sure I was settled and thankfully there were few eyes gazing at me. I’m still wondering why these ones aren’t minding their business yet.

Peter’s seat was tables away but we could still communicate with each other. He gestured to me with his thumb up and mouthed ‘Welcome’ and I replied him back with “Thank you”.

I expected Peter to tell the whole class that we are living together and I’m working as his maid but he didn’t, he relates with me like he does to everyone.

I smiled and stopped staring at him when two  guys, they could be his pals came to meet him and they started discussing something I couldn’t hear.

I minded my business.

“Hey!” A familiar feminine voice said to me and I looked up to see the person

“Monica, Hi” I smiled and she rolled her eyes.

“So you finally came to this school, Here you are; At The Whites” She said sacastically and gave a false smile.

“Yeah, Thank you” I said smiling back at her.

“But you know what?” she smiled in a more mischievous way and came closer to whisper something into my left ear.

“You are not welcome” She said.

“You are most welcome Bella!” Another voice said aloud behind us and Monica and I turned to see who it was.

Most especially Monica, she was furious because what the girl said was contradicting to what she just whispered into my ears.

She just told me that I’m not welcome while the girl who didn’t hear what she said, said I’m most welcome.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh was I interrupting you both?” It was the jovial girl who embraced me after I introduced myself earlier.

“I would see you around more often. So later” Monica said pinching my cheeks before she left and it hurt but I tried to his the pain.

“Hi, I’m Francisca” The girl said.

“You are welcome to the whites” She repeated smiling at me.

I smiled and said ” I know right, Thank you”

“We possibly do not have a seatmate because I’m sitting behind you!” She told me.

“Oh” I mouthed and nodded.

“So if you want or need anything, I’m right here Okay?”

“Okay Francisca” I said.

“Hey Students!” A teacher  entered and everyone went back to their various seats.

“Good morning Mr Harryson” Everyone stood up and greeted him and so did I.

“Good morning to you too” He said

And the class began, He noticed me and did more proper introduction because he happens to be our home room teacher.

Two other teachers came in and taught us, I must say that they are very good with their profession. They are better than my local former school.

Very soon, it was recess period.

Many students rushed out of the class and soon, the class was Scanty.

“Join us Bella” Peter was still in class with his friends but they were about to leave the class.

“Uh” I looked at the two guys.

If I join him at his table perhaps, I would be the only girl in the midst.

“This is Francis” He gestured towards the guy standing by his right hand side and “This is Vincent” The guy at his other side.

“Hey Isabella” They waved from where they stood.

They’re actually friendly like him but that’s not the matter right now. I don’t wanna join them at the cafeteria.

“Hi” I waved back at them and stood up to walk towards them but Monica obstructed me.

“Hey Peter, we have a business to settle” She said to Peter “But we would discuss it while we are having our lunch at the Cafeteria” With that, she pulled him Out of the class.

“Wait Monica, Hold on for a minute” I heard Peter say.

“Oh your friends. They should probably get another table” Monica said, looked back at me and rolled her eyes.

“Hey Bella, Come on let’s go to the Cafeteria together” Francisca held my hand and we begin to walk out of the class.

If only I had my way, I would stay in the class instead because I had no preparation for recess period, I mean I didn’t bring lunch from home neither do I have money to spend on snacks.

Yet I was on the row to buy snacks when I wasn’t with any money, Francisca was in front of me. She got two burgers and a smoothie. When it got to my turn, I just moved away and followed Francisca behind.

“So you weren’t getting anything and you stayed on the line” I heard a guy snarled.

“Sorry” I muttered innocently.

“Why aren’t you getting yourself something to eat for lunch?” Francisca asked me on our way to get a seat.

“Uh… I… Well I misplaced my purse while coming to school” I lied.

“Oh Sorry. You could have told me earlier” She said and brought out cash from her purse.

“Here, get something for yourself” She said.

“You are so nice Francisca but you don’t have to, I mean the line is getting filled up and I don’t want to get on those guys nerves like I nearly did earlier” I told her, refusing to accept the money.

“Okay then, take one” She gave me one burger which I reluctantly accepted. I didn’t want her to notice that I was trying to reject her generous offers plus, I was hungry.

“So Welcome to our School” Francisca said again.

“You said that more than a million time”

“Oh did I? I’m just happy to have a new friend” She said while she took her smoothie. I think her eyes caught something or someone when she looked up.

“Jeez” She said underneath her breathe but I heard her.

“What’s the problem?” I asked her.

“Uhh.. nothing” She smiled.

“So let’s talk about you, the proper introduction we’ve skipped” She said.

“What’s the name of your former school?”

“Julliard” Fvck! I should have lied or I should have told her the name of my other school.

“Julliard! ” She exclaimed.

“Julliard is very far from here, very far” She emphasized.

At least she didn’t talk about how poor standard the school is.

“Yeah it is” I nodded.

“You live around there too?” She asked.

“Well…. No.. I….” I stammered, I needed to lie but I don’t want her to see me as a lier. She might hate me immediately and she might still hate me if she finds out about my true background.

“Here, Smoothie” Peter came over and dropped a smoothie on the table, in front of me.

“For who?” Francisca asked.

“For Bella” He said and I looked at him.

“Thank you Peter” I said and wasted no time to sip with the help of the straw.

“Wait Peter, you got her a smoothie and you didn’t get one for me too” Francisca said looking so confused.

“There’s one in front of you” He pointed.

“Yes I know but..”

I guess she’s suspecting that we are acting like we were already know each other

“Bella is a new student here, it’s just a friendly present, just like the way you gave her a burger” He said and with that, he left.

“Really? Peter is cheerful but I haven’t seen him do this before, or is it because we haven’t had any transferred student recently?” She said but I didn’t reply, I just ate the burger and took the smoothie along with it.

“Are you sure Peter isn’t trying to hit on you?” She said and I almost choked.

I coughed out and she said quickily offered me tissues.

“Gently, Gently” She said gently hitting my back.

“I’m Okay, I’m Okay” I said wiping my stained lips.

If only she knows that Peter is literally my boss at home, she won’t have said He was trying to hit on me.

Hit on me?



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