More Than A Maid

Chapter 11

Bella’s POV..

I arranged the house and prepared a fast meal for the five of us, Peter, Francis, Vincent, Francisca and I.

I prayed silently that this dangerous plan should work out and I know it will as far as Monica is not coming here.

Yeah, I already told Peter to not invite her and he said he won’t.

Just then, the door bell rang, I guessed that they are here already.. I stood up immediately to open the door for whoever is at the door.. like I always did.

“No” Peter blocked my way.

“Why? Your friends are at the door” I told him.

“I know right” He said.

“Have you forgotten that you are to pretend as if you a visitor” He whispered into my ears.

“Oh” I mouthed then went back to sit on the couch.

I let Peter go attend to the door.. now it looked more like I’m a visitor here and as if i probably got here earlier before them.

It was indeed Francis and Vincent. These two behaves like twins, plus Peter Triplets.

“Wow you got here very early” Vincent said.

“Well about few minutes ago” I lied .

“I told you this girl has a crush on you” I heard Vincent whisper into Peter’s ear and Peter scorned.

“So Peter said that you would be our tutor” Francis said to me.

“Yeah, my pleasure” I said acting all shy but yet with a smile.

“But how did that complex topic sink quickily into your skull?” Francis asked me.

“Well, I learnt the topic already at my former high school and it happens to be my favorite topic ever since then” I told them.

“I told you. You don’t have to ask her again” Peter said in a boastful way.

“It’s okay” I chuckled.

“Why is no one talking about the weird way you guys are acting” Vincent blurted.

“Huh what? What weird way?” I exclaimed but the door bell rang again interrupting me. I stood up quickily to get it… Totally forgotten that I shouldn’t.

“Hey Bella, I’m the man of the house, why are you rushing to get the door?” Peter cautioned but i was already close to the door.

“Oh” I mouthed.

“Sorry.. I.. I mean I… must have been so eager to see Francisca” I said..

“Francisca, is she coming?” Francis asked.

“Err yeah. Bella invited her” Peter replied.

“Oh my Geez… Why didn’t you say that earlier?” He said…. Feeling so uncomfortable..

“Why are you making a fuss?” Vincent and Peter asked him at the same..


The door bell rang again

“Errm guys, I think I would go get the door now” I announced and walked closer to the door to open it.

Talk of the devil, it was Francisca.

“Hey girlfriend” I hugged her.

“Is everyone here already?” She asked me.

“Yeah, come on in” I beckoned her.

“Hi..” She murmured in a shy manner especially when she sighted Francis.

“Hello” They all said to her.

“I guess I’m the only one you guys are expecting”

“Uhn… uhn..” I nodded and led her way to where she could sit comfortably.

“Is Monica coming too?” Vincent asked.

“Uhmm No, I didn’t invite her” Peter said..

“Why?” Vincent asked him.

“Errm.. she might cause trouble trouble, she know how Monica is like? Noisy, clingy and all that” Peter told him.

Okay how am I gonna start all this.. I sighed..

No one was saying anything too…

Francis and Francisca were stealing romantic glances at theirselves while on the other hand, Peter was patting Vincent shoulders.

“Uhmm..” I broke the silence.

“So when do we start?” I pronounced and they all turned their glances to me.


“Not anytime soon” Francisca said.

“Francisca time is not on our side. But I really do not blame you, I already taught you the topic in school today” I said..

“Uhnn” She gave me a signal not to say that but it was too late.

“You taught her in school today? I thought we all agreed to meet here and you would teach us at once..” Peter quaried.

“Yeah she already beckoned me to teach her the topic during the free period.. ”

“I didn’t know you hold a group study at your place” Francisca said.

“Yet you came..” Francis said..

“Err.. ..” She stuttered.

“Yeah any problem about that?”

“Of course I wanna learn more” Francisca said and I chuckled.

“Okay Okay.. Let’s start in the night.. psychologist said that it easy to assimilate better at night” Vincent said and I giggled.

“Actually it’s easy to assimilate when the scene is serene” I told him.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“More reasons why it’s preferable to do so at night” Peter said and I nodded.

“I just hope none of you would doze off soon” I said..”

“Okay so what would we be doing now?” Francisca asked.

“Why don’t we talk about You and Francis?” Vincent said.

“What?” They exclaimed at the same time.

I thought I was the only that notice.

“What about them?” Peter asked him.

“Didn’t you see it, the sparks between them?” Vincent said.

“What are you talking about?” Francisca made a fuss and avoid contact with Francis who was smiling.

“There is fast food for everyone ” I announced.

“I brought junkies too, I mean snacks” Francisca said interested in changing the topic too because she was already feeling awkward.

“I’ll go get set the table now while we have your snacks while studying” I said and made my way to the kitchen.

“Wait Bella, what are you doing?””

“What do you mean?”

“How did you know there’s fast food for everyone in the kitchen and there you are, going to get it for us” She said and I was mute.

Oh My God.


“Bella got here first, so I showed her the fast food in the kitchen and she probably wants to do the dishing herself” Peter quickily said and I nodded in affirmation..


I was about to exit when Vincent asked..

“Who cooked the meal?”

“I know for sure that, Peter can’t handle domestic chores, talk more of cooking” He added.

“Oh that reminds me, what about the maid you told us your mom is gonna hire before she travels again” Francis said and I was dumbfounded, I looked at Peter waiting for him to say something again.

He got me into this trouble.

“Yeah, Mom got me a maid” Peter told them


“You have a housemaid?” Francisca exclamed.

“So where is she?” Vincent and Francis asked at the same time.

“She cooked the meal and went out. She would be back tomorrow” Peter finally said to them and I heaved.

I went into the kitchen, heaved a proper very sigh as I placed my palm on my chest to avoid breathing very fast.

I was still standing at the door when the door suddenly opened and Francisca entered.

‘What are you doing here?” I asked her… I still sound like an Housemaid, no matter how I try to control myself.

“I wanna help you of course, we are the female here” She said with a smile. And it’s really awkward to be alone with those guy especially when Vincent is present, he is never oblivious to any slight action.

Did you see that? He almost announced my secret feelings for Francis” Francisca said and I gave a short laugh..

“No, it’s very obvious” I told her.

“Is it?” I nodded in affirmation..

“But how? I didn’t even move close to me or show exictement to speak with me”

“Yeah that’s it.. The two of you are finding it hard to say a word to each other but you are always staring at him and he is always doing that. No doubt the feeling is mutual” I told her as I arranged the meal in a tray.

“Did you say the feeling is mutual?”


“If he likes me too, why isn’t he making any move?”

She asked me.

“I don’t know.. probably because the two of you do not have a good communication skill” I briefly explained to her

She fondled with her first before moving to the fridge to get some juice..

“You don’t have to worry dear, since it’s not a one sided love, then it’s very possible you get a green light from him” I told her when we were just about to go out of the kitchen.

I was with the meal while she carried the juice.

“Here guys” I showed it to them.. went ahead and set the table with Francisca.

The guys joined us and we served them as if we were their wives.

“Your housemaid must be a very good cook” Vincent complimented.

“Thank you…. I.. I .. mean thank God you know” I stammered with a weird laughter.

“How could you even detect that she is a very good cook, you are yet to even taste? ” Peter asked him.

“Just take look at the tray. This looks so appetizing and yummy!” Vincent said.

Francis took a bite ” Yeah you are right Vincent. She cooked very nicely. This is so delicious” He said and I blushed secretly, Peter has also said the same thing.

The door bell rang… And we paused.

“Who else did you invite Peter?” I asked him.

“Urrh, nobody. Did any of you invite anyone here?” He asked.

“Not at all”


The bell rang again..

“Why are you keeping me waiting in the cold? Open the door already! ” They recongized the voice right away.

“That’s Monica” Peter said.

“Monica?” My eyes almost bulged out of the sockets.




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