Mermaid’s Lust

Chapter 4

[Nina’s Perspective] 

After that embarrassing moment with Andy, I decided to stop doing the folk remedies that we have been reading for quite some time now. 

Moments later, our housekeeper knocked again. 

“Nina, you and your friend should come downstairs and eat some lunch.” She said through the door. 

“Uh… Can you just bring the food up here? I do not feel so good.” I lied again. 

“Alright dear. I will bring both of your food up.” 

“Thank you.” I said sincerely. 

After a few minutes. We heard her knock again. Andy stood up to take the food. He opened my door just big enough for the tray to fit. He was very careful not to let our housekeeper see me. 

“Thank you so much.” Andy said with a smile.

“I will bring the tray down once we are finished.”  He added. 

“Alright then. Get well soon, young miss.” Our housekeeper said before leaving. 

“Thank you. I will.” I shouted back so that she could hear me through the door. 

After that, Andy closed the door and our housekeeper left right away. 

As soon as Andy placed the tray down, I grabbed my food right away. I have been hungry since I skipped breakfast because of my little dilemma. 

Andy was shocked and looked at me with disbelief. He let out a giggle. 

“Well someone’s hungry” I pointed out. 

“Yeah. I am. So shut up and eat.” I replied. 

When we were done eating, Andy went out of my room to return the tray and the dishes but came back right away. 

We decided to spend the rest of the afternoon in bed. We were both tired after trying all the possible methods we searched online. As soon as we got comfortable, both of us drifted off to sleep. 

A couple of hours later, we woke up and it was already dinner time.

We heard a knock on the door again. 

“Nina, dinner is ready. You and your friend should eat.” Our housekeeper said again. 

Andy immediately stood up to get the food tray from the door. 

“Thank you for the food” Andy said as he carried the food tray.

“You are welcome. Eat well.” Our housekeeper said again. 

“Uh… Auntie. You and your workmates can go home for the weekend. Andy will be staying with me. Please take this as your day off.” 

“Huh? Why dear?” 

“I just want to be alone with my friend for a couple of days. I already told mom about this and she agreed.” I told a lie again. 

I need to keep our house servants away for a little while because I’m afraid that they might see my condition. I don’t want them to be surprised. 

“Okay young miss. I will tell the others too. Thank you.”  Our housekeeper replied and then left. 

After that, Andy and I ate in silence. After eating, he went down again to return the food tray and the dishes.

[Andy’s Perspective]

As soon as I arrived in the kitchen, Nina’s housekeeper was already waiting for the dishes. 

“You can just leave them there.” She instructed me. 

“Oh. Thank you.” I said politely. 

“You can go back up.” She told me while smiling. 

I nodded as a response. 

“Oh, dear. Can you tell Nina that I would be going after this. I don’t want to disturb her anymore. She might be resting.” 

“Sure thing. But what about the others?” 

“Oh, everyone else headed home already. I only stayed to cook and clean up after you.” The housekeeper said again with a smile. 

“Oh. Okay then. Please go home safely.” I said and then went back up.

As soon as I entered Nina’s room, I told her what their housekeeper asked me to tell. She just nodded in agreement. 

“Uh Nina, can I go back home and get some clothes?” I asked her. 

“Why?” She asked me puzzled. 

“I want to sleep over. So that I can help you.” I bluntly told her. 

“Oh. Okay then.” NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

After hearing that, I quickly went back home to get some of my clothes. 

[Nina’s Perspective]

When Andy came back from getting some clothes, we went back into researching answers to remove my fish tail. 

We read multiple mermaid stories and came to a conclusion that the only way I could get my legs back is to receive true love’s kiss. 

But the problem is, I wasn’t in love. I don’t even like someone or know someone who happens to like me. So how can I get a true love’s kiss? 

I read the story further. 

“In the Little Mermaid, Ariel falls in love with Prince Jake, which means I have to find my Prince Jake so that I can change my legs back to normal.”

I looked at Andy with hopeful eyes. 

“Yeah that can be… but Nina, these are just our guesses. We don’t know what the real solution is.”  Andy said, unsure.

“I know that. But believing this story is better than believing nothing at all.” I rebutted. 

“What if the reason you have a tail is because of someone like Oliliva in the story?” Andy suddenly asked. 

“Oliliva?” I curiously asked. 

“Yes. Here in the story, she was the reason why Ariel’s legs became a mermaid tail. So maybe you have to find your real life Oliliva too.” Andy suggested. 

An idea suddenly popped into my head. It must be grandma Lucia. She was the only one who talked to me about the sea and curses of mermaids.

“Oh my… Andy!” I exclaimed. 

“What is it?” Andy asked. 

“It must be the grandmother I was talking about. Remember? That one I told you about on our way home. She was the only one who said weird stuff about the sea and mermaids.” I told Andy. 

Andy looked at me with surprise from the sudden realization. 

“You are right! We must find her right away” Andy said. 

“Yes we do. Let’s go back to Pulgy Island tomorrow.” 

“Okay then. For now, let us first rest.” Andy suddenly said. 

I looked at the time and it’s already past 11 PM. 

“Yeah you are right.” 

After that, Andy helped me to get comfortable in bed before going to the room next door. Since all of our house helpers are not around anymore, Andy felt more relaxed with the idea of leaving me alone. 

The next day, after eating breakfast Andy and I got ready to leave home again. He got me a wheelchair so that I can comfortably travel from one place to another. 

Moments later, our driver arrived to pick us up. It took us a few minutes before we arrived at Garin Port. A surprise was waiting for us at the port. 

“Uh… Excuse me? What happened here?”

“A plane fell into the sea just a couple of minutes ago. Search and rescue operations are ongoing right now.” A fisherman said.

“A plane? Do you know how many passengers there are?” I asked. 

“I am not sure but they said that the pilot and a celebrity are still missing.”

Andy asked the fisherman curiously who the celebrity was and he answered that it was DJ Kevin. He was the DJ at my debut. 

 After that, the fisherman left, leaving me and Andy facing looking at each other meaningfully. 

“Do you know what I’m thinking?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” Andy looked at me with a puzzled face.

“I think that handsome DJ is my prince Jake, so we have to find that handsome DJ.” I exclaimed.

“Wait, what? Shouldn’t we go find Grandma Lucia first?” Andy doesn’t understand my logic at all.

“We should go find that handsome DJ first because he might be my prince Jake. He can turn my legs back to normal.” I tried to explain.

“That is why we need to find him first because he might be my prince. After that we can go find Grandma Lucia and ask her about my situation” I added.

“Are you sure that is how it works?” Andy asked again.

“Yes. I am sure. Now can you push me near the shore?” I asked Andy. 

He then pushed me near the shore. 

“Can you push me a little bit further? Just up until my fish tail is submerged.” 

Andy pushed me further into the sea. I got excited as soon as my tail was touched by the water. 

“I will go and swim to find the pilot and that handsome DJ” I told Andy my plan. 

Andy suddenly held my hand.

“You can’t swim that well. What if you drown again?” Andy asked worriedly. 

 “I am a mermaid now Andy. I have a fish tail therefore I can swim,” I said as I dove into the sea. 

As I swam away, Andy rented a boat saying he was going to help with the search and rescue operations but he wasn’t. He wanted to keep an eye on me, that is why he rented the boat. 

While Andy was paddling, I swam deep under the sea and I felt very happy. Schools of fishes were swimming right beside me. Other sea creatures seem like they are waving at me. Corals were shining their colors brightly. Since I am a mermaid now, I could keep my eyes open for a long time underwater and what I saw was just breathtaking. Life under the sea, sure, is different. 

Moments later, I saw a man floating nearby. He was unconscious but he was still breathing. I approached the man and the first thing I noticed was the wedding ring he was wearing.

“This must be the pilot.” I thought to myself. 

Since I know that Andy was close by, I shouted at him. 

“Andy! Here!” 

A few moments later, Andy’s boat was already at where I was. 

“Throw me a life jacket”

Andy threw the life jacket and I immediately put it on the pilot. I then pushed the pilot close to Andy’s boat.

“Take him to shore Andy. He needs help.” I said. 

“Okay. How about you then?” He asked while fishing the pilot out of the water. 

“Don’t worry about me. I got this Andy.” I said and swam away. 

When I was a few meters away, I lifted my head above water and saw that Andy was already paddling towards the shore. I felt relieved and happy that I was able to save a life. 

Honestly, before saving him, I hesitated at first. He was wearing a wedding ring so I knew that he wasn’t going to be of any help for me. I attempted to leave him floating at sea but my conscience got to me. That is why I saved him by calling Andy for help. 

I swam deeply at sea again. The view was still majestic. Just seeing how marine life interacts with each other makes me excited. I observed how the small fishes went around the corals and how some creatures moved on top of the seabed. My heart melted at the sight. They were so cute to look at. 

After a few more minutes, I finally arrived at Pulgy Island. The area looked familiar, that is why I knew I was already at Pulgy Island. I tried to roam the island hoping that the DJ was somewhere floating or was washed ashore. 

Moments later, I saw something blue on the shoreline. It was a few meters away from me so I swam closer. As I approached closer and closer to that blue thing on the shore, I realized that it was a person. 

“That must be him!” I thought excitedly so I swam faster. 

When I got to where he was, he was lying on his stomach. I climbed ashore to check on his condition. I saw his shoulder go up and down so I knew he was still breathing. After that I tried to lie him down on his back. As soon as I pushed him, I saw blood on my hands. That is when I realized that he had big cuts on his stomach and thighs. He was bleeding badly. 

I panicked at the sight of the blood. He must have bumped into some of the corals when he was washed away by the tides. Flustered, I urgently ripped a part of his clothes to serve as bandage for his wounds. I first wrapped the cut he had on the stomach. I used all my strength to lift him up so that I would wrap the cloth around his waist. After that, I treated the cut he had on his left thigh. I also wrapped a piece of cloth around it to help stop the bleeding. 

When I calmed down and came back to my senses, it was very difficult to ignore his manly features. He was wearing a loose blue sweater that hid his body vey well but because I needed some bandages. I could see most of his upper body now. He had six-pack abs and his body was defined very well. His skin was tan which matched his facial features nicely. I couldn’t help but stare at the sight. Everything about him was absolutely perfect. He couldn’t be more perfect!

After gawking at him while he was unconscious, I leaned in closer to him. I whispered my true intentions of saving him. 

“To tell you the truth, I saved you because I believe that you are my prince Jake. You are even quite better because you look more handsome up close.” I giggled a little.

“This might sound weird but I need you. I really do.  So, please fall in love with me? You are my last hope.” I continued to say. 

After I said those words, he began to move a little and opened his eyes. I instantly froze. I did not know what to do. Did he hear everything that I said?

[Kevin Perspective]

“You are my last hope.” I heard someone whisper in my ear. 

After I heard those words, I tried to move but I couldn’t. My body ached all over and the pain was unbearable. I can hear the waves crashing to the shore. I must be on an island or a beach resort. 

I then tried to open my eyes. I immediately scanned the area until my eyes locked with another pair of eyes. A woman was smiling widely at me. 

“Hi! I’m Nina.” She said. 

I was shocked and scared at her at the same time. The pain I was bearing wasn’t helping either. So as soon as she said the greeting, I fainted. 

[Nina’s Perspective]

After saying my hello, he immediately fainted again. I panicked. He might be losing too much blood. I repeatedly shook him to wake him up but he didn’t, so my fear grew. 

Seeing that he wasn’t moving at all, I began shouting at the top of my lungs. 

“Help! Please! Anyone?” 

After shouting those words, by then did I only realize that there was no one else on this island except for the both of us. 

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