Meant To Be



I stood there without blinking. I saw someone sitting at my desk.

What is he doing? I know I’m getting fired but he should have called me to his cabin to tell him that instead of here, in front of everyone.

I cleared my throat. ”Sir?”

He snapped out of whatever he was thinking and stood up.

”Oh hey Lucy, I actually came to tell you to pack your things, but it seems like you have already ..” Mr. Agosti trailed off, glancing at my things, which were perfectly packed.

I gave him an awkward smile. What should I say? That I already expected this? My nose started to itch, indicating that my eyes were going to sting.

I pinched the tip of my nose before it was too late. Gosh, what’s wrong with me? Why am I so disappointed? What did I expect? That I finally got a chance to experience all the lovey-dovey stuff? It’s just a kiss! Not a big deal!

”I just uh.. expected this would happen sir. Should I just take my things and go or? Are there any formalities?”

”No, no. I’ll call someone to shift your things and don’t worry about formalities Lucy”

Thank God, that’s a relief!

Wait, what?


To where?

”Shift? I’m not fired?” I’m confused. Are they demoting me?

Mr. Agosti chuckled ”Of course not! As you know, our boss fired his last assistant and he needed a new one ASAP. So, I recommended you!” He said, looking amused.

Yeah, I believed that. It’s definitely him who planned this! He was going to torture me for slapping him.

”Sir, but what about you?” I know this is all in vain, that they have already decided everything. But hey! A girl gotta try!

”Don’t worry about me. I’ll manage. This is just a temporary arrangement for a week or so, until someone will fill up that position and you can work for me again” I gave him a nod and followed the guy who was carrying my things.

Well, the only good thing about this arrangement is I can use that private elevator!



I was signing some documents when I heard a knock. I grinned, knowing who it was.

I composed myself, keeping my face neutral and asked her to come in.

And there she is.. looking exactly the same as last time I saw her. Expect, her skirt and cardigan are grey. Such a plain looking woman but still somehow managed to captivate me!

”What is this sir? I know I hurt your ego, but you totally deserved that! And you shouldn’t be doing all this.. this planning for revenge! You aren’t a kid!”

She babbled, looking flustered, folding her hands.

I looked at her amused.

I got up from my seat and stood in front of her. Not too close, not yet.

”You imagine too much, Ms. Vitale. I can assure you that I’m not plotting anything, although I did plan something different”. I whispered the last part.

”W-what?” She asked, looking confused.


”I’m sorry for what happened that day. You are right, I shouldn’t have kissed you without your consent.” I said, taking a step forward.

”You are sorry?” She asked, looking surprised.

I chuckled. ”Yes” I said, taking another step.

She leaned back slightly, it was almost unnoticeable, but didn’t move from her place. Trying to look brave, huh?

”T-Then why are you doing all this?” She asked in a low voice.

I took one last step. We are finally too close. I can feel the heat radiating from her body.

I started trailing my fingers from her arm to her collarbone, she shuddered and goosebumps erupted on her skin.

I leaned down, brushing her earlobe with my lips, making her breath uneven.

”Are you in a relationship, Ms. Vitale?”

”N-No” Her words came out in a whisper.




Is he trying to seduce me? Because it’s working!

I took a deep breath, held his hand before his finger went any further. I can feel how strong it is under my palm.

”What are you doing?” I asked, clenching my teeth, controlling my hormones.

”I’m an honest man, Ms. Vitale. As you said, I’m not a kid. I don’t play games. I was attracted to you at first sight” He said, looking into my eyes, indicating that he was serious.

My heart did a somersault. My face became hot.

Yeah, I could tell that, but why? When I’m just a plain looking Jane.

Awe.. Is he going to ask me on a date?

He placed his fingers on my chin, making me look into his eyes.

When did I look down?

”And I want you in my bed, under me”

Did he just– I scoffed. Way to ruin the moment! He is right, I can imagine too much.

I sighed, taking a step back.

”I’m sorry Mr. Ganovese, but that’s not going to happen. I’m too professional for that” yeah yeah… a few seconds back I was excited a date. I rolled my eyes internally.

He raised his eyebrows, totally taken back by my sudden reaction.

He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me into his chest. It felt like déjà vu.

”Stop lying to yourself Lucy. I know you are attracted to me. Otherwise, you won’t be clutching onto my arm like your life depends on it. You would have pushed me away by now.”

”Did you forget about the slap?” I asked him, narrowing my eyes. Damn.. he is too tall for me.

”That was a reflex, I get it! You don’t do casual. But make me an exception, please?” He asked cutely. I was awestruck.

H-He looks adorable. God!! Why me?

He is right. I’m attracted to him. I’m not even trying to move out of his embrace. I like being close to him. It makes you feel things I have never felt before.

He is right, again. I don’t do casual. Hell, I didn’t do anything! I had never been in a relationship before. I was never even involved romantically with anyone. He was my first kiss.

But I do know one thing, I get attached too soon. I was already starting to like him.

Why not?

He is hot, too hot.

He sincerely apologized for his mistake.

He is honest with his intentions and, most of all, he makes my knees weak.

Yup. Definitely attracted.

”Then let me also be honest, Mr. Ganovese. You are right. I don’t do casuals and you aren’t going to be an exception”.

His lips formed a sexy smirk.

I gulped. Kiss me please!



”We’ll see that” He said, looking at his lips.

I licked mine in anticipation.

But when did I ever get what I wanted?

He pulled back and went behind his desk.

”Let’s get back to work Ms. Vitale” he said, sitting comfortably on his chair.

Leaving me.



True to his words, he didn’t give me any overwork, but he is indeed torturing me just by being there.

I officially lost my brain cells. I want and don’t want him at the same time.

I finally got to meet Vicky’s friend Lilly. She is such a cute little thing. We waited until her mother came to pick her up.

We went shopping directly from there. Jay brought some sketches and books, Vicky got a few clothes and goggles. My boy gotta look smart.

We are in the parking lot. I placed all the bags in their car. Vicky and Jay are already inside the car.

”Mamma I want kitkat milkshake”


”Mamma pleeeeeeease” Vicky asked, looking at me while pouting.

Why am I such a softie? Screw me.

”Well? Did anyone plan to accompany me or should I go alone?”

Vicky smiled sheepishly while Jay didn’t even bother to look at me.

Urgh.. fine.

”Just don’t wander around”.

I didn’t even cross the car when someone bumped into me, making me fall on my ass.

Ouch. That hurt like hell.

”I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to do it”. The girl who bumped into me apologized and pulled me up.

”It’s okay” I smiled at her.

She is a brunette with a bob-cut. She wore a white T-shirt, a red hoodie over it and denim shorts.

There is a camera in her hand which is broken. Her hands and knees were bleeding.

”Oh my god, did it happen now?” What? Am I that strong?

”N-No, it hap-”


That girl looked terrified after hearing that.

”P-please help me.” She is almost in tears.

Hope I’m not making a mistake.


”Mom, Who is she?” Jay asked while we entered the kitchen.

I brought her home with us. Her knees are bleeding too much and her palms are bruised and bleeding a little.

”I don’t know Jay but she looked terrified and trying to run from bad guys so I helped her”. I prepared hot chocolate for everyone, while Jay took a first aid kit.

We went back to the living room. Vicky sat beside her and examined her wounds like a doctor he always wanted to be.

I looked at him, amused by his actions.

Jay went near her and opened the first aid kit to treat her.

She looked at me confused.

I shrugged at her ”He can do better than me”.

After cleaning and putting a band-aid on his knees, Jay took his hot chocolate and went to his room as usual. Vicky sat beside me but I signaled him to go inside his room.

He narrowed his eyes at me but I pouted and pleaded to him silently.

That big guy sighed loudly, shaking his head and went inside.

That girl chuckled at seeing his reaction.

Right. I still don’t know her name.

”I’m Lucy, by the way” I said, and took a sip from my cup.

”I’m Ria. Sorry for the trouble and thanks for this” she said, pointing to the bandaid.

”Nah, no problem. So? What’s with all the chasing?” Bite me, I’m a curious person.

”Oh it’s nothing. I’m a journalist, I got caught while taking pictures” she said, giving me a weak smile.

Her stomach growled but I pretended not to hear. I don’t want to make her feel embarrassed.



I hope she didn’t hear it. I’m already embarrassed enough for a lifetime.

This hot chocolate is delicious though!

”Why did you follow someone if it was life threatening? I know I’m being nosy but those guys back there looked determined” Lucy asked, placing her empty cup on the table. That was fast.

I shrugged ”Some are worth the trouble”.

I don’t want to go deep. Moretti’s are dangerous and I don’t want to involve anyone.

”Once again, thanks for everything! It’s nice meeting you Lucy.” I stood up to take my leave.

”Why don’t you stay? It’s pretty late already! If you want, I’ll drop you by after dinner.”


It’s been more than a week since I had a proper meal at night.

Ouch! My stomach hurts.

”Uh- I don’t want to intrude”

”Nonsense, I insist.”

Her kids, Jay and Vicky sat across each other from the corner. I sat beside Jay or was it Vicky? Lucy sat between them.

It’s spaghetti and meatballs. My stomach growled in anticipation!

I don’t know why these guys are eating from each others plate. It’s still the same food. Maybe it’s a family thing. Whatever, this is delicious!


”Give me a second Ria, I’ll be back.”

I wore my shoes and took my broken camera.

Tony is going to kill me!

Lucy came back after dropping her kids at her friend’s apartment and took her car keys.

There is a comfortable silence in the car.

But she is going too slow for my liking. Well, beggars can’t be choosers.

It’s actually a 20min drive to my place, but if she keeps going at this pace it’s going to take an extra 10min.

”So, what do you do, Lucy?” A conversation is better than a long drive in silence.

” I work at GG, I’m an assistant to the CEO”. She said, giving me a side glance.


At GG?

She works under Alessandro?

Rival of my enemy?

Should I take advantage of this?

But she has kids. What if something happens to her?

No! I shouldn’t involve anyone.

”Wow! You work for the richest person in the country! How is your experience?”

She chuckled ”Not really, I just started working for him. I used to be a COO’s assistant. We actually shifted recently! I’m from NYC”.

Too much coincidence.

Is she from NYC?

What if she knows Ilina?

”Do you know anyone named Ilina?”

Shit! Why can’t I keep my mouth shut?

”No, I never heard that name before”.

I sighed in relief. But I’m disappointed too.

”Hey, are you OK?” Lucy asked, giving me a tissue.

Huh? Why?

”It’s ok, let it go.” She said, pulling her car near my apartment.

I’m crying?

When did I even-

Lucy pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back soothingly.

And I broke down completely.

I remember when Ilina used to do that for me, how we used to fight during dinner, how we used to share our secrets with each other, how happy we were before, to how pale her face looked in the mortuary, how I started running after what she started, how much I starved myself, how that bastard’s bodyguard kicked me in my stomach!

I was never beaten before in my life! It hurts to even cry! I have managed until now.

I tightened my arms around her, imagining it was Ilina.

If only it’s her! I cried harder at that thought!

”Why are you so nice to me?” I asked her after the ugly breakdown. We are still inside her car.

”I just saw myself in you! A few years back, I was exactly like you”. I looked at her in confusion.

”Jay and Vicky aren’t my own, I adopted them 3yrs back. I lost my family years before that.”

”Oh, I’m so sorry” she has her own battles.

”It’s OK, Hey! You are a journalist, right? Can you help me with something? You don’t need to investigate or anything. Just tell me what you know about them”.

Hmm.. Should I tell you that I’m not actually a journalist? She looks desperate. Does she want to know about her hot CEO?

”Okay, I’ll if I can. Who do you want to know about?”This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

”Really? Thank you so much!! It’s about Moretti’s!”

Say what????

Too much for not trying to involve her!

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