Mated To The Mafia Werewolves

Chapter Sixteen


Arabella heard a feminine voice shout as she stepped into what appeared to be the living room.

Her nose wrinkled as the aroma of incense wafted into her nostrils.

Standing by the double glass door, she let her eyes wander while staring in awe.

The living room was airy, with a large L-shaped purple leather sofa in the center and a white center table with a glass top situated in front of it.

Ten centimeters away from the center table, a 42-inch TV was currently on.

Arabella shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. Despite the fireplace in the room, it did little to provide warmth.

It was eerily cold yet strangely welcoming.

She felt drawn to the room in an inexplicable way.


Arabella jolted, turning around to see a curvy brunette who was a foot shorter than her.

The brunette’s dark-brown eyes narrowed as they assessed her.


Arabella heard Blaze’s voice. She furrowed her brows as he appeared in front of her and walked toward the girl who looked almost similar to him, except for her skin tone. Blaze had a bronze skin tone, while hers was caramel.

“What is she doing here?” Thalia hissed. “Does she know who you are?!”

“It’s fine, Thalia,” Blaze mumbled.

“Nothing is fine, Cole!” Thalia shouted. “She’s a fucking human!”

What was wrong with being human? Arabella mused as she listened intently.

She didn’t understand, despite hearing them clearly. What confused her the most was Thalia referring to Blaze as Cole.

She remembered asking him for his given name the first time they met, and he told her to figure it out herself.

She wondered if this was the right time to ask him about it again.

As she opened her mouth, she quickly shut it again when Thalia shot her a glare.

“I don’t know whatever hold you have on my brother. Just so you know, you are not welcome here!”

“Thalia!” Blaze yelled as she stalked off.

He groaned, shaking his head before turning to Arabella.

“It’s fine,” Arabella said with a small smile.

She didn’t expect to be well-liked either, and perhaps, if she were in Thalia’s shoes, she might react the same way.

“She shouldn’t talk to you in that manner!” Blaze exclaimed.

“I’m technically in her territory. So, she has every right to speak to me however she wants.” Arabella shrugged.

“Again, I shouldn’t have wandered around; I was only looking for you,” she mumbled, playing with the top button of her blouse. Then she grimaced as it occurred to her that the dress must have been intended for Thalia. She had accepted the change of clothing Blaze had given her without asking where he got it from.

“Do you need me for anything?” Blaze asked, taking a deep breath. He stepped closer to her as she pointed to her neck.

“Yes,” Arabella said, parting her hair. “I need a disinfectant for this ugly hickey.” She grimaced. Despite her efforts to remember the reason she was in Blaze’s house and what had transpired the day before, she couldn’t. She believed the hickey was a reminder of it, and the thought of what he might have done to leave the mark there was horrifying.

“That’s no hickey!” Blaze grunted. He gripped her hand and stared at her neck before letting out a growl. “Goodness, that bastard!” Blaze gritted his teeth. He had marked her and claimed her as his! The mark on her neck was the mate bond that was common in werewolves, except hers hadn’t formed properly. Moreover, she was clueless and assumed it was a hickey. Perhaps it was best she didn’t know what it was, and he wasn’t ready to explain it to her either.

Again, he didn’t know Sandro would do something as awful as that. How could he mark someone who felt nothing for him? It was insane, but Blaze was sure he was trying to claim his territory. No one would mate with her after seeing the mark. Heck, they’d be frightened to do anything with her as she had the imprint of an Alpha!

“What’s wrong?” Arabella asked for the umpteenth time.

Blaze turned to her and grunted. Arabella sighed. He avoided the topic and hadn’t given her what she had asked for. A few seconds ago, they had been in the living room before he yanked her into the room, shutting the door as if someone was watching.

Arabella walked to the vanity and examined her neck once more. A hickey had formed, a crescent-shaped mark just before her collarbone. She furrowed her brows as it glowed, turning to Blaze, who appeared behind her.

“Is this supposed to glow? I don’t understand,” she inquired.

“It’s because it’s no ordinary hickey,” Blaze rasped, his voice carrying a tense undertone.

He stared at the glowing mate mark on Arabella’s neck, a symbol mostly associated with Alphas. This mark was no ordinary one; it was a double crescent, a mark bestowed only by the leader of all Alphas.

“See, there are two!” she exclaimed, furrowing her brows. “Is this some sort of supernatural hickey since you said it’s not normal?”

Arabella giggled but halted when she noticed Blaze’s lack of amusement.

“Okay, spill. What are you hiding from me?” she pressed. “And your name is Cole? Goodness, I wouldn’t have guessed that.”

“My given name is Cole, and I assumed the name Blaze in the mafia.”


“Nothing,” Blaze mumbled, avoiding her gaze.

“Okay,” Arabella nodded, her gaze intense. “Are you sure there’s nothing else I need to know? Your eyes seem to suggest otherwise.”

“I’m sure, and there’s nothing in my eyes,” he said, turning away and walking to the window.

He pulled the curtains down, blocking the view from the windows completely. “I don’t want anyone being nosy.”

“You need to rest,” Blaze added gently, guiding her towards the bed, expertly changing the subject.

“I don’t think I can,” she admitted.

“Why not?”

Arabella shivered, the thought of Sandro barging into the room sending a surge of fear through her. She wrapped her arms around herself, biting her lower lip and shaking her head.

“Is it because of him?” Blaze questioned softly.

Arabella nodded.

“He can’t come here. Sandro doesn’t know I have a sister. He’s unaware of my family connections. So, there’s no way he can reach you unless he catches me while I’m sneaking out.”

“Wouldn’t he be suspicious now that you’re not there?”

“He probably will be,” Blaze shrugged. “But, I’d deny it. It’s not as if he saw us together.”

“This is dangerous, Blaze. You could get into trouble for this. Just let me go back and accept my fa-”

“Stop!” Blaze’s voice boomed, cutting her off abruptly.

He withdrew his hand from his pocket and fixed a penetrating glare on her. “What if your fate held something different? Do you believe it’s to meet your end at Sandro’s hand?”

“I…” Arabella began, unsure how to respond.

“Tell me, Arabella!” Blaze’s voice snapped the use of her full name emphasizing his intensity.

It was the second time she heard him say her name in such a manner. Strangely, despite his anger, she found it oddly captivating, a surge of warmth spreading through her.

With a sigh, Arabella’s shoulders slumped, acknowledging that she didn’t possess a satisfactory answer to his probing question.

Blaze moved purposefully towards her, crouching down in front of her. Locking eyes with her, he firmly grasped her hands. “You could be destined for more than this. Don’t let your dreams be cut short by Sandro’s cruelty.”

Arabella’s gaze delved into his, her grip on his hands tightening. “I’m mostly concerned about what might happen to you.”

“I’ll be fine,” Blaze rasped, assurance lacing his words. “I can take care of myself.”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

He reluctantly released her hands, his attention caught by the watch on his wrist. “I need to go, or Sandro will grow suspicious.”

“Please stay safe,” she murmured, offering a farewell wave as he slipped out of the room.

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