Mated To The Alpha Kings

Chapter 38 Feed

slight R18 ^_^


“Have you decided?”

I scoffed, “Are you drunk? Or you’re on drugs. Which is it?”


“I think it’s the latter, now tell me how you want to die, should I beat you up or chop off your hands, so you’ll never touch any girl you don’t know.”

The psycho grinned, “I prefer dying with you on top of me.”

Okay, that’s it, I used my knee to kick his crotch, causing him to stumble. He glances at me in surprise, “You…”

“That’s what you get for kissing me, psycho!” I scoffed and walked away. I came here to get over my anger, but that weirdo seems to have worsened my mood. Ahh, that pretty blonde is no longer there.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“We shall meet again, wildcat!” I heard him say and shook my head. I guess it’s better I go home, I need to be there when Delaney comes home… that is, if she comes home tonight.

~ Delaney’s POV ~

Adams led me to an elevator, but he didn’t get in with me, “Here, this will lead you to the lair. I’m not allowed here, so good luck.” he said and walked away quickly before I could say anything.

Good luck? I guess I need it, as the elevator neared the last floor, my heart couldn’t but thump erratically. I took a deep breath trying to get control over my emotions, what I’m about to do doesn’t require fear, or it won’t work. Knox will only send me back, so I have to be strong. As the elevator chimed open, I took a deep breath before stepping out.

On that floor, there was only one door, a black one. I guess that’s Knox’s lair. Wiping my clammy hands on my dress, I silently went in that direction and turned the doorknobs. Thankfully, it wasn’t locked, so I easily walked in. The lair was nothing like I expected, there wasn’t any coffin or cobwebs and bats. It was just a simple bedroom with a bed, drawers, and stuffs like that. The lights were dim, but I could still make out the room’s features.

Knox was standing there looking out in a daze, I thought he didn’t hear me come in, so I cleared my throat and was about to speak when he suddenly spoke up. “Leave Delaney.”

I swallowed, “No, I won’t do that.”

“I don’t want to hurt you, leave.”

“And I said I won’t do that, stop chasing me away.”

He slowly turned to look at me, his fangs were no longer elongated, but his eyes were still blazing red. Instead of looking away from him, I met his gaze head-on without flinching. We both stare at ourselves for a while, till Knox sighed.

“Why are you here, Delaney?”

Okay, this is it. I should just say it out. I gulped the lump that is stuck in my throat, raise my head, and… “You haven’t fed for weeks, right?”

There was silence, Knox only gazes at me as if trying to understand why I asked that. He slowly nodded. And I continued “Feed from me. I want you to feed from me.” there, I said it. I know I’m stupid, even I can’t believe I just said that, but I had to before I lost my newfound courage.

As expected, Knox instantly declined the offer, “No, just leave Delaney.”

I took a step towards him only to stop when he moved backwards, “Look, Knox…”

“You are already bleeding Delaney” he cuts in “feeding from you at this time will put you in danger, not only that, but I haven’t fed in weeks, what if I…” he trailed off but I understand what he wants to say. He’s afraid that he would hurt me.

“You won’t hurt me, Knox, I trust you.”

He shook his head, “Just leave.”

I sighed, and decided to try another method “Listen, you would have hurt me on the rooftop if you wanted to, but you didn’t, you had enough control to resist it, Knox.”

“I only managed to scare you.”

I didn’t deny this, I nodded “True, I was scared, but what do you expect after what happened the last time? That reaction was normal considering the fact that that was the first time I’ve ever experienced something like that, but this is different. I’m the one asking you to feed, I am trusting you to not hurt me.” he shook his head again, “I can’t.”

Humph, what a stubborn vamp. He was about to say more when I saw a table knife on a plate by the bedside. I dash towards it even before thinking of a plan.

Knox’s eyes widened when he saw me holding the knife, “Laney, what are you doing with that thing?” he began stalking towards me.

“I… Since you don’t want to feed then I’ll cut myself.”

He paused, obviously dumbfounded by my words, “This… Laney, let’s talk about this first instead of-”

“Will you feed or not?” I asked, cutting him off. When he hesitated, I brought the knife towards my hand and was about to cut myself when I felt him move, using his vampire speed. He actually arrived in time to stop me from harming myself. With a glare, Knox took the knife from me and wrapped his hands around my waist, “Has anyone told you’re damn stubborn?”

I shrugged.

He kissed my temples, “Never threaten me like that again, okay?”

I nodded, “So… you’ll feed?”

“Do I have a choice? Who knows, maybe you’ll look for a bigger knife.”

I chuckled “True.”

“Do you trust me?” he whispered.

I nodded again, I know it’s stupid trusting a vampire, but then what can I do? He would have killed me long ago if he wanted to. My heart began racing as he carried me princess-style to the bed, he gently laid me on the bed and got on my body, supporting his weight on his elbow.

“Relax… Feeding can be pleasurable to humans if you don’t struggle or try to resist me.”

I doubt that. “Really?”

“Yes, really.”

“Does that mean we are going to have umm” my face reddened “Are we going to umm make…”

He smirked, “Make love?”

I averted my gaze from his and nodded, “Yes, that. During feeding?” the last thing I want was to have sex when I’m on my period, I will never let that happen.

“Do you want us to have sex Delaney?” he asked watching me in amusement, why do I feel like he’s enjoying this too much?

“I…” damn it! Why would he ask me that kind of question?

He laughed as if reading my thoughts “No, we won’t have sex Delaney” I glared at him causing him to chuckle “at least not now, till you choose between the two of us.” between him and Rakel. I studied his face for a while, he was also watching me, I made sure my face was blank so as to not give out any information. He wants to know if something happened between Rakel and me or if I feel anything for him, but I won’t let him know that. That is between Rakel and me.

Unexpectedly, Knox’s mouth crashed down on mine, making me forget everything I was thinking about. A moan escapes my lips as he deepened the kiss. His hands slid into my dress, pulling it off my shoulders till it was bunched up at my waist. I wasn’t putting on a bra, so I could only shiver as the cold air hit my skin.

Knox’s hands immediately found my breast, playfully twirling my pebbled nipples. My back arched into him as he pinched it softly, “Oh, God.”

He tore his lips from mine, kissing the side of my mouth to my neck, and then he began sucking on it. The action sent a thrill to my core, I slammed my thighs tightly against each other to alleviate the ache I’m feeling down there, but it only made me more sensitive. As if that wasn’t enough, he laced his mouth on my nipple and suckled on it, causing me to jerk at each tug of his lips on my body.

He drew from me in hard tugs that made me moan, and bursts of pleasure filled my system. No man has ever done this to me before, his mouth on me made my skin burn.

He let go of that nipple and to find the other one with his mouth. It was taut, hard, and aching. I felt it swell against his tongue. His mouth was wet, like silk, and he was rasping his tongue up and down, taking licks at my nipple.

I tried to keep my response in check, but what he was doing to me, drew moans from my mouth and made me arch further to his mouth.

I didn’t know when my hand went to his head to hold him to me. My eyes closed, my hand on the soft curls of his head as he suckled me hungrily.

I whimpered, and my eyes slid tightly closed. Each tug of his mouth, I felt it on my core until I felt my wetness dripping on my damp panty, coating my dress.

Knox’s mouth moved to my neck again, suckling it to a point where I’m sure it would leave a hickey. Then his fangs sank into my skin, I didn’t feel any pain, rather I came with a loud wail. I unravelled and combusted all in one go. The orgasm wasn’t just in my wet sheath; it existed in every blood cell, in every breath I took, in every part of me. The orgasm was entirely different from the ones I’ve heard before.

I could feel him drinking my blood, but I was already weak from the orgasm. I wanted nothing more than to sleep. As my eyes closed, I didn’t fight the darkness from claiming me, I happily welcomed it.


I woke up with a groan the next day, I felt slightly weak from the loss of blood. My lips curled up in a smile as I recalled what happened last night.

Knox wasn’t in the room, so I got up intending to use the bathroom when I noticed I wasn’t putting on my dress, I was in Knox’s t-shirt. Another thought occurred to me, which made me raise the shirt. That was when I realized Knox also took off my panties – my stained pants. Staining his bedsheet was embarrassing enough yet, he… he actually took off my pants! If I’m not wrong, he also wiped me clean.

I stared at the stained sheets in horror, he… damn it! How does he expect me to face him after that?

Oh, God. What should I do?

I saw my purse on the bedside table, quickly took out my phone from it then pulled out the bedsheet from the bed and rushed into the bathroom – locking it behind me.

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