Mated To The Alpha Kings

Chapter 31 Drop your panties

Instead of mulling over what the so-called ‘Queen’ is all about or who sent the rose to me, I decided to go on with my usual daily activities by checking out my part-time jobs, I only hope my bosses haven’t fired me yet. Cassie left earlier saying something about visiting her parents, I still feel bad for breaking her heart, I know she’s trying to pretend to be strong, but I know her, she was still hurt when I said I didn’t feel the same way about her. Before leaving for work, I poured milk into Mr. Tom’s bowl, he stretches his big fat body and came out to feed. After feeding, he went back to sleep as usual. I rolled my eyes at him, it’s no wonder he’s so fat, the only thing he does is to eat, sleep and eat more. At this rate, I wonder if he’s the one eating most of the food in my house.

Twenty minutes later, I headed to a restaurant downtown where I work part-time as a waitress, thankfully, my boss didn’t fire me, he was glad to see me actually and was sorry about what happened to me. They only heard I was kidnapped and are glad I’m not hurt in any way. I didn’t bother to correct them, it’s even a good thing they think that way, at least, I won’t have to lie or explain what happened to me.

Have I ever told you my life is boring? Even I never knew it was this boring until now. Serve drinks to customers, clear the tables, wait for customers to finish, then clear and serve more. I’ll do this till when my shift is over, go to my next part-time job then another till it’s nighttime. The next day, the same thing will happen, it’s like the days keep repeating themselves! If it were before, I wouldn’t have minded, in fact, I loved my jobs but now, it seems boring. The trill isn’t there anymore, I’ve spilled drinks on customers more than I could count, even my boss had to call me into his office. “Delaney, It seems you are not ready to continue this job yet…”

“No, it’s not like that, I-”

“Go home and rest, I’ll give you a week off once you’re ready you can come back.”

My shoulders dropped, and I nodded, “Thank you, sir.”

He smiled, “It’s okay, I understand you’re not usually like this, just take the week off and return when you’re ready.”

I forced a smile, bid my fellow workers bye before walking out of the restaurant. I decided to go to my favorite place in town which was a park where families and parents take their kids to play, hang out, and all that. Furthermore, I love it because I get to see how families care for each other, for their kids – something I only experience when my mom was alive. As I sat down, I watched a young couple playing with their only child, the wife was heavily pregnant smiling as she watched her husband. I sighed wistfully, I’ve never dreamt of having a family of my own nor having a baby, but as I watched them, I suddenly longed for one. What would it be like to have a place where you . If we had met under a different circumstance, would I have given them a chance? Would I have overlooked the fact that I’m an addict? What would it feel like to have both of them as mine? I thought of the small cell phone in my bag contemplating if I should call Asher but then, what will I say? How would I ask him to give Rakel the phone? Ugh, I shouldn’t think of them now, I shouldn’t.

Suddenly, I got a sense of Déjà vu causing my heart to skip, I felt as though someone was watching me. The feeling was so strong that I had to glance around, but nothing seemed unusual. Still, the uneasy feeling didn’t leave, I noticed that people aren’t much in the park anymore, since it’s getting late, so I decided to leave too.

Thankfully, the park is not that far from home just a few miles away, as I walked home, Asher’s words played in my mind “Here, call me if something happens.” I know he said nothing will happen, but Rakel and Knox said they had many enemies, what if one of them is stalking me? I dug into my bag, pulled out the cell phone, and gripped it tightly with both hands.

Maybe I’m paranoid, I tried to comfort myself while taking deep breaths. In no time, I arrived home, I pulled out my keys from the vase and tried to insert them in the keyhole but because of how jumpy I am from fear, it took extra time to finally open the door. Just as I was about to step into my house, I felt movement behind me. I shrieked loudly while swirling around to see who that was.

The person covered his ears, “Damn it! Woman shut the fuck up! It’s me, Rakel!”

I paused then blinked in surprise upon seeing him, “Rakel?” I asked again, not believing my eyes! I mean, he’s here! He came! It should mean something, right? My eyes greedily took him and couldn’t help but feel a tingle between my legs, damn! Is it just me, or does he seem hotter in a pair of ripped jeans and a plain black t-shirt?

He leaned forward with a raised brow, he did the same way he did the last time – an action that could make any girl drop her pants “How about you Ms. Screamy? Will you drop your panty for me?”

~ Knox POV ~

I know leaving my kingdom unguarded wouldn’t be a good thing, I should have thought of that before going after Delaney, but I realize she was much more important at that time. On reaching Valleys, I found out that some lesser vampires also left and are now causing havoc in some towns’ human lives. Now, the hunters are beginning to find clues about us. I was furious at the news, how dare they? I’ve hidden this kingdom from the hunters for centuries, but because of their acts, my hard work is now in vain. It seems like I’ve become lenient with them that they’re beginning to forget who I am.


He appeared in front of me, “Yes, Alpha.”

“Find them! I want you to find all of them, kill them instantly if you can’t capture them. Then bring in the once you capture, we will use them to teach others a lesson for disobeying the law. The penalty for putting the whole kingdom in jeopardy is death!”Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

He bowed, “Yes, Alpha.” with that he left.

“Kade!” I called out.

He entered my office, “Sir?”

“Monitor those hunters closely, they shouldn’t find the location of our kingdom.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

After he’s gone, I took a deep breath and tried to think of any other thing but Delaney. I wanted to avoid thinking about what she and Rakel are doing at the moment because it’s driving me crazy. How can the moon goddess be so heartless? Why would she give me a mate that isn’t just a human, rather she gave me one that has another mate! A damn annoying werewolf at that! Why me? Recalling what the wolf said about marking her got me fuming all over again. Werewolves are horny creatures, if he marks her, it will be harder for him to resist her, not only that, but she might go into heat. She hasn’t gone into heat since I marked her because we’ve not been living under the same roof. If we were, the bond would have gotten stronger, it would have forced us to mate. My only fear now is when Rakel marks her, she would go into heat because we would be staying with her every two days and when she does, one of us will have to complete the mating process, or she might be forced to choose between us, what if she chooses him? I can’t let that happen, I can’t!

I punch the nearest wall beside me, leaving a hole in the wall. I needed something to lash out my anger on, and the fact that I haven’t fed since Delaney left isn’t helping. What will I do when I go to court her? She will definitely not agree if I want to feed on her, not after what happened the last time.

“Whoa, Alpha, what has gotten your panties in a twist?” Vendetta asked strolling in.

“My panties aren’t in a twist Vendetta nor do I wear I pant,” I muttered and kept pacing.

She giggled, “That’s funny.”

I sighed “What do you want Vendetta? Since you have no idea how I can court my mate, let me think…in silence.”

“Is that what you think? I said that because I feel it would be better not to give the wolf ideas, I’ve watched countless movies to know how humans date. Besides, they have this thing called a phone, you can easily Google how to court a girl!”

My anger vanished instantly, I faced her with my arms crossed, “Go on, tell me. I’m all ears.” she grinned and told me her plan. When she’s done, I couldn’t help the frown that etches on my face.


“Why does it sound harder than it seems?”

She chuckled, “Because you have to work hard to make your mate fall in love with you.”

That didn’t help either, damn! Humans are so complicated. “Fine, I’ll do as you say, you go and make the preparations.”

~ Delaney’s POV ~

“How about you, Ms. Screamy? Will you drop your panty for me?”

Ahh, did I say that out loud? How come I never think out loud till when I’m in their presence? My face flushed, “Umm, no… That isn’t what I meant.” I whispered.

He stepped into my personal space till we are only inches apart. His mint breath fanned on my face as he spoke, “Then? Care to explain? I wouldn’t mind you dropping your panties for me because…” I felt his hand on my bare thighs then he began trailing his hands upward, stopping at the hem of my pants. I was putting on my short waitress clothes, so his fingers easily found their way inside.

My breath hitched as his fingers went into my pants, he pressed me into the wall before whispering “because I like you with no panties on.” then he ripped off my panties and pocket them. The cold air hit my skin causing me to gasp, crap! Why does that seem so hot? I clamp my thighs tight against each other to stop the ache that I’m beginning to feel down there just at the mere closeness of this man. My inside was also tingling as his hands played ostensibly on my ass, cupping it as if it’s a normal thing to do.

Rakel must have smelt my arousal because he smirked, “Invite me in, Laney.”

I shook my head. He used his other hand to pin my hands above me, then his fingers moved to my V area. A moan escaped my lips as he began rubbing on my knobs. My legs parted involuntarily wanting him to touch a certain place, but he didn’t. He kept on teasing me with his fingers, driving me crazy with need.

“Rakel,” I growled.

“Invite me in, Delaney,”

“I can’t!” I gasp.

His fingers suddenly entered me, causing me to moan out loud. My waist arched towards him, urging him to move, but he remained still, watching me. “Why won’t you let me in?”

I grit my teeth in frustration, damn it! Has anyone ever told him having a conversation while engaging in a sexual act is annoying? And why do his fingers feel better than mine when he’s touching me?

“Because you’ll scare Mr. Toms!” I yelled urging him to move, however, he pulled out his fingers and stared at me in surprise “Mr. Toms? Who is Mr. Toms? Don’t tell me you have a man staying with you Delaney.” he growled.

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