Mated To The Alpha Kings

Chapter 12 On a run

Delaney’s POV ~

Tears began streaming down my face, “You came! You’re really here!” Now I have hope of leaving.

She gazes at my tears with a hint of irritation on her face. I heard her mutter ‘humans’ before she clears her throat.

“We don’t have much time, we have to leave now before anyone shows up.” She said urgently.

I studied her for a moment and couldn’t help but ask, “What’s your name? I mean I can’t keep calling you ‘that lady’ right?”

“Amira, my name is Amira.”

I nodded, “Why are you helping me? What will you gain by doing so? Hope you aren’t expecting you to pay with my blood, as you can see, I haven’t fully recovered from one yet.”

No matter what, I know she isn’t helping me out of goodwill, I’m smart enough to know that she has her motives, just that I don’t know what that is. I know it’s foolish of me to put all my hopes on a vampire – one I just met, but I’ve got no choice, she’s the only one who has offered help and I had to take it.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Amira snorted, “If I wanted your blood, you’ll be dead by now.”

I took In a shaky breath, okay, I believe her, but she hasn’t told me her reason for helping me. I was about to ask this when she spoke, “Are you ready to leave here or not? If we don’t leave now, you’ll die in a year’s time or two when Knox gets tired of you, or you’ll have no choice but to become one of us!”

My mouth drops open in understanding, now I get the gist of everything that’s going on here. The humans coming here don’t have a choice in anything, after using and feeding on them for a year, they’ll either be passed on to other vampires, killed, or turned. How can they be so heartless?

“Fine, let’s go, but I’ll ask you this again. Will I give you something in return for helping me? I don’t have anything to offer.”

She laughs, “Trust me, Delaney, I’ll have more than you can count by helping you leave.”

I nod “Makes sense, there’s a problem though… I’m too weak to do anything, I can’t even walk!” The little efforts I’ve used in talking have left a throbbing pain in my neck.

Funny enough, my body feels a little different. Somewhere in my mind, I was feeling frustrated, but I don’t know where that is coming from, I could tell it wasn’t my emotions.

Amira stared at me, ran her hand through her dark long hair, and began pacing – an action that looks natural yet alluring. If I didn’t know she was a vamp, I would have mistaken her for a model, everything about her seems graceful. The way she walks, her voice, porcelain skin which was as smooth as silk. She’s almost the same as Vendetta, I wonder if this is one of the pecks of being a vampire, I feel a little self-conscious being close to her.

“This truly going to be a problem, we can’t follow the main route since we’ll be extremely slow and everyone will recognize you, plus they can catch up with us faster that way.” Says Amira as she stopped pacing.

“Then? What do you suggest?”

“There’s another way, only a few vampires dare venture there. As a human, it’ll be disadvantageous to you since it’s only rouge vampires that live there, you might lose your life, if you’re lucky enough you won’t meet them on your way. It’s your choice, do you want to risk it?”

“Yes, If that’s the only way out, then so be it.” I would rather try my luck than regret it tomorrow… Even if it means dying in the process.

Amira smiled, “Hm, we would have become friends if we weren’t enemies. Wait here, I’ll go get some things.” Then she’s gone.

My brows knitted in a frown after she left. Enemies? What the hell does she mean by that? How are we enemies when we’ve only met once? Should I be worried about leaving with her now?

I sigh, it’s a little late to back out now. I need to leave before Knox shows up. Thinking about him brought the rage back ten folds, but I pushed it aside– – for now.

Amira came shortly holding a small bag, “Let’s get going!” With one hand, she flung me over her back. I almost squeal in surprise but quiet down instantly so as not to alert Katrina. I still couldn’t get over being surprised, she just grabbed me like I weighed nothing! Are vampires this strong?

Unexpected, Amira ran with me on her back using her vampire speed. I held on tight ignoring the ache on my neck, air-whipped on my face it feels like I’m on a motorbike. Soon, I couldn’t see any houses as we moved, only trees. I knew we were getting to where she talked about, the place where rogues live. Whatever that is, I have a feeling they are worse than an ordinary vampire. Fear mixed with anxiety gripped me the further we went. Just a little more and I’m out, I thought to myself.

Suddenly, I felt rage inside me, so fierce that I had to gasp. My mind immediately went to Knox, he knows I’ve escaped. I don’t know how I know that I could feel it, he’s mad that I left him. Not just that, he’s surprised that I could escape from his grasp and security, then I felt something else… fear? He’s petrified that something bad must have happened to me.

All these emotions left me speechless, why does he feel this way? He hates me, doesn’t he? I am just a toy he can use at his own will, he shouldn’t care about a mere human like me, right? Because that’s what he takes me for.

I was getting irritated and confused by all these emotions,, so I decided to block him out. Right now, the most important thing is to leave here safely. It’s a miracle that no vampire has attacked us, as Amira has said.

As if hearing my thoughts, Amira halts. She cocks her head to the side as if listening to something.

“What? Why did you stop?” I asked, my heart beating fast.

She slowly set me on my feet and hand the bag over to me. I realize I’m not putting on shoes, I guess that doesn’t matter now. “They are coming, Delaney, you need to run. Keep going straight, you’ll be out of here soon. The bag contains an energy drink and everything you’ll need. This is a stake, use it to stake one vampire on the chest if you encounter one on the way.” I stared at it, wondering if she had it with her the whole time. How come I never saw it?

I remain still looking at her in fear, “Who? The rogues?”

She hissed, “Who else? Start moving, they’ll be here any minute now.”

“What about you?”

“I’ll be fine if you leave, but we will both end up dead if you stay here, I’ll try to distract them and give you enough time to escape. Once you cross the trees, you’ll be out of their territory. No one will come after you. Now. Go!”

My body moves at her command, maybe it’s the fear of not dying here that gave me the strength to run because I was running effortlessly. Plus, the fact that she carried me on her back helped a lot and also saved time.


I don’t know how long I’ve been running, I could feel myself slowing down. The toll of overused energy is catching up with me, I’m getting even weaker than before. I quickly opened the bag Amira gave me, took a bottle of the energy drink, and greedily gulp it down.

I look ahead and almost did a victory dance when I saw the border, I would have danced if I wasn’t so weak. I wonder how Amira is holding up, will she be able to fight them off. She said even vampires don’t usually go there, I hope she survives.

I start running again, not too fast this time, since I’ll collapse if I move too fast. I was almost at the end of the trees when I heard a low growl.

I froze instantly, my heart pounding loudly in my chest. They haven’t found me, have they? How can I fight a vampire in this state?

When I didn’t hear any sound or see any movement for two minutes, I continued moving. I finally crossed the border shortly after, but I felt it would be better not to let my guards down till I was distant away from Knox before I can find a place to rest and regain my strength.

Realizing I’m lost in the middle of nowhere, I facepalm and groan, “Gosh! I should have asked for directions! Now that I’m out, where would I go ?”

I was now walking painfully slow, I found a spot and concluded I’ll rest here. I threw the bag and stake on the floor and was about to lie down when the hairs on my body stood. I felt as if someone was watching me. I glance around, noticing how eerily quiet everywhere was.

I slowly bent down, picked up the stake and held it with both hands, ready to strike if anything happens. Just then, I saw a big black animal from my peripheral vision, I turned sharply with a raised stake and was about to use it on whatever that is only to freeze when I realized it was a wolf. A massive black wolf. It remains still, watching me with brilliant eyes that held too much knowledge for just a wolf. Its eyes went to the stake in my hands and back at me.

Fear made me drop it quickly and scramble backwards trying to get away from it. A gasp left my lips as I ended up tripping over my bag, landing on my ass. I’m so dead, not only did I escape from the hands of vampires, but I’ll also end up as dinner to this wolf. Oh God, Why am I so unlucky?

The wolf snarls and takes a step forward, I took five backward, making it halt.

Another growl from my back made me turn to see another brown wolf, but this one wasn’t as big as the black one. That wasn’t the end of it, more wolves poured in all around me, blocking any escape part I could use. I was totally surrounded!!

They all look at the black wolf as if waiting to go ahead, so they can finish me off, he must be their leader. I also glance at him only to find him sniffing me, I bit my lips hard to keep from screaming as it came closer – stopping in front of me.

I couldn’t help but think that the wolf was very strange, if it wanted to attack, it should have done so, right? Then what is he waiting for? He should go ahead, kill me, and be done with it. At least, I wouldn’t have to keep living in this forsaken world! I wonder how Knox will feel when he finds my bones. Argh, why the hell am I thinking about him at this time?

At the same time, something happened. A loud crack from one of a brown wolf’s body drew my attention. The sickening crack kept ringing out till it suddenly stops, the wolf was now in a human form. A man! A very naked man!

“She’s the one Alpha.”

My jaw dropped as it clicked, werewolves! Knox talked about the werewolf, this is what they are! And the naked guy standing there is Devin. The man from the club, the same guy who brought me into this mess!

Another crack from the black wolf made me face him. The wolf shifted into his human form, making me gasp. Handsome isn’t what I’ll call the man bending at my side in such proximity, he is dangerously cute. At the same time, everything about him screams danger.

I flinched when he raised his hand to touch me, making him pause. His obsidian eyes met mine, “Mate! You are mine!”

It was too much, everything was too much for me to take in, the vampires, rogues, Knox, and now werewolves and Alphas… I am tired! Emotionally exhausted, I can’t take it anymore. I could only do what I deemed right at that moment, I fainted.

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