Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 81

“Meeting’s all set up for tomorrow by ten a. m sharp”, Killian said.

“Alright man, thank you”, Brian said.

He was glad that the Governor had given him audience when he wasn’t expecting him to. This just showed that the threat Wilfred had made was something that kept everyone on the edge.

“Still on the inventory. I should get the total number before the end of the day”, he said.

“How is your mate. I hope she’s okay?”, Brian asked.

When they were at work, Brian noticed that Jack hardly ever talked about her. He didn’t know how their relationship was but one thing he was sure about is that he loved her.

“She’s fine, the baby is almost here any moment from now so we’re putting the final touches for their arrival”, Jack smiled.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“They?”, Brian asked.

“Yes boss, Jack is expecting twins. He’s going to be a father of two bouncing cubs”, Killian hollered.

“Oh my, that’s so amazing. Serah would be really happy”, Brian smiled.

“I bet. How is she by tht way?”, Jack asked.

“She’s okay but she said something really cryptic just before I left the house”, Brian said.

Ever since be got to tht club, his mind had been on what his mate was going to tell him. He had tried several time to think of all the possible things she could say but nothing was forthcoming.

“Calm down man, women say tons of things. I’m sure she’ll tell you as she has promised”, Killian chuckled.

“And there goes our relationship expert”, Brian chuckled.

“You can’t blame me. I study them a lot so I can make the right decision when it comes to mine”, Killian said.

“Jack, I think it’s time we rescue your sister”, Brian said.

He didn’t know where that came out from but he was glad he got it out. He had been wanting to say that ever since and now that the battle with Wilfred was imminent, there was no use postponing what was inevitable.

“Wait!. Someone hold on, Jack you’ve got a sister?”, Killian asked.

The expression on his face was priceless and Brian struggled within himself to keep the laugh off his face. Killian’s face could be funny especially when he was confused about something.

“Yes, I’ve got a sister”, Jack said.

He took a cup from the rack as he poured a drink for himself. Jack hardly drank but when he did, it was as a result of something serious which was bothering him at heart.

“Damn! Why didn’t you tell me?”, Killian said.

“Trust me Killian, I had to snuff the information out of him”, Brian said.

“What would you have done? There’s nothing anyone can do to bring my sister back, I don’t even know if she’s dead or alive. All I know is that she’s in the hands of that monster”, Jack seethed.

Brian collected the cup from him, placing it on another table. Jack had a temper and he wouldn’t be surprised if he smashed the cup on the wall.

“Guys, we shouldn’t be trading blames on why he refused to tell us. All that we’re concerned with now is to find a way to get her out of there”, Brian said.

“We got separated when we were young. I was too small to fight him, I could only watch as she got dragged away by that savage beast”, Jack growled.

Killian placed a hand on his shoulder, silently reassuring him that all would be well. They were a team and they were going to work together to achieve all they had set down.

“We’ll get her out of there man. Trust me”, Killian said.

Jack smiled, grabbing the cup as he downed the rest of the contents in one go. Brian laughed, swiping his phone to discard a text from one of the numerous girls who thought they loved him.

“Thank you guys, I mean we’ve stuck with ourselves all these years without fighting. Damn, it’s really not easy”, Jack grinned.

Later on, after everything had been concluded concerning the meeting with the Governor the following day, Brian drove back home. On his way home, he made a quick stop at the mart to get Serah her favorite chocolate cookies which he knew she would love.

Few minutes later, he was home. He made his way towards the elevator, pushing the button that took him to the last floor of his private quarters where he knew Serah would be.

“I’m home”, Brian announced.

“Hey honey”, Serah smiled.

She was wearing a loose gown that accentuated her curves. Her hair was packed to the back, giving her face as clear look which was free from blemishes.

Brian walked towards her, placing the cookies on a nearby table. He grabbed her waist, slamming his lips on hers. He couldn’t help it, he could never get enough of her and he was glad she was his and his alone.

“Hello fiend”, she smiled.

She wrapped her hands around him, giving him another gentle kiss which left her swooning and yearning to take this further.

“How was your day?”, Serah asked.

“It was okay, had a couple of meetings today and others slated for tomorrow”, Brian said.

“Oh my gosh! You brought cookies”, Serah gushed.

She walked towards the table, tearing open the box of cookies that sat gingerly in her hands. At that moment, Brian was jealous of the box and wished he was the one instead.

“I did, I’d figured you’ll need them when you tell me about the news”, Brian smiled.

“About that. Honey, can I tell you tomorrow. I’m really not well”, Serah said.

Brian could tell that she was lying as she avoided looking at him, preferring to stare at the table that was much more interesting to her than him.

“Serah, what’s really going on?”, Brian asked.

“I… It’s nothing, honest. I just don’t feel like telling you now”, she said.

Brian sniffed the air, trying to see if he could get a scent of what she was feeling like but he got nothing more than the pleasant scent of the cookies in her hands.

“Okay, if you say so. But Serah, know that one way or the other I’ll find out what you’re hiding”, Brian grinned.

That grin reminded Serah of a predator about to catch it’s prey and sure enough, Brian walked towards her like the big bad wolf he was. Serah’s back hit the wall and she had no where else to go, she was trapped between the wall and her predator mate.

“Well, not if I don’t tell you”, Serah giggled.

“Oh trust me darling, I will find out and when I do…”, Brian said.

“Why did you leave the statement hanging”, Serah asked.

“Because I want to do this”.

And with that, he placed his lips on her’s, stealing her breath away.

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