Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 61

Just then, there was a heavy knock on the door. Brian stood rigid, training his ears on the sound of the door.

“It’s okay, open it. It’s Killian”, Serah said.

Brian nodded, moving cautiously towards the door, guns drawn. He opened it and was relieved find just Killian by the door.

“We’re being attacked”, he said.

His guns were drawn too and Brian knew he was ready for action. They followed Killian out of the door, bearing their guns out.

“Darling, please I need you to stay back. I don’t want you to get hurt”, Brian said.

“No way in hell would I be left out of this. I want to help and you can’t stop me”, Serah said.

“Serah, please”, Brian begged.

“No Brian, I’m coming with you and that’s final”, Serah said.

“Boss, since she’s good with guns and she has powers, I think she should come. She has a point”, Killian said.

They rushed towards the waiting area to see Jack already in his wolf form fighting off two attackers. Serah launched her magic at one of them, sending them sailing through the air.

“I told you”, she grinned.

She proceeded to fire off series of shots from her gun. Brian was amazed because she had good aiming skills and her shots hardly missed their target.

“They’re increasing, I need to shift”, Serah said.

Brian was surprised by this because he had never seen her in her wolf form except flashes of when she was angered or in her element. Serah transformed into a beautiful white wolf with fur so white it looked like snow.

“You’re beautiful”, Brian said.

He crouched to the wolf’s height as he caressed the fur which was very soft as he had imagined. Tht wolf purred, rubbing it’s body on its mate.

“You can admire her all you want but we need to get going now or else we’ll be dead meat”, Killian shouted.

Like she was in a trance, Serah snapped out of it as her wolf went sailing into the air. She knocked down more than five attackers with her powerful limbs.

Brian was entranced by this but he had to stay focused else he would be the dead meat. Serah was doing so well that he had a hard time tearing his eyes off her.

“I think we’re getting close”, Killian said.

He was still in his human form and the only reason why he didn’t shift was due to the injury he had on his leg. Brian had been meaning to ask him where he got the injury from but he kept on forgetting to.

“Let’s round them up then finish them off”, Brian said.

The trio made their way towards the main area of the battle and were glad to see many of the attackers lieing dead.

“We really need to tighten the security around here. This is becoming too common”, Jack hissed.

Brian noticed that there was a big gash of wound on his left arm as a result of the injury he sustained during the fight. Looking at it now, Brian knew that his friend needed immediate medical attention or it could get worse.

“Oh my! This is Serah’s wolf?”, Jack asked.

He stared at it in awe, his mouth practically open. At that moment, Brian was proud at being associated with someone like her, he felt this aura of pride and love around him.

“Yes, she’s a beauty”, Brian gushed.

At that moment, Serah shifted back to her human form. She was still dressed and Brian was greatful for that.

“Quit admiring my wolf. We need to take you to a hospital Jack, your arm doesn’t look too good”, Serah said.

She walked towards him, assessing his arms with her sharp eyes. She could feel his aura through her magic and it was one of tiredness and fatigue. Shw knew he really needed to get help and fast.

“We need to get him to the hospital now, he’s loosing a lot of blood”, Serah said.

“Oh… comeonrs, I’m fine as”, Jack slurred.


Just then, he slumped to the ground but for the timely intervention of Killian who broke his fall, Jack would have had a nasty bruise on his head.

The trio made their way outside with Brian and Killian supporting an unconscious Jack. For the first time in a very long while, Serah was scared. She didn’t know what she’ll do if Jack, someone she now considered as a friend died. She knew Brian would be crushed and Killian too, she had watched their friendship and she knew they were as tight as two peas in a pod.

“We have to hurry, his wolf can’t keep him alive for long”, Serah said.

Killian drove like a mad man all the way to the nearest hospital. Serah was anxious now as she could feel his heart rate dropping steadily. Jack was living by the last threads that connected his life together and any moment from now, he might drop dead.

“Babe, do we still have more time?”, Jack said.

“I’m afraid no. He’s living by the last thread”, Serah said.

They got to the hospital soon as they wheeled Jack in, Brian shouting for the doctor. Killian stood aside, silently muttering some incomprehensible words. The doctors and some nurses rushed in soon and when they saw the severity of his condition, they swung into action.

“We’ll take it from here please”, a nurse said.

“I want to go in”, Brian growled.

“I’m sorry sir, you can’t. It’s against the hospital’s policy”, the nurse said.

Serah placed a hand on his shoulder, silently telling him to let it go and hope for the best. Brian sighed, gripping her hands as he took a step back.

“Damn! I didn’t plan for any of this”, Brian seethed.Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

“Things happen baby, we can’t change them. Let’s simply hope for the best”, Serah said.

“Jack’s mate is heavy. I don’t think we should let her know about this”, Killian said.

“No, let’s keep it under wraps at least until he’s showing signs of recovery”, Brian said.

Killian nodded, walking away. Brian knew that this affected him just like it was doing to him and the only way he could deal with it was by walking away to think.

“He’ll be fine baby”, Serah sighed.

Brian nodded, placing a gentle kiss on their clasped hands. He was greatful to have someone like her with him, someone who understood his every move and feelings.

“I pray so. His mate would be crushed if anything ever happened to him”, Brian said.

He refused to think about the worst and was holding on to the hope that his best friend would scale through this, alive.

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