Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 58

When he got to his sprawling mansion, he sat inside his car for several minutes, thinking about way he could tell his mate the news he just heard.

Few minutes later, he gathered the courage to climb out of his car. He made his way into his house, dropping his keys by the side table.

“Darling, I’m home”, Brian said.

He could feel her aura around the house but he didn’t quite know where she was. He made his way to the kitchen but it was empty as there was no sign of her anywhere. He moved towards the library, where she was usually found since she loved reading a lot but she wasn’t there either.

Brian was beginning to get worried but he he remained calm since he could still feel her aura radiating around the area. He made his way towards the bedrooms, pulling his shoes in the process. When he got there, he found her inside the bathroom submerged within the bath tub. He knew she couldn’t have heard him dur to the tap being on. He decided to surprise her, he shed of his clothes as he made his way into the bathtub.

He climbed in soon and he was happy when he saw the smile on her face. He could tell that she as surprised but she tried to hide it.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“Hey honey”, Brian smiled.

He kissed her cheek, drawing her closer to himself. Serah gripped his shoulders, moving closer to him as the water spilled out of the tub on to the ground.

“Hey mate. How did your day go?”, Serah smiled.

She kissed him, drawing his lower lip into her mouth. She sighed when his hands began roaming over her naked body. She grinned his shoulders tightly when she felt two of his fingers make its way into her fold.

“Brian”, she gasped.

“You like what I do to you right?”, Brian chuckled.

“Oh yes yes”, Serah sighed.

She felt another finger go into her to meet the rest as she grinded her ass into his perked erection that was begging for attention.

“Stay still honey, I’m going to take you from behind”, Brian said.

Serah gasped when she felt his erection enter into her from behind. She wasn’t expecting it and was simply prepared for Brian to flip her over but this was completely new to her and the best part was that she loved it.

“Are you okay love, please tell me if it’s too much”, Brian said.

He bit a portion of her ear, loving the tremor that went through her body. Brian growled as he felt her release coming on steadily.

“Yes, I’m fine. Go harder”, Serah gasped.

“You asked for it but don’t say I didn’t warn you”, Brian chuckled.

He pounded into her, taking her by surprise but she held on like the strong woman she was. Brian was proud of her, for taking it all in. Serah gasped, gripping his shoulders tighter almost drawing blood as she felt he release at the surface.

“Come for me my darling”, Brian smiled.

Serah screamed, moving through her release as she came down from her high. Brian found his release soon and together, they lay there reveling in bliss.

“The water is getting cold, let’s wash up and find something warm to wear”, Brian smiled.

They bathed each other, taking their time as they reveled in the love they both shared. They climbed out of the tub soon with Serah wrapped in a fluffy towel. They made their way into the room as Brian bathed the room in an incandescent glow.

“Okay, spit it out. What’s wrong Brian?, Serah said.

Brian knew she had an inkling that something was going on with him but she remained quiet, waiting for the right moment to tell it to him.

“It’s hard for me to say Serah”, Brian said.

“I don’t care, say it anyhow you like. We’ve faced far worse things before so I’m really not surprised anymore”, Serah said.

She made her way to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Brian tailed her, thinking of the best way to tell her the news. They soon sat down on the high backed kitchen chair, sipping cups of steaming hot coffee.

“Do you know anything about your parents asides what they do?”, Brian said.

Serah was silent for a few moments as she mulled over his question. There was nothing to know about her parents except from the work they did. She didn’t understand where the question was headed but she knew it couldn’t be good.

“No. Asides their job, I don’t know anything else”, she said.

“Jack and Killian called me earlier today to give be some news about them”, Brian said.

“Oh my gosh, are they dead?”, Serah gasped.

Even though she hated them and how they treated her, she didn’t want them dead. They had trained her, put her in school for the earliest part of her life.

“No they aren’t but now, I really with they were”, Brian growled.

Serah stood up abruptly, snatching her cup of coffee of the table. She didn’t know what had gotten over him to wish her parents dead but Serah knew that Brian always had a reason behind his words.

“I hate them just as much as you do Brian but I would never wish then dead. Now, tell me what is really wrong?”, Serah said.

“Please, sit down”, Brian sighed.

Serah reluctantly sat down because she was dieing to know what they had discovered concerning her parents.

“Your parents are involved in the production of poisons”, Brian said.

Serah stared into space, not really looking at anything as her mind went completely blank. She wasn’t expecting this and the realization left her speechless.

“I… That’s horrible, so that means my father adds poison to the drugs he produces?”, Serah gasped.

“Exactly and we need to stop him immediately before it’s too late”, Brian said.

“But how, we don’t even know where they are”, Serah sighed.

She was miserable upon hearing Brian’s words. She didn’t understand why her parents could be so wicked. They had been the most loving parents she could ever wish for but now, she didn’t even know what to call them.

“We’re working on it. We’ll get an answer to that soon. But baby, that’s not all”, Brian said.

“Another bad news”, Serah sighed.

“This might be hard for me to say but no this, I never want you to stop thinking that I don’t love you. I do and I will for the rest of my life”, Brian vowed.

“I love you too Brian but please, just spit it out”, Serah said.

“Your parents are not your biological parents”, Brian said finally.

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