Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 56

“Welcome son of Frederick”, an elder said.

Brian had arrived at the club belonging to the council of elders an hour earlier and was made to wait in the reception as they prepared to see him. He was looking refreshed and cleansed after the confrontation with Andrew.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“Thank you”, Brian said.

The men weren’t old physically like most people expected them to be. In fact, there were some who were just like Brian. Brian wasn’t fooled though, he knew that some of these men were as old as his father and the reason why they looked young was as a result of the spell most of them used to remain young.

Brian wasn’t concerned about this, all he wanted at that moment was to get out of there on time because they were giving him the creeps. The elders consisted of five men and the only woman who was amongst them was rumoured to have been the goddess’s sister whilst the latter was still here on Earth.

“We’ve called you here because it’s tradition to do so. Your father, the last Alpha. May the moon goddess rest his soul was a wise and noble leader. He tried as much as possible to bring unity to most of the packs and he succeeded all except for one pack which is the demon pack”, he said.

Brian nodded respectfully because everything they had said was true. He was a living witness to all that his father had done. Brian didn’t know if he would have the kind of patience his father had but he was willing to try because it was a sacrifice he intended to carry out, being the head of the whole kingdom.

“And now that he’s gone, the duty rests on you as his legitimate son and heir apparent to the throne”, he continued.

“Thank you for summoning me here. It’s truly a great honour and privilege to be within your midst. True to your words, my father was a wise king and I wouldn’t hesitate to continue his legacy”, Brian said.

The elders nodded, talking amongst themselves quietly. Brian knew they were deciding his faith but he had no fear that it would be in his favour.

“We’ve conversed among ourselves and we’ve found you worthy of ascending the throne but we have one problem?”, he said.

Brian’s ears perked up at the sound of that. He didn’t think there would be any other problem but hearing what the elders said proved that there was a problem.

“Which is?”, Brian said.

“Your issues with guns and your constant fights”, a voice said.

Brian stared at the direction of the voice and discovered that it belonged to the only female in the group. Ever since Brian had walked in, she hadn’t uttered a word until now.

“I don’t see how that is a problem”, Brian said.

“It’s a big problem son of Frederick. Yes, we know that your father was in possession of some but he didn’t brandish it like you’re doing now”, she said.

Brian was desperately trying to calm himself down but he was loosing the battle slowly. He didn’t understand anything of what they said. His ammunitions was never something he was bothered about. In fact, Brian realized that this was the first time the issue of his ammos was raised.

“I have those to keep my people safe. Forgive me if you think I’m showing it off unnecessarily but that’s the only way to keep the enemies at bay”, Brian said.

The elders conversed amongst themselves again and this time, Brian could feel it within himself that they saw reasons with him.

“Such a funny lot”, his wolf chuckled.

Brian smiled because he was right. He was sure their old age sometimes clouded their sense of reasoning hence their inability to think straight at times.

“Alright, we’ve concluded that that isn’t an issue. We’ll have the coronation next week as planned. Please, put all things in place”, the elder said.

Brian nodded, bowing a bit. He was glad that it went well. If it hadn’t, Brian was prepared to fight for his right to the throne.

“And tell your mate to get prepared to. She’ll also be crowned as the new Luna on that day though I think she doesn’t even know anything about being on since she’s an hybrid”, the woman said.

“With all due respect ma’am, I do not appreciate you or any one using that tone on my mate”, Brian snapped.

Elder or not, he wouldn’t hesitate to put this woman in the position she belonged to. Serah was a respected woman within her clan and Brian wouldn’t hesitate to give her that same respect she deserved right her in his clan.

“Eleanor, watch your tongue”, the first elder said.

The woman whom Brian had come to know as Eleanor had the decency to look ashamed as she bowed her head, muttering something incomprehensible.

“That would be all for now son of Frederick. We’ll contact you if we need anything else”, the first elder said.

Brian nodded, bowing slightly as he made his way out if the building. Just before he left, he heard voices, their voices as they conversed amongst themselves. Brian tried to hear what they were saying as he purposely delayed his journey out of the building.

“He’s stubborn”, the elder woman said.

“Yes but he knows what he’s doing. I see determination and care in his eyes, he’ll make a very good king”, another voice said.

Brian smiled, that was all he needed to hear. He didn’t care about anything else, all he cared about was their approval which he had already gotten. He made his way to his car which was parked at a side street. He did this because he wasn’t sure about the people who followed him. He had a lot of enemies now and he was being careful not to expose himself so much.

Brian got into his car and discovered there was a note stuck on the front rear window. He hesitated. He didn’t know if the note was laced with something that could be detrimental to his health. Having dealt with Wilfred before, he knew there was nothing the demon pack leader wouldn’t do especially when it came to him.

“Wolf, what do you think it is?”, Brian said.

“I’m trying to get a scent but I’m having a hard time doing it. It’s not a bomb that’s for sure all else your car would have exploded the minute you opened the door”, his wolf said.

“Then what is it?”Brian muttered.

His wolf remained silent as he tried to decipher what the note meant. Brian decided to take the bulls by the horns by tearing of the note.

He read through and discovered that it was another warning from Wilfred, informing him that there was going to be another battle very soon.

“This guy never gives up”, his wolf growled

“And i won’t either. It’s either I take him down or we go down together’, Brian said.

He drove away, crumpling the note in his fist. Just then, his phone beeped, indicating he had a message. He scrolled through the message icon whilst keeping an eye on the road.

“Meet us at the club ASAP, we’ve gotten information on Serah’s parents”.

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