Mated To Alpha Kessler

Chapter 29 Lyra

Lyra’s POV

I struggle to open my eyes, feeling whispers swirling around me. With great effort, I finally manage to part my eyelids, adjusting to the soft ray of sunlight streaming into the room.

As I glance around, the realization hits me: I’m in the pack hospital. Panic sets in, and I jerk upright, only to be met by a gentle hand, halting my movement.

The touch is reassuring, calming my racing heart. “Easy now,” Julie says softly, her voice soothing. “You’re safe here.”

With a grateful nod, I sink back onto the bed, trusting that I’m in good hands.

“How are you feeling?” she asked with concern evident in her voice.

“Get me water, please,” I told her. Without hesitation, she hurried to the bedside and retrieved a water bottle for me to drink. I took a sip, feeling the cool liquid soothe my parched throat. “Thank you, Julie,” I murmured.

“How long have I been out?” I asked her.

“Two days,” she told me.

I didn’t want to ask about Kessler directly, so I inquired, “Who brought me here?”

“The Alpha King brought you. He hasn’t left your side since,” she said, smiling and looking at me, wiggling her eyebrow.

“Okay,” I replied, trying to maintain a casual demeanor, though my heart raced at the thought of him I could feel his scent in the room.

I took my time to remember all that had transpired. He said so many mean words to me, and still, I was gullible enough to let him almost have his way with me. Blame it on the mark and matebond.

Kessler is a Greek god. Any girl could not resist his touch, but the regret on his face afterward made me angry and made a shadow appear in the room.

As I wrestled with my emotions, a realization dawned upon me-I possessed a power within me that I had yet to fully understand and control. Will I ever cope well?

It became clear that learning to manage my emotions would be crucial in guiding my newfound abilities and relationships.

Just then, the pack doctor entered the room. “Oh, Lyra, you’re awake,” he exclaimed, relief evident in his voice. “You gave the Alpha quite a scare.” He gently checked the tube that had been passed into me, ensuring everything was in order.

“When will I be discharged?” I inquired, looking up at him, eager to hear what had to say.

The doctor paused, considering my question carefully before responding. “We’ll need to monitor your condition for a bit longer to ensure you’re fully stabilized,” he explained, his tone reassuring. “But if all goes well, you could be discharged today.”

Relief flooded through me at the prospect of soon leaving the confines of the hospital. “Thank you, doctor,” I murmured gratefully.

“But all the same, we will wait for the Alpha’s command before we let you go,” the doctor stated firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

I felt a surge of frustration within me. “Why must I get an order from him before I’m discharged?” I thought to myself, feeling a sense of indignation at the lack of control over my well-being.

His fingers lightly brushed against me, and suddenly, I was overcome by a vision. I saw him struggling to stay alive amidst a raging fire, desperately trying to return inside to rescue someone dear to him. But before he could, he was forcefully dragged back by another figure, despite his protest.

I looked up at him, with gratitude as I spoke softly, “Thank you for taking care of me. Does your family stay in this pack?”

His expression shifted, sadness clouding his features as he seemed lost in painful memories. “My family died in a fire outbreak,” he replied, his voice heavy with sorrow.

I took in a sharp intake of breath as his words sank in, confirming the truth of the vision I had witnessed. It was a startling realization-I kept discovering new facets of myself, including the ability to perceive people’s emotional pain.

I reached out instinctively, placing a gentle hand on his arm. “I’m so sorry,” I murmured, feeling a pang of sorrow for his loss.

He nodded and said “Thank you,” quietly with gratitude. “I’m better now,” He replied with a small smile. “Alpha has been a strong pillar for me since then.”

The door opened, and I watched as Zach walked in. The doctor immediately bowed his head in respect, and I glanced at Julie, noticing her flushed cheeks as she too bowed her head in reference and greeted him. I couldn’t help but wonder about their story.

“How are you, little one?” Zach asked me, his voice gentle and filled with concern.

“I wonder why he keeps calling me little one,” I thought to myself, but I simply replied, “I’m better now, thanks for asking.”

“Don’t thank me, thank the Alpha King,” Zach said, winking mischievously.

I roll my eyes at his teasing remark, a hint of amusement playing at the corners of my lips.

As Zach’s eyes turned glossy, a sign that he was likely mindlinking someone, I watched with curiosity.

“I’ll walk you to the room since the Alpha King gave an order for you to be discharged,” he said, his voice tinged with a hint of concern.

I nodded gratefully. Slowly, I stood up, steadying myself before making my way to my room, accompanied by Zach and Julie.

While in the corridor, I saw Kessler standing close to his chambers. His gaze pierced through mine as if he were accessing my very soul.

I stood there, struck, looking deep into his eyes. Without breaking eye contact, neither of us moved.

Every other person around us faded into the background as we remained locked in our silent exchange.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

He is indecisive, torn between approaching me or keeping his distance. The tension between us was palpable, weighed with unspoken emotions.

I am grateful for his help, bringing me to the pack hospital in good time before my situation got out of hand.

Someone coughed beside me, and that brought me out of my trance. I realized it was Zach.

Kessler makes me feel so many emotions. I don’t want to. Is he going to avoid me after what happens? Will he see me as a threat to his pack and send me away? Or will he come closer, comforting me that I’ll be fine, and tell me we will find a way to control my power?

I shook my head, trying to dispel the swirling thoughts, and went inside my room. All I wanted was to have my bath and curl up in my room all day. I didn’t wish to see anyone.

Julie ran a bath for me, and I took my time scrubbing myself. I doubted if I had taken a proper bath since I had passed out. Once done, I stepped outside.

Julie was kind enough to place my dress on the bed. I applied the cream to my body and dressed up, each action bringing a sense of comfort.

I was so hungry, so I told Julie to get me food. She returned with a tray full of nourishing dishes, and at the sight of the food, my stomach growled in anticipation. Julie smiled warmly as she set the tray down.

I wasted no time and munched on all the food in less than five minutes, surprised by my appetite. As I finished, I belched loudly, feeling a bit embarrassed.

“That was so unladylike of you, Sasha,” said in my head.

“Do I look like I care?” I retorted silently to Sasha.

Feeling content and satisfied, I rested my back and soon drifted off to dreamland, the events of the day fading into the background as sleep claimed me.

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