Chapter 55

Tessa’s POV


I didn’t feel so confident anymore. I was scared. I just wanted it all to be over, after the dream I dreamt of last night, my ways of thinking changed. What if he finds out?

I can’t imagine what would happen, can’t imagine what I’d do if anything happens to my child, thinking about it, there is nothing I would be able to do other than scream and cry. I’m completely helpless. I just have to try and prevent anything of such to happen.

All I had to do was… Drop my plans? I could have come this far for nothing…

You can continue if you want your child dead, I’m sure you’d love to see your precious little child dead. A voice crept into my head. I squeezed my eyes shut in pain. That can’t happen. No.

What if… What if Austin’s Mother tells Vick everything… Oh my God.

No, I’m sure she won’t, she wouldn’t do it. She wouldn’t want to ruin her reputation. She knows if she does, it would all be over for her.

Why did Vick have to come back into my life? Why? If he wasn’t here… I would have put an end to my troubles by now… And that is Austin’s mom.

Why is this happening to me? I let out a sob. I heard a knock on the door, snapping me out of my thoughts. “You okay, baby? You’ve been in there for like an hour.” I heard Vick call.

I was in the dressing room, I have been here for lord knows how long.

“Uh… Yeah, I’m fine. I uh… I’m just, you know… Trying to look my best for you.” I lied. I looked like a mess right now.

“You know, you don’t have to -”

“Of course I do!” I said cutting him off. “I have to look my best for you, always. It’s the least I can do…” I said as I began to get ready. It was silent for what seemed like a minute.

Then I heard him say. “That’s not the least you can do…” He said. I gulped. I knew exactly what he meant.

“I love you, Tessa. I have hurt you, my love. Words can not describe how sorry I am.” Vick said. True, he’s hurt me, hurt was an understatement. I solely remember what he did to my Anne.

I have never wanted to hurt anybody, but I wanted to hurt this man so bad, I wanted him to feel the pain I felt. But it seemed impossible to hurt a man like him. Someone like me couldn’t.

I was a nobody compared to him. I faked a smile. “I’ve forgiven you, Vick. It’s all in the past now.” I told him.

I felt his hand on my leg, I felt sick. Oh, God. He nodded and smiled back. “Our wedding is less than a week from now, I was thinking… Why don’t we start trying for a child?” He asked.

My heart jumped. “W-what are you talking about? I mean… We could wait till… You know… After the wedding, it’s just behind the corner…”

“I know, I know,” he cupped my face. “Our wedding is just behind the corner, but I think it would be nice if we start trying for a child now, my love.”


“Open the door,” I heard him say.

“Vick, we’re going out, remember? Please just give me a minute and I would be out. Please.” I pleaded. I wasn’t at all ready for what he wanted. I wasn’t ever going to be ready. I just pray, somehow, a miracle would happen and I would out of here.

I just want out…

**** Bridget’s POV ****

It was a good thing boss was refusing to take those drugs. Whenever my young mistress, Ciara asks me to go give him those medications, I dreaded going but what can I do?

Getting on young mistress Ciara’s nerves wasn’t a good thing. You’d be asking for a death sentence if you do. I am a mother of two adorable children, if I die today, they would suffer.

And I know for sure that which would make my children suffer. She’s threatened me before. It’s just so sad… What is happening to Austin… He doesn’t deserve any of this.

Ever since this happened to him the evil that has been lurking in this house is beyond me. I-

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard voices. I quickly hid behind the wall.

“… we can’t allow this to go on. The situation is spiralling out of control. We have to do something.”

“And what are we going to do? This snake has evidence, who knows what else she has…” I heard Madam say. I knew who they were talking about… When you hear her use the word ‘snake’ she’s referring to no other person but Tessa.

For some reason, she hates Tessa so much, she’s plotted so many ways in getting rid of her but all plans failed.

“Don’t you get it, mom? Yes, she has evidence, but there’s nothing she can do! She won’t do anything, not when her child is involved. That’s not what we should be worried about, but rather about Austin remembering her and he is already! That’s the only thing we should be scared about, because… If… If he somehow recalls all his memory of her, then it’s finished. We won’t be able to do anything anymore. And then Austin would throw me out of the house! And you… If it goes out that you were the one behind this… It would all be over for you, you’d not only lose your son’s love, but that of your husband’s and then for sure, you’d lose everything you own, hope you haven’t forgotten you are nothing without your husband.” I heard Young Mistress, Ciara say.

“Shut up, you clueless brat,” Madam said, clearly angry at what she had said. “Have you forgotten you wouldn’t even be in this house if not for my help, so I suggest you watch your mouth?” Madam said sternly. “And about Austin, I would go speak with him and make sure he takes every single pill of that medication, I would be the one taking it to him. And don’t worry, my dear. I promised your parents my son would get married to you, I don’t fail my promises.” Madam said.

Their relationship has been weird lately, one thing they look like a mother and daughter who rely on and love each other and then the thing you know, they are like two enemies wanting to kill each other. But why? This was easy to know, they were frustrated… Their plan wasn’t going as they planned, it seemed.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I have always wondered why they want Austin to keep taking the drugs. Austin doesn’t need the drugs, not at all. In fact, he’s getting his memories back without the help of the dr- wait… What if the drugs aren’t to help him recover but to… Oh my God. It all makes sense now.

How didn’t I figure this out before?

“My daughter, April, would be coming home today… So we have to be careful, if she finds anything suspicious, she’s going to try and figure out what is going on and if she does figure out, it’d be done. And none of us would go free, you know, she’s my biggest fear right now…”

Oh my God, young mistress, April was coming home. A smile spread on my lips in relief. It was all over. I just have to figure out how to let her know on arrival.

**** Third Person’s POV ****

The car door opened, A lady got out. A young, very beautiful lady. she stood for a while before she proceeded he walking forward. She looked glad to have been there. ‘Home sweet home she thought.

There were guards everywhere, guarding her like her life was in danger, but it wasn’t.

She reeked of power. A lady like this, you’d think she’s everything so she’d be happy. But she didn’t, she didn’t have the one thing that’d keep her happy in life, even with all the money she has.

She didn’t have love.

She was married, yes.

But her married life is like a horror film to her. She was forced to get married. She wished she had this more power than she did back then, probably then she would have been able to avoid it all. “Mom.” She greeted her mom with a smile and a hug.

“Oh, my child.” Her mom greeted back. Returning the hug. “You have no idea how much I have missed you.” Her mom said. But April noticed something was off.

April was a very smart lady, she could be able to detect stuff like this. “Oh, really mom? In the phone call, it sounded as if you didn’t want me to come.”

“Why wouldn’t I? I just wanted you to come with your husband… It’s been long since I saw him, he doesn’t even bother to check on me anymore.” Her mom said, she just said that because she couldn’t come up with an excuse and April noticed that as well.

However, she brushed it out, she didn’t want her mom to know she was already speculating.

She smiled. “Mason and I are planning for a divorce,” April said. Her mom’s mouth hanged opened.

“W-what? Since when? How come I didn’t know about this? What of your father? What’s he going to think when he hears about something like this?”

“I honestly thought you’d know something like this was going to happen sooner or later, remember how it all happened? And I’d talk to dad about it all myself. Where is he by the way?” April said she didn’t want to tell her mom much. She knew how cunning her mom is.

“He’s out of the States, however, he’d be back for Austin’s wedding in a few days.” Her mom said. Surprise flashed through her face.

“Wedding?” She asked.

“Yes, Austin is getting married… Next week.”

“How come I’m just hearing about this?” April asked.

“Well, you don’t call-”

“That’s not it. It’s just so unlike Austin… Especially if it’s his…”

“Don’t think it too much. You’re here now, that’s all that matters. Come in, come in, you must be so tired, my dear.” Her mom invited her.


April managed to escape her mom. She made an excuse and walked away.

She stopped at the front door to a small office. This door brought her so many memories. Unwanted ones.

“Mom!” She shouted. “Don’t you dare shout at me, young lady! Can’t you see it? I’m doing all this for your benefit, don’t you see it?!”

“No… You’re doing this for YOUR benefits, what kind of a mother are you?! You can’t be doing this! I love him! Why don’t you just leave us alone-”

“Your love for him would be what would kill him.” Her mom said as she walked towards the table. She took a file and brought out something from it, a picture. Her eyes widened as she saw it. She began to shake her head violently.

“No… No!”

“It either you get married to Mason… Or you watch the peasant die.” Her mom said to her. “And if your father or any other person finds out about this… Your love won’t live to see the next day.

“I hate you! I hate you so much!” She cried.

“I’m only doing this for your good, my child…”

She pushed the door handle and took a step into the door. This was where it all happened. She walked in, slowly looking around, and tears slipped out of her eyes.

Her mother was evil.

When she was a little girl, she thought of her mom as an angel. But as she grew, she came to know what a devil she was, she cared about nothing but her reputation and money.

She remembered how her love was snatched away from her, She remembered how she was forced to marry that monster to who she’s currently married. She remembered all the pains she went through.

She remembered how she was raped on her wedding night. It was all because of a woman she called her mother.

Tears continued to slip through her eyes. She sat down on the office chair. Her eyes shut.

The door to the office opened and a woman walked in shutting the door behind her. “Young mistress…” She called. She didn’t like the way she saw April.

April was supposed to be the strongest one. April did not reply. “I have something to say… And i-it’s about your mom and what she’s up to…” She said. April suddenly looked interested.

She went closer to April and bent down, she encouraged herself to carry on, this could end it all. “… Madam..”

After telling her everything that has happened, she started crying. “But I’m really scared… If they find out I’m the one who told you… They might hurt my children…”

April smiled at her. “You do not have to be scared about anything, your children would be just fine, I promise.” She said. Her smile was so warm.

“I just pray so…” She said. “But how are we going to stop them? They are trying to give him the medication again, and from what I noticed, it has a very strong effect, he could go back to square one if he takes the medication again, Young mistress, Ciara won’t let me enter his room any more and he’s never come out of his room since all this happened…”

“They are there… Now?” April asked. She shook her head yes. “Thank you very much, Vera… I’d forever be grateful to you. I’d be right back.” April said. “Wait… You might need this…” She said giving April a picture. April walked out the door. Hiding the picture.

She wasn’t going to sit back and watch her brother suffer the way she did.

She had to put an end to this madness. It’s a good thing she came before it was all too late.

As she got closer to Austin’s room, she noticed her mom and Ciara were at the front door of Austin’s room. There was also a guy in a suit. “What’s going on?” She asked pretending to be clueless.

“Oh April, thank God you are here. It’s Austin, he’s refusing to take his medications!”

“If he continues like this, I’m sorry but something bad might happen to him, he was given drugs to help maintain his brain function.” The man in the suit said.

“Who are you?” April asked.

“I’m Dr John McCain.” He introduced. “As I was saying, his brain was severely damaged from the accident he had, the drugs are to help him recover. Him skipping the drugs would do more damage…” He kept repeating himself. Her mom and Ciara just stood there nodding their heads.

“That sounds terrible,” April said. “Give the drugs to me. I’d make sure he takes it even if I have to force it down his throat.” April said.

“Yes, please my child… Make sure he takes it.” Her mom said. April nodded and walked into Austin’s room without knocking.

It reminded her of when they were little, she’d always badge into Austin’s room agitating him.

She locked the door when she entered the room. She was kind of surprised the door wasn’t locked.

“I thought I told you not to enter my room anymore-”

“It’s me, Austin.” She said. “It’s your little sister.” She walked closer to him.

“I wasn’t gone for so long and all this happened…” She continued. Austin did not reply to her. “I know what you’re thinking… You’re thinking about her.”

“At least I know I am not crazy.” He said.

“She’s very beautiful,” April said. “The woman you’re thinking about. Go on. Continue, try to remember the first day you saw her.”

“I can’t…”

“Of course, you can.” She encouraged. She brought out a picture. She looked at it. “Yes, she’s very beautiful…”

“I can’t…”

“Does this make you remember her?” She gave him a picture. His eyes widened a bit. That was when he got flashbacks. Flashbacks of it all.

Oomph! Somebody bumped into me, she looked up and glared at me. She looked funny. “Are you blind?” He asked the bitch. She glared at him even more.

“Are you deaf?” He asked her when she didn’t reply.

“I’m not blind and I am certainly not deaf!” She replied with attitude, I was taken aback. No one has ever spoken to him that way.

That was his first encounter with her.

“Tessa…” He whispered. He barged out of the room. “Austin!” He heard his mother call.

April walked out of his room with a smile. “Leave him be. He’s taken the medication. He’d be fine.”





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