Chapter 51

After about an hour, we’d already eaten. I tried to make excuse upon excuse to sleep with Anne tonight but he keeps rejecting it. “It’s okay, she’d be just fine, I promise.” He said.

Frustrated, I said. “Why should I believe you? You starved her, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s actually okay and yo-”

“I’m sorry I did all that, I was just angry, you wouldn’t give up..” He cut me off, apologizing. “But, I promise, I won’t hurt you anymore.” He said. He really doesn’t actually care.From NôvelDrama.Org.

But I was very close to wrapping this guy around my fingers, he was my only weapon at this time. I could use him against all my enemies and even against himself.

He’d be good coverage. I also need information.

“I’d stay with her till 2 am,” I said.

“Tessa,” He said sternly. He suddenly looks angry. “You’d do as I say, do not make me punish you.”


He grabbed me by my hand and dragged me along with him. It seemed he was taking me to Anne’s room.

We finally reached the door he opened it. Anne was fast asleep. “See? She’s fine.” He said.

“I just..” I was going to say but he gave me a nasty glare, so I shut up.

We walked back to his room. He was far from being wrapped around my fingers, I needed to step up my game.

“I’m sorry, Vick. I didn’t mean to snap like that, I was just really scared for her..”

“It’s okay,” he said. Walking towards a door, probably the door to the bathroom.

He wanted something from me tonight, I just know it. I heard the tap running.

He’s not going to get anything.

He came back out. “you can go use the bathroom now.” he handed me a towel, a toothbrush and a sleeping gown.

Why would I trust this man with a sleeping gown on me?

“Don’t you have other cloth? I need trousers.” I said. He burst out laughing.

“Women shouldn’t wear trousers, babe. They should wear something that would give a man more access..” He said then bit his lower lip. He wasn’t even ashamed to say it.

“Well, I don’t want to give any man ‘access’, I need trousers.”

“I’d be your husband..” he said. I realized I fucked up again, how was I going to make this man think I truly love him if I keep doing this?

“I know… But we have to wait after marriage, babe..” I said. He looked taken aback when I said ‘babe’

But he smiled nevertheless. I gave him a smile back. “I like when you call me that..” He said.

“I bet you do,” I replied.


It was 5 am and I was already up. Vick was still fast asleep, he was in the far corner of the bed.


“I would sleep on the floor,” I said to Vick.

“Why? I told you, I won’t touch you..”

“I know, it’s just.. Please, I- I’d be more comfortable on the floor,” I said. His face suddenly turned red with anger.

No doubt in my mind now that he’s bipolar.

“You’d rather sleep on the ground than lay with me.” He summarized.

“No, It’s just, you know… You’ve probably been sleeping on this bed by yourself, I would feel like an intruder..”

“I really haven’t.” He replied. Oh. I made a sad face. I needed to act, that’s the only way I would win this.

I turned away from him, looking hurt. “And then you said you loved me,” I said.

“I do..”

“If you do, you wouldn’t have..” I fought to say it. “You wouldn’t have been sleeping with other girls, you would have waited for me..” I said with a fake sob.

“I’m sorry, I just..”

“It’s okay, I forgive you,” I said. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say, I don’t give a f*uk who he f*uks. “I just need to sleep, I’m really tired.

I said, lying down on the edge of the bed. I placed a pillow on the side of the bed and made it seem I just wanted to cuddle with it so he wouldn’t know I’m creating my space.

“Tess?” he called. I immediately faked snores. I heard him sigh. And before I knew it, I felt him place a kiss on my forehead.

“I love you.” He whispered. No, you don’t love me, Vick, you wouldn’t have put me in such pain if you did.

“I’m glad you feel the same way..” He continued. What way? I wanted to ask out loud. The ‘I love you’ thing? It was all an act, to protect my child. I do love you, never will.

End of flashback


He noticed I was awake. “I want to go check on Anne,” I said. He groaned.

“It’s like 5 am. Go back to sleep,” he said leaving no room for argument.

Two days later.

It’s been two days since I came to this house. It’s like hell, having to pretend I love him.

I have no progress in my plan, it’s frustrating. I was sitting down on a relaxation chair close to a pool, and Anne was in the pool playing with her duck.

“Is boss home?” I heard a male voice say.

“No.” I heard the house help reply.

“Help me give him this, when he comes back, make sure no one sees or opens it, not even you or..” and then, there was silence.

I quickly stood up and walked towards where the conversation came from. “hey,” I said.

The guy raised an eyebrow. “Hey..” He replied. The guy looks familiar for some reason.

“What are you doing?! That’s Vick’s Fiance!” oh, it’s that dude I met at that club… Where I almost got raped.

“It’s nice to meet you again, Tessa.”

“Don’t call me by my name, you’re supposed to call me ‘boss’.”

“You said?” He looked taken aback.

“Vick said his workers should call me boss, and I should report if they don’t and he would have them fired, oh yeah, he gave me permission to fire anyone who disrespects me.”

“Oh… Uh… Sorry, boss.” he said. I smiled.

“leave,” I told the house help. She scurried away. “Give me what you brought,” I said.

“Bos-” I cut him off.

“Give it to me or, I would tell Vick you disrespected me and he would have you fired.”

“I got direct-” I snatched it out of his hand before he could finish, he attempted to take it back.

“Touch me and I would tell Vick you hit me.” I threatened. He immediately stepped back.

“Leave,” I told him. He hesitated but walked away. A smile crept on my lips.


I sat on the chair pretending I was crying. “Tessa!” I heard Vick shout my name before he walked in. That guy probably already told him.

I sobbed harder. I saw my mode and his face immediately became soft. He rushed to my side.

“why are you crying, babe?”

“h-he insulted me. He came over, and I saw him with your paperwork, I just wanted to help out with it because I was bored and I thought you might be tired when you get back… I thought I was doing my love a favour but then he got mad for literally no reason and threw the papers at me..” I sobbed. “And that’s why you stormed in here looking like you were about to kill me, you believe him… You didn’t even come or call to ask me what actually happened but you were ready to kill me, how is this relationship going to work if you don’t trust me?”

“I’m sorry, babe. I’d get rid of h-”

“No no, don’t do that. Just tell him to come to apologise.”

“Done. I’d make it up to you, we’d go have a romantic dinner… Just me and you.” He said as his phone rang. “Not tonight… I.. Hmm… Hm… I guess I have to cancel it then… Sure why not? Okay, see you..”

“I’m so sorry babe, but the plan has to be cancelled. I promise we would go tomorrow night.”

“Oh, no problem,” I said. I was relieved, I didn’t even want to go out with him. “But, you’re going out tonight, right?” I asked. He nodded his head.

“To where?” I asked. And then he told me. I was suddenly interested in going. Austin’s mom is going to be there.

“I mean, why can’t I follow you to a business Party? Are you ashamed of me? You don’t want others to know about me.”

“Oh, that’s not it. Who would be ashamed to have a sweet candy like you by their side?”

I managed to pursue him to take me along.


“make sure to give her whatever she asks for,” I said to the nanny who would watch over Anne tonight. She nodded her head.

“Good,” I said.

I walked with Vick to the car. “You look beautiful.” He told me for like the 100th time tonight.

“Thank you,” I said, and looked the other way, I rolled my eyes.

We got inside the car and it drove off.

After minutes of driving, we arrived.

When we entered the party, there was slow music playing in the background.

Obviously, rich men and women scattered everywhere, some discussing, some toasting.

We walked inside and some people came to greet Vick. “She is a beauty!” One old guy exclaimed.

“Thank you,” I replied.

We walked further, then I spotted Austin’s mom. She noticed Vick. She smiled and waved. We walked towards her.

“You didn’t tell me you were going to bring her, Vick, but it’s a good thing though, I get to..” She stopped herself at a loss of words.

I noticed the girl I saw at the hospital, she was giving me a nasty look. Austin’s mom soon followed suit.

I returned it back. After a few minutes of discussion, Vick left the table to go talk with some businessmen, I think. Leaving me with these two witches on the table.

The lady came and sat next to me. “I’m Ciara, Austin’s fiancee, I hope that sink in.” She said as she stood up.

She turned around to walk away, I put my heel shoe on her dress as attempted to walk away, but her silver long gown tore apart. She must have heard it torn apart as she gasped and turned to look at her back.

“You make me want to puke, go fix your dress, please take your time,”

“Mom!” she squealed like a spoiled brat.

“Why would you do that?! You have no respect or what?! I-”

I didn’t let her finish, agitated, I took the wine from the table and poured it on her face. She screamed.

“Please take your time in cleaning up.” both looked taken aback.

Everyone was watching by now.

Before I knew it, someone grabbed me by my hand and dragged me until we were away from the party.

“What the f*uk is the wrong y-”

“I knew that’s what you’d do! Immediately blame me without trying to find out what exactly happened. They started it, they insulted me, they insulted our future babies, they said I’m a whore and I’ve probably already destroyed my womb, they said I may end up giving birth to an imbecile so I shouldn’t try. If you side with them it means you side with these things! You don’t want to have babies with me? Then fine!”

“No, no, of course, I want to have babies with you… I f*uked up once again..”

“Yes, you did. But you have to confront them, they insulted our babies. That woman has always hated me for no reason at all… What have I done?” I faked a sob.

“Please don’t cry..”

“I would stop when you confront them.”

He turned around and walked back to the party. A smile played on my lips. I stood there for about a minute before walking back into the party. I walked towards where Vick was and cling to his arm.

“Come on, Vick don’t be ridiculous, don’t tell me you believe her..” Austin’s mom said.

Oh, This is just the beginning.

**** Kara’s POV ****

“Really?” I pretended to laugh at the stupid joke Cruz made. He nodded his head as he took another sip from his alcohol.

It was annoying the crap out of me, he was taking it slowly. He was the only way I could get some information since he works for Austin’s mom.

I have this strong belief that all that is happening now could be made up. Tessa wouldn’t do such a thing.

There’s no way… I jumped out of my thoughts when I noticed he already drank the full cup. “More..” He was already slurring.

I refilled his cup. “So Cruz, you said you love me and you would be honest with me. Would you be now?”

“Of course!”

“About G. Kings. Is there any gossip?”

“Yes, haha. That woman is crazy. She planned her own son’s accident and he never really lost his memory, they’re just giving him pills, to make him forget some things. Crazy” He slurred.

Crazy indeed.

I wasn’t exactly shocked I knew that woman was crazy, the first time Tessa told me about her.

I just have to look for a way to tell Tessa, without anyone knowing I did…





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