Chapter 49

I got out of the car and went over to the back sit. Anne was clearly scared, her eyes widely opened, oh my poor baby.

I removed her seatbelt, and she climbed down from the car and held it in my hand. With my other hand, I carried the bags and locked the car.

To say I was scared was an understatement. Those men could be anywhere near here. If they’re not, they’d probably find me soon…

And then,

I shake off the thoughts in my head and walked into the hotel. I booked one of the cheapest rooms in the hotel. I can’t afford to waste money at this time.

I thanked the lady I paid after she gave me the room card. Consciously, we walked to the elevator, and after a minute, we reached the room.

I opened the door and we got in. Anne was suddenly excited. I smiled at the huge grin on her face. “You like it huh,” I asked.

She nodded, climbing the bed. “Yes mommy, it’s very pretty.”

I nodded in agreement. It didn’t take long before she fell asleep. I sighed. I stayed up for a while, but sleep soon consumed me.


*** Third Person’s POV ***


“it seems you’re playing with me. We had an agreement. I would help you with that shit if at the end she’s tossed over to me-”

“Calm down, Vick..” Austin’s mom said. “of course, I was going to do just that. But you see… I want her to see him get engaged and then Married..”

“She could see all that while she’s with me Ya know? Where did those morons scare her to?”

“We’re still trying to find out, she wouldn’t have gone far… We’re still sceptical about the car she used. I’m positive, she doesn’t have a car.”

“you can find out from the house owner.”


“I would give you 100, 000 dollars if you file a missing carcase.” Austin’s mom said to the house owner.

“Ma’am, I know Tessa, she was probably in trouble, she’d return it back as soon as she can.”

“1 million dollars.” She bargained a larger amount.

“ma-” she cut him off with the wave of her finger and two of her guard walked forward and held the house owner down.

“or you die.” She continued. The poor man gulped.


**** Tessa’s POV ****


I stretched out my body. It felt so sore. I struggled to open my eyes, but after a few seconds, I finally got them opened.

I looked around, I spotted the clock. 8:23 am.

I yawned and sat up on the bed. Anne was still asleep.

After a while of contemplating if I should leave the bed or go back to sleep. Only lord knows how tired I was.

I chose to get up. I needed to freshen up.


After we freshened up, it didn’t take a while before Anne started whining that she was hungry.

“Okay, okay. I would go get something so we could it,” I said. But, for some reason, I was scared to leave her alone in the room.

I think I saw a restaurant last night, it’s attached to the Hotel.

Sigh… I needed to find a permanent place we could stay.

Why was I even thinking of of a permanent place, my house rent isn’t due in 9 months.

I have to go back there and file a case and a restraining order against Austin’s mom.

How hard could that be?

It’s going to be hard, she’s rich, powerful. She’s probably higher than the law. Sigh.

Why won’t she just leave me alone? I wish I never met her or any of her family. I wish I never got a job in that stupid company in the first place.

‘you really wish that?’ a voice said in my head.

“Mommy?” I heard Anne say snapping me out of deep thought.

“Ah… Come, let’s go get something to eat.” I said.

She grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room.

I asked my way around before reaching the restaurant. After we sat down and ordered food, I immediately began feeling like something is off.

Almost no one was in the restaurant. And couldn’t help but feel like I was getting watched.

I looked around. Nobody.

After our food came, we ate in silence. Again, this could be only my imagination.

I prayed it was.

Halfway down. We were disrupted.

“She was the one who drove the car in.” A young lady said, pointing at me.


“No please, I swear, I didn’t steal the car, I used it for escape, please believe me.” I pleaded to any cops passing by.

I was handcuffed and forced to sit down in this chair for probably more than 4 hours now.

I was scared because that woman could be the one behind all this, this was probably her plan, get me in prison.

It’s so hard to predict with her.

Tears slipped out my eyes, if I was charged, Anne could be taken away from me.

Then.. It’s over.

“Isn’t it nice? We meet again, Tessa.” I heard a very familiar voice.

I froze. With a gulp, I slowly looked up. Oh my God.


“Yo- you!”

He smiled, “Yes me.”

I panicked. Now, no doubt in my mind he’s behind all this. No, he’s doing this with Austin’s mom.

I gritted my teeth. “I know you’re behind this,” I said showing him my handcuffed hands. “I demand you let go of me.”

“Oh no, you’re in police custody. you stole a car, remember?”

“No, I didn’t!” I cried out. “I was in danger that YOU probably caused! I only used it to escape, I was going to return it back.”

“you didn’t before 24hrs ended.”

“It wasn’t even up to 24hrs!” I exclaimed.

“Record said it was.”

I wanted to scream.

“Well, if you aren’t behind this, then why are you here?”

“I never said I wasn’t.” He said with a smirk, looking amused.

“So, you are behind all this.”

“Yes.” He replied timidly. I looked over at the cop. “See?” I said to the cop. “He just admitted he’s behind it. They framed me, please let go-” I was cut off by Vick tsks.

He bent down and faced me. “That’s of no use, my love. Have you forgotten who I am?”

“I don’t know who you are, nor do I care!” I spat, shaking my head furiously.

“Well, long story short. I’m above the law. These cops can’t do shit.” He cussed.

“Where’s my child?” I asked ignoring what he said. “Where’s she?! I swear if anything happens to her, i-”

“You would do what? What can you do, tell me, I’m interested to know.”

There was nothing I could do, I had nothing compared to these people. It’s scary.

“Please, tell me she’s okay..” I pleaded.

“Oh, she is. But she won’t be for long,” he said. My eyes widely opened. “Unless you do whatever I say.” He finished.

“I won’t do anything you say! Just l-” The anger in me said.

“Then she dies.”

“No, no. Please, I beg of you, do not harm her please.”NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“Just imagine if you just listened to us a few years back and aborted that bastard, all this shit would-”

“Do not call my child a bastard!”

“Isn’t that what she is?” He retaliated. I shook my head.


“You know, love. I don’t like seeing you this way..” He said wiping my tears off and I wanted to smack his hand off.

“Oh, you do. If you don’t, you’d leave me and my child alone. Why are you still after me? It’s been years, you can’t tell me you didn’t find someone else to trap with your stupid marriage offer.”

“Couldn’t find any like you…” He whispered. This moron.

He stood up. “I’m going to make an offer,” He said. “Accept my marriage proposal and you get out of here.”

“What marriage proposal? I’m not accepting anything, just leave us alone!” I cried.

I can’t believe he was still on this marriage thing, it’s been years, why can’t he just move on? Why was this happening to me? Why such bad luck?!

“If you get charged today, you know what happens. You lose your child. Oh and you know, this my friend, he loves very young girls, especially the ones your child ag-” He tried to say.

I lost it, I couldn’t use my hand so I spat on his face instead. He wiped it off with the back of his hand and before I knew what was happening, he grabbed me by my neck and slammed me against the wall.

I winced as the pain rolled through my body.

“You’re testing my patience, Tessa. Do not underestimate what I can do.” He gritted out. Its breath reeked of cigarettes.

“I can’t breathe.” I try to say. But his hand only got tighter around my neck.

He finally let go, and I fell to the floor, crying.

“The choice is still up.” He said before walking out.


I wanted to see Anne, hear her voice. Hug her, and tell her how much I love her. I want to hear her small voice…

When will this suffering stop?

“So, when are we charging her?” I heard a female voice say.

“We were given orders not to, For now.”

“Oh okay.” She replied back.

I lay down on the floor. My body ached. My heart ached more. I was scared for my daughter, Vick is known to always do what he says.

I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t know when someone walked toward me. “Have you made up your mind… Yet? Oh and change of plan. If you say yes, you’d get to be with your child. If you say no, she’d be gone, and you’d still be forced to be with me anyways.”

“Please, tell me you didn’t do anything to her, please.”

“I told you before, nothing would happen until I get an answer from you.”

“I don’t have an answer..” my voice came out hoarse.

“You do. Just fucking agree, and then, you’d be okay, you and your child.”

“I won’t be ‘okay’ with you.”

“So, is that your choice?” He asked. I couldn’t reply. He looked over to the cop. “Charge her.”

My eyes widened. I sat up ignoring the pains. “No, please, I beg of you… You can’t do this. I didn’t steal anything.”

“What are you waiting for?” He snapped at the cop.

“Okay fine! I will, please… I don’t want to lose my child, she’s the only one I have..” My voice was cracked.

I noticed his smirk at that. He bent down. “You have me…” He said.


“Get in.” He said as he opened his car door. I hesitated before entering. It was cold inside.

The car was very luxurious, but I felt uncomfortable in it. “Please, let me see her..”

“She’s home.” He replied as he started the car. He drove off. After a 20 minutes drive, we arrived.

I didn’t wait for him to open the car door, I got out. And the house was Luxury as well.

“Anne?” I called.


Third Person’s POV


“Oh good. Also, Austin’s engagement is in two weeks. I expect you there. You should bring her also… Oh, it’s fine! I would make sure he doesn’t see her. Hmm hmm… Yes, alright then.” And she cut off the call.

“It wasn’t how I planned it to go, but everything is even better now, thank you, Vick!” Austin’s mother said to herself.

Her soon-to-be daughter-in-law walked in.

“Where have you been?! I was looking for you, Ray said you left early this morning, now why would you do that without telling me?”

“I’m sorry, mom. I was just really emotional.” She faked a cry.

“What happened, dear?”

“It’s Austin, no matter what I do, it isn’t enough. You know, he now complains about everything I do! I made him breakfast this morning and he refused to eat it after I told him I was the one who made it.” She cried.

“Oh dear, I’m so sorry about that.” She said giving Ciara a warm hug. “I would talk to him, okay?”

“Yes. Please do,” she said.

“And about my gr-”

“Don’t even go there now..” Ciara sobbed. “He left the room last night when I wanted to make your grandchild, he left me hanging, mom.”

“What’s wrong with that boy?!” Momma Austin exclaimed.

“I don’t know..” She faked another sob.





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