Married to the mafia boss Series

# 3—Chapter 38


The plane touches down in Boston at two forty-five in the morning. I’m exhausted unable to keep my eyes open any longer. I start to doze in the car before I reach my building. As lonely as it has been for me, especially before and after Anastasia, it’s my home.

When I get up to my penthouse it is eerily quiet. The only sound is the ringing in my ears. I walk out of the foyer and my heart drops. My hand goes to the gun I carry on my chest holster at all times. Someone’s been in here. The place is turned upside down, trashed. I inspect the first floor, locked cabinets have been picked, files and documents everywhere. As I make my way into the next room I hear pounding coming from upstairs.

I sprint up the stairs and see my bedroom door cracked-literally-the wood is splintered. I’m momentarily confused. The door was left unlocked, why would anyone break it down? Then I hear it. The most gut wrenching sound, a girls scream.

“Shut up, bitch,” I would recognize the voice anywhere. Christian.

I keep my gun held up as I sneak into the room, Christian and Piero’s backs are to the door and I’m able to sneak up on them until the floorboard creaks. They turn around gasping and reaching for their guns.

Christian holds his gun at Anastasia while Piero holds his level with my head.

“So this is where you kept her? You made her your pretty little toy. Fucked her too, huh?” Christian teases.

“Let her go,” I growl, “And maybe I’ll let you live.”

“You can take both of us, Angelo,” Piero clicks his tongue. “You shoot me and Christian shoots the bitch. You shoot Christian and I put a bullet in your skull.”

“You underestimate me,” I hold my ground not faltering once. My goal is to let Anastasia live, I don’t care if they shoot me, as long as she remains unharmed.

“You are no Don, you’re weak. Look, you’ve fallen in love with bastard’s daughter. We never would’ve gained the East Side if it weren’t for Moretti. You would’ve let her father keep attacking us, we need someone else to rule Boston. Your time is up, Angelo,” Christian remarks as his free hand starts to roam on Anastasia’s body.

I look into Anastasia’s eyes, she looks scared but still have that stubborn flare, like she won’t allow them to break to her. She is resilient and unpredictable and I know by our shared gaze that we are already coming up with a silent plan together.

My heart soars at the thought that she came back. She was just unfortunate to come back at a time where Christian and Piero broke in. But I’m here now, and she will get out alive, I’ll make sure of it. I scan all my options carefully. The two of them are idiots, they respond best to provocation, they get angry and messy too easily.

“None of us want you,” Piero reiterates. “The second you replaced Luca we all saw you for what you are-weak. Pathetic. We all know it wasn’t you who was successful with the negotiations with Vasiliev and everyone is pissed.”

I laugh. “And who is going to replace me? You? You think that, what? You could kill me and my men will accept you as their new Don?” They stay quiet which means I’m on the right track. “We all think you two are idiots. Neither of you have what it takes to be Don. This world will eat you whole.”

“You’re wrong,” Piero gets upset, I notice he’s unknowingly starting to lower his gun. “We have what it takes more than you do!”

“You don’t,” I poke the bear. I shrug my shoulders, “You are a laughing stock to the Mafia. We all consider you guys errand boys. You are here at my disposal. You are at the bottom of the food chain and I am at the top. You think you can defeat me? I’d love to see you try.”

Their eyes widen stuck in shock as I quickly put a bullet in Christian first and then Piero, but not before Piero’s horrible aim shoots me through the shoulder.

Anastasia pushes Christian’s body away from her. Blood is splattered across her face, she doesn’t look scared anymore as she runs into my arms. I wince as our embrace puts pressure on my wound. I don’t care though, all that matters is that she is in my arms.

I pull back to sign to her, “We have to leave before one of two things happen. One; either your father finds us. Two; or my men find and overthrow me and do whatever the hell they want with you.”

Anastasia shakes her head. “We need to get you to a hospital,” her eyes are glued on my shoulder. My white button-up stained red.

“I’ll be fine, there is an exit wound and he didn’t hit anything vital. We have to go,” I hold my hand out for her.

She takes a second to stare, wary and concerned for me, but she trusts me so she takes my hand and I lead her out of the penthouse and outside. I look up at my building and there is a knot in my stomach, it’s a feeling like I know I’m never going to see my home again.

I tell my driver I need the car, of course he doesn’t argue with me as I take the driver’s seat and Anastasia sits beside me in the passenger. The adrenaline pumping in my body makes me feel awake and dulls the pain in my shoulder. We’re both tense as we drive through the streets worried that the Mafia or Bratva is trailing us. It isn’t until we get on the thruway and officially leave Boston, that we seem to be able to take a breath and calm down.

“What’s going to happen now?” Anastasia asks. I look over at her nervously picking at her fingernails. I smile at how beautiful she looks. I’m aware that there is something different about her, her hair is no longer red but back to being honey blonde. I’ve missed it. Although the red hair matches her fiery passion, her blonde hair reminds me of her sweetness and innocence.

“We have to leave Boston. If we want to be together, we have to leave,” I sign in short strides so I can still keep my eyes on the road and hands on the steering wheel. “That leaves you to answer, do you truly want to be with me?” I look over at her. She doesn’t answer. “Because if you still hate me for what I did, I understand. If you want to return to your father, I will.”

She puts her hand on my knee and gives me a loving gaze. “I will go anywhere as long as it’s with you.”

“Then there’s no turning back. From now on it’s just you and me.” I take her hand in mine and squeeze reassuringly.

“Where are we going?” She asks.

I give her a warm smile. “Hawaii.”

The drive is long, it takes about six hours to drive from Boston to New York City. Anastasia has long since fallen asleep. She looks so peaceful that I don’t want to disturb her. Not to mention it looked as though she hadn’t gotten much sleep lately.

Arabella had sent me the address of her brother before my plane took off. I memorized it as I chucked my phone out the window before getting on the thruway. I don’t need anyone tracking us.

It’s mid-morning when we reach the apartment building. I gently shake Anastasia awake and she rubs her eyes looking around at her surroundings.

“We just need somewhere to lay low for a while and if we want to make it to Hawaii we’re going to need passports.”

“Where exactly are we going?”

“To a friend.”

“And you trust this friend?”

“I hope so.”Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

The building is luxurious, large crystal chandelier in the lobby, marble flooring. If I had to guess his penthouse must go for more than half a million. In the elevator I click the button of his floor number that’ll lead up to his penthouse. Like mine, it wants a code. I don’t know the code, but there must have been some security setting setting because through an intercom comes an older sounding voice. I doubt it’s Nico himself. Probably a guard.

“May I help you?”

“I’m here to see Nico. Arabella sent me.”

Its silent before I feel the elevator start to move. When the doors open, two large men grab Anastasia and I. I try to fight them but I realize this is just a precaution, Nico doesn’t know me, he’s just being safe. My arms are restrained so I can’t sign to Anastasia who is kicking and trying to bite the man holding her. I try and grab her attention and when her eyes meet mine I mouth, “We’re fine. We’re okay.”A tall slender man walks into the foyer from the living area. He is identical to Arabella, you’d think they’re twins. He has the same olive skin tone as her as well as the same brown hair and brown eyes.

“Who are you?”

“Angelo Ricci.”

“And why is the Boston Don in my home?” He crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow.

“I need your help and your sister said you could help us.”

“My sister?”

“Arabella, she said you owe her.”

Nico looks confused before he starts bursting out laughing. “I do owe her,” he waves to his guards, “Let them down.”

I reach for Anastasia and she grips onto me tightly. “We need passports.”

“Done,” he shrugs.


“Yes. I’ll call to confirm with Arabella-”

“No one can know where we’re going. I don’t want to risk someone listening in and finding our location. I’m not returning to Boston and if they know where we are, they’ll kill us.”

“A rogue Don,” he rubs his chin pondering as he finds this all too amusing. “And who is she? A forbidden lover? Her father out to kill you or something? Or is she an outsider?”

“I guess you could say she’s an outsider.”

“You know I am helping you. I’d like the full story,” he give me a toothy grin.

“She’s the daughter of a Bratva leader.”

This only makes Nico laugh harder. “You are so screwed.”

“So you won’t help?” I raise an eyebrow.

“Of course I will!”

“Thank you,” I sigh in relief.

“My sister has too big of a heart. A sucker for love. I didn’t like it when I heard she married Carmelo. He didn’t have any type of power and I’ve always wanted her to marry a Don or Consigliere so she could have a good life.”

“She has one now.”

“I know and that’s exactly why she’s helping you. She is right, I do owe her, and I know that for her to use this as her favor, it must be important to her.”

I can’t thank him enough as he gives a tour for his ridiculously expensive and beautiful penthouse. He shows us to a spare room that has its own en-suite bathroom, balcony, and hot tub. It’s about the size of my master bedroom back in Boston.

“Your hurt,” he points to my shoulder. “I can bring you a first aid kit and new clothes,” he dismisses himself to do, what I assume, is gather everything he said he’ll bring.

“Are you really sure we can trust him,” Anastasia bites at her bottom lip.

Truth be told, I don’t know if we can. I trust Arabella and I don’t think she’d lead us into danger, but there is this demented look to Nico that sends chills down my spine. There’s something a little off about him, something deranged. But he is Arabella’s brother and for right now, I trust Arabella.

At this point, I don’t have many options to just abandon and find someone else who will help. At least right now I can get some much needed rest and hopefully soon Nico will have the passports made up. JFK airport isn’t too far away, just one taxi ride to the airport and we will be on a flight to Hawaii.

Nico comes in with a first aid kit and a set of clothes for me. I’m grateful that my wound isn’t life threatening, but if I leave it unattended an infection could be the death of me. In the bathroom, I dab disinfectant on the area, it starts to fizz and burn and I grimace as I hold back the scream itching to get out. It’ll need stitches, it’s not the first time I’ve patched myself up, sure it’s a bitch sewing yourself up but it’s better than the alternative.

After I’m clean, exhaustion strikes me hard and even though it’s nearly noon, I crawl into bed. The bed faces the window which has a breathtaking view of the city. Anastasia crawls in beside me and cuddles up underneath my arm. I run my hands through her silky hair lulling her to sleep with me.

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