Married To A Stranger

Chapter 43

Third Person Pov:

After dashing out of his house, he found himself in front of Sreesha who was sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face. The same smile which made him fall for her, the same smile which made him do anything and everything she wishes for.

‘What Am I doing?’ He thought for the nth time looking at her sleeping form.

Am I going to leave her here all alone with her shitty family? Sure, her brother loves her, but her parents?

Why is mom adamant on her decision? Did someone threaten her?

If it is the reason, then who might it be?

There is no way that Sreesha’s father would do that because he was out of town with her mother.

I’m going to give you 30 minutes to reach home and leave or else… you know the consequences.

Could she really do that to me? No! She was just threatening me. My mother would never do something to hurt me… right?

You know your mother keeps her promises no matter what those were her last words before he left his home. Deep down in his heart, he knew they were true.

His mother keeps her promises at any circumstances.

But why was she breaking her promise which she made to herself that she would never let her son hurt?

What changed?

“Leave me alone! I did as you asked. Why are you still here? Get out of my house” yelled Shanthi, Manoj’s mother.

“Oh, you did. Then why are you still here? Didn’t I tell you to leave as soon as possible? Why are you still here and what is he still doing with her? ” she shivered at the amount of venom in his voice.

“I told him to break up with her as you asked me” her voice trembled at the pain her son was going through just because of her helplessness.

“Good. Now call him and ask him to come home” he said tossing a phone which she lost earlier accidentally.


He stood there without making a move. Just by looking at her made his stomach churn with guilt.

If only he could convince his mother…

If only he could take back his promise…

If only he could find the reason behind his mother’s behavior…

If only he could kill the person who caused this situation…

A mobile ring broke the reverie of if only’s.

His mother.

“M-Ma?” He said stuttering.

“Your luggage is packed and I’m waiting for you” her voice was emotionless.

“Ma, please think again. I love her ma; I can’t leave her like this. She would be devastated if I leave her now. Ma try to understand – I will do anything other than this- please ma” his voice croaked.

“Anything?” His mother asked void of emotion.

“Anything ma,” he said in a hopeful voice.

“Then collect my dead body in a few minutes” she said crushing his hopes.

A mixture of different emotions swirled in his eyes. The top two emotions were anger and disgust.

He’s angry at his mother for making him do this and Disgusted about himself for doing this to Sreesha.

“I’m coming” he paused a few seconds before adding “mother”.

He looked one last time at Sreesha, The smile he loved disappeared all of a sudden replacing a frown. As if she knew something is wrong. He started caressing her face with his trembling hands. His traitorous eyes watered at the thought of leaving her, without his knowledge a tear escaped and fell on her lower lip.

He wiped his tear on her trembling lip and started caressing and kissing each and every inch of her face.

He knew he has to leave.

He knew this would be the last time he could ever see her.

But with small hope, he wrote a note saying some crap saying, ‘he needs a break’.

Who knows maybe one day he could get a chance to explain everything to her and beg for her forgiveness?

Maybe she could forgive him in the meantime.

Maybe… just maybe she could take him back despite him abandoning her in this state.

Kissing her lips one last time he dashed out of her house leaving for his.

“I’m coming– mother” his mother knew the moment she lost her son. A sob escaped from her lips making the ruthless person beside her smile in victory.

She knew that he won’t be the same Manoj anymore.

She knew every word she said broke his heart but –

“I want you out of here the moment he steps his foot in this house” his voice broke her reverie.

“Get. Out” she spat the words at him.

He left laughing with his head held high.

A few minutes later, Manoj came and left to his room without a word or a glance at his mother. He came down with a bag full of things she left purposefully.

Memories of his Siri.

“Let’s Go,” he said without giving her a room to start a conversation. He left her in the house alone making his way to the car.

Sreesha Pov:

I’m stunned at the new revelation.

He never left me.

He was forced to leave by his mother.

He left me because he doesn’t have a choice, not because I was worthless.

The very thought made me happy.

I’m not worthless.

But… who threatened her? Only one person could answer her question.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

His mother.

“I want to meet your mother” Karthik and I said at the same time. A look of deep regret flashed in Manoj’s eyes.

“She passed away a month ago” his voice cracked at the end. He is looking down at his lap which he used to do when he did something wrong.

She passed away. He loved his mother to death; he was such a momma’s boy. Is he coping well? He must be devastated.

“I’m sorry” Karthik mumbled. I was too shocked to say anything.

“Do you know who threatened your mother? I mean it’s been years she could have told you something… I know it’s not the right time but Sreesha is in danger.” Karthik mumbled not looking at me.

“I- ” clearing his throat “I’m sorry. She never talked about that incident anymore and I avoided her like plague until recently” he said shaking his head shamefully.

“She died because of me. I should’ve been there for her. I was a terrible son” he said with teary eyes. “All I know is, it was the enemy of her Biological Parents”.

Biological Parents?

“Bi-Biological Parents?” I stuttered.

“You didn’t tell her?” Manoj asked looking at someone besides me.

Looking at my husband?

He knew?

“Karthik? ” I wanted to demand but my voice came out as a mere whisper.

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