Married To A Stranger

Chapter 34

Karthik Pov:

I was turning and tossing on this stupid couch, but sleep was miles away. I just want to hold Sree close to my heart while sleeping. Is that too much to ask?

‘You asked for it’ my subconscious chided me.

‘I was blinded by jealousy when she mentioned that good for nothing bastard name’

‘I did too… but she’s Sree we’re talking about, she’s your wife and you should trust her with your life’ It scolded me like my mom.

‘Yeah, but you’d to admit she’s hot when she was angry, damn her face it’s all red and furious. All I wanted to do was grab and kiss the hell out of her’

‘That makes us two bro’

‘Shut up! She’s mine. Only mine’

‘I’m your inner self idiot! That is why Sree calls you Idiot’

‘I love it when she calls me Idiot ‘ I thought dreamily.

‘You’re whipped’

‘As if you’re not!’ I smirked still my eyes closed.

I was about to turn but stilled when I felt weight beside me and a head on my heartbeat. And a whisper ‘Good Night’.

My Sreesha.

A smile spread on my lips unknowingly, knowing she’s also having a hard time to sleep without me.

The thought itself made me wanted to jump like a monkey.

‘Did you just compared yourself to a monkey?’

‘Oh shut up and let me enjoy this moment ‘


She slept right away after laying down beside me and releasing a sigh of comfort. I let her sleep a little before lifting her bridal style and took her to our bed. I laid her down and covered her with a blanket before joining her making sure to place her head on my heartbeat.

She sighed and smiled a little before drifting into sleep. I mumbled a good night and stole a Goodnight kiss on her head before following her suite.

Sreesha Pov:

A smile spread on my lips realising he’s beside me. He had a strong grip on my head and waist making it impossible to move. I slowly tried to untangle myself without waking him. Tried being a keyword here. He shifted to my side, now our faces are a few inches away. Even after three months, he makes my heart speed up with a pace that no stethoscope can grasp the speed.

Damn him!

I tried to push him placing my hands against his chest. A hard rock one to be exact.

‘You’re no match to his strength Sreesha’

‘At least Let me try ‘

A sigh escaped involuntarily when I felt his abs. It is a good thing that he sleeps with his shirt on, otherwise who knows what will happen?

‘Yeah, you might have robbed his innocence by now’

‘What? How can you think like that? ‘

‘Oh, shut up, I’m your brain, I know your every single silly thought. Do you want me to tell you about all your thoughts you think about your Hot husband?’

‘Have you ever heard of privacy? Stupid brain!’

‘Hey, it’s not my fault, blame it on your hormones’

‘Yeah, talk like we’re not here’ my hormones chided.

God! Now my hormones also sharing their thoughts. Can my thoughts be any weirder than this? Tej always says I have a problem in my brain, maybe it’s true.

‘Hey, I’m perfectly fine’ my brain snapped at me.

I sighed. He’s not making it any easy for me to get away from the bed.


I scanned his face to make sure he’s not faking sleep. He’s indeed sleeping. My poor husband. He was dealing with too many problems yet I’m placing more on his shoulders by telling mine. I traced his face with my forefinger, he has a very fine set of eyebrows, a perfect sharp nose and damn those lips. They’re addictive. I draw an outline of his lips using my finger, a frown appeared on his face making his lips pout immediately.

Gosh! Is he trying to kill me? Here I’m trying to control the urge to kiss him and he’s making it damn hard to control myself. Now I feel like I’m the Husband in our relationship.

Stupid Hormones!

Leaving all my negative thoughts I placed my lips on his and started kissing him. In a few seconds, he started kissing me back still closing his eyes dragging me impossibly close to him.

Damn his strength!

I pulled back when I was out of breath and found him grinning ear to ear like a kid who got his Christmas gift early.

“I would love to wake up every day like this,” he said in his sickly husky morning voice which gave my stomach a storm of butterflies.

“Don’t get used to this hubby, I did it because I wanted to use the washroom and your grip on mine was as strong as Iron leaving me no other choice than to kiss you”


Yeah, and he doesn’t have to know that I’m lying so shut up.

As if he didn’t know already!

“Yeah, and any other sane person would have thought about other ways than kissing to wake up others.”

” That’s for others, not for husbands. You’re my husband and I’ve every damn right to kiss you. Now let me go so I could get ready to meet my friends. And yeah you’re coming with me too” I said and rushed to washroom leaving my husband whose jaw probably hitting the floor right now.

I locked washroom door just in case he tries to follow me.

Did I just say all those things?

Of course, you did idiot!

So I’m in trouble then.

Of course, captain obvious.


After bathing, I realized that I didn’t get my clothes with me. I cursed myself for being so ignorant. How can I face him now not to mention with just a towel?

I glanced around the room, he’s nowhere to be found. This is the only chance to escape. With one last deep breath, I ran into the walk-in closet to find my husband half-naked.

Can this day be any more embarrassing?This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Sree, do you like this shirt- what the?” His mouth hanging open, his eyes popped out.

“Karthik, close your eyes” I hissed.

He just stood there moving his lips like a fish.

“Karthik, close your eyes NOW” I shouted making him jump. He nodded frantically closing his eyes before leaving the closet.

I sighed in relief. Now the question is, how the hell am I going to face him?

After doing my business, I took deep breaths calming myself and stepped out of the closet to only attacked by my husband’s arms.

“What is that stunt you just pulled? Are you trying to kill me?” He said huskily.

“I didn’t do it on purpose, I forgot to take my clothes with me before going to washroom” I mumbled.

“Don’t pout now. I already need a cold shower now… again” mumbled the last word.

“Again?” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Don’t look at me all innocent now, I already did one after our heated make-out session and now I need one more?” he said huffing leaving me like a statue.

“And you have every damn right to kiss your husband” he smirked leaving a very veryyy verrryyyyy innocent Sreesha behind.

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