Married At First Glance: I Am Not Ugly

A Kiss And Pictures

“Yep. I think it’s time you go change and prepare for the photoshoot. We have to make it like you guys are actually saying vows in the picture and all.” Anderson said. “The photographer is waiting for you guys…. so chap chap!” Anderson added clapping his hand to hurry Alexander.

Alexander nodded in agreement and headed to the changing room to prepare for the photoshoot.

He knew that this event was essential for their business deal and had to go off without a hitch.

As he changed into his wedding attire, Alexander couldn’t help but reflect on how far they had come since the beginning of this fake marriage arrangement.

The situation was still unusual, but he couldn’t deny the benefits it had brought to their professional lives.

With a deep breath, he walked out of the changing room, ready for the photoshoot that would, for a brief moment, make their fake wedding look real.

While they were there waiting for Marissa, Alexander and Anderson were standing and discussing with the photographer.

Just then, Marissa entered and Alexander turned to see her. He was shocked by what he saw.

As Marissa entered the room, all eyes turned towards her, including Alexander’s. He was surprised by what he saw.

“Wow,” he exclaimed, his eyes widening. “You look… amazing.”

Marissa smiled, a hint of blush on her cheeks. “Thank you. I wanted to make sure it looked real, just as you said.”

Anderson chimed in, “You two look fantastic together. Let’s get this photoshoot going. Remember, we need to make this look as real as possible.”

The photographer began giving them instructions, and Alexander and Marissa stood side by side, both feeling a mix of surprise and anticipation as they posed for the photos that would further cement the illusion of their fake wedding.

Then the photographer instructed them on the final step of the whole fake wedding thing.

“You guys have to kiss.” he informed them.

“Kiss?!” Alexander and Marissa exclaimed in surprise as they looked at the photographer.

The photographer nodded, unfazed by their reactions.

“Yes, a kiss will make it look more convincing. Just a quick one. It’s the final touch we need for the photos.”

“Uh…. not a good idea.” Alexander said.

“Sir, we would need to make this as convincing as possible. All you guys have to do is join your lips together.” The photographer said.

“Yeah, dude. It’s no big deal. You are not going to kiss each other…. it’s just like a peck on the lips.” Anderson said.

“It’s actually…. the same… thing….” Marissa stammered, clearly uncomfortable with that.

“C’mon guys, it will only take a few seconds and then the picture will be taken and everyone’s happy.” Anderson said.

Alexander and Marissa exchanged a hesitant glance, and then, with a shared nod, they leaned in for a quick, staged kiss, their lips touching for a fleeting moment to complete the illusion of their fake wedding.

As Alexander and Marissa pulled away from each other after the staged kiss, Alexander felt his heart racing.

He was taken aback by the unexpected rush of emotions he felt in that brief moment.

He wondered if it was because it had been a while since he had been kissed, or if there was something more to it.

The idea that he might have developed feelings for Marissa crossed his mind, and it left him feeling both confused and intrigued.

He tried to push those thoughts aside, chalking it up to the unusual circumstances they found themselves in.

Yet, deep down, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was something more to their connection than just a business arrangement.

While when Marissa and Alexander pulled away from their staged kiss, Marissa noticed the unexpected flutter of emotions stirring within her.

Her heart raced faster than she had anticipated, and she knew she needed to refocus on the main goal of their arrangement – getting the financial help for her brother’s treatment.

But for both of them, these personal thoughts had to be pushed aside. Their business deal and the well-being of Marissa’s brother were the priorities.

There was no room for personal emotions in this fake marriage.

“Congratulations guys! You are now fake married!” Anderson clapped his hands together with a smile on his face.

“Yeah…. I guess we are.” Alex said as he looked at Marissa who stared at him briefly and moved her eyes away.

“So when will the pictures be ready?” Alex asked the photographer.

“Um… next week,” he informed him.

“I need it by Friday.” Alexander orders.

“Friday sir? It’s not gonna be easy to get it done by that time.” the photographer said.

Alexander looked at him, clearly angry at the statement the photographer just said.

“I don’t care how you do it, but I need it done and sent to my office sealed and properly covered. I don’t want the staffs to see it.

Or better still, Anderson would pick it up and take it to my apartment on Friday.”

“But sir…. that Friday is too early….” the photographer said.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Alexander’s frustration was evident. He leaned in closer to the photographer and said, “I don’t think you understand, Mr. Photographer. This is a critical part of our business deal, and I need those photos by Friday. If you can’t make it happen, I’m sure we can find someone who can.”

The photographer, realizing the gravity of the situation, nodded quickly. “I’ll do my best, sir. You’ll have those photos by Friday, I promise.”

“Good. That’s what I like to hear.” Alex said as he walked out of the mansion.

Marissa, who knew how rude and arrogant Alexander was, turned and faced the photographer.

“Please, try to have it ready by Friday, it would really help us a lot and thank you for your effort today.” she smiled.

“I’ll do my best ma’am.” the photographer said.

Unknown to her, Anderson was watching from afar and smiled at how nice and kind Marissa was towards everyone around her.

“I really don’t get why he still chooses Jessie over Marissa. I mean Marissa is what he needs and not what he wants. But that dumb ass would never know until someone helps him realize that Marissa could become a very good asset to him and his career.” Anderson said to himself as he watched on.

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