Marriage and Annulment


Zaneska kept pretending to be fine, but she was still in pain in her heart. She was especially taken aback when she saw Zander. Whatever she said about him moving on, it wasn’t enough. When she saw him again a few years later, all of their memories resurfaced. And the agony of being separated from it. She was confronted by two people who were close to her at the time.

The two people are truly in love. Who is she to stop the two of them? She knew that any moment the two of them get back together, would never go back to the way they used to be because it had already cracked. She couldn’t see it for a long time as if any moment she would cry in front of them even more and she seemed like strangers to Zander. Zander has ignored the two years they spent together as a married couple then.

She got up and went inside the hotel toilet. She washed her face because she seemed to want to cry.

Zander notices that Mitch was standing up

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” Mitch responded.

Zaneska then notices the toilet door is open.  She  noticed Mitch walk in.

She noticed Mitch washing her hands. And approached her.

“I know your not fine. It’s not my intention to destroy your relationship with Zander; he just cornered me when we met, so I told him,” Mitch explained.

Zaneska’s brow furrowed.

“Really? Or did you mean to do it to get back at me? Let’s not be nice now Mitch because our friendship has long ended. We’re even now. I broke your relationship with Zander before and you also broke our relationship now. Zander is single and you can get back together. What are you worried about? What will other people say? Don’t be, because we won’t be best friends anymore,” Zaneska said.

“Zaneska! I’m not here to fight you. You’ve changed, and I just want to apologize to you for whatever you say,” Mitch said.

“After all, you’ve made me look bad in the eyes of other people by stealing your boyfriend, so I’ve done it. This is my true attitude, so leave in front of me if you don’t want to be told anything.” she said.

“You act like a child, Zaneska, Oh my, we’re fighting over one man. There are a lot of men out there. I’ve already left him, so why should I go back to him?” Mitch asked.

“Are you sure? We’re both women, Mitch, and we know when we don’t love someone anymore, so don’t lie to me. But, if you’re sincere in your apology. I accept it, though,” Zaneska said.

Mitch abruptly ceased speaking. So Zaneska left her in the restroom and returned to their table. Zander’s gaze met hers.

“I’ll leave you all first,” Zaneska said as she bid them farewell.

She walked out of the hotel and into her car. She’s in need of airs right now because she can’t seem to breathe. She walked to the plaza. She never got out of the car. She had just come in and was looking around the plaza.

She considered going out for a walk and looking at the fountain. She simply wants to get rid of the negative energy in her body. Her eyes widened only when they met the eyes of the man she had met earlier at the bar, who suddenly kissed her. And she believes it was the same person who chased after her car that night. When the man approached Zaneska, she appears to have backed away. He smiled at her without the tinge of malice that would make her frown.

“Hmm, hi, I know you didn’t forget me based on the fear on your face, but please accept my apologies; I didn’t mean to insult you at the time; I’m just a little tipsy, so I’ll kiss you,” the man explained.

Zaneska’s brow furrowed.

“You must have fixed your drunkenness!” Zaneska exclaims.

“I know, by the way; my name is Tristan Ocampo; don’t introduce yourself to me; I already know you,” Tristan said.

“Really? Are you looking into it?” Zaneska asked.

Zaneska has been reassured as well.

“No, I really know you. Before we met at the bar. I know it wasn’t a pleasant encounter,” Tristan said.

Zaneska leaned against her car’s hood.

“I have a question for you, Tristan: are you also the car that followed my car that night?” Zaneska inquired.

“Yeah, we didn’t have any bad intentions with you back then; we just wanted to introduce ourselves, so you just vanished,” Tristan responded.

Zaneska approached Tristan and slapped him across the face.

“You scared the hell out of me that time,” Zaneska admitted.

“Ouch, it hurts?” laughed Tristan.

Tristan approached her, causing her to become alarmed.

“What are you going to do? Get out of my way. We’re not friends, so you’re going to be this close to me,” Zaneska said.

“I took a picture with you for remembrance,” Tristan explained.

“Just make sure it’s remembrance, because if I find out you posted that on social media, you’re not going to get a slap from me,” she says.

Tristan cracked a grin.

“We’ll see.”


After they finished talking with Tristan, he said goodbye because he had somewhere else to go. So she had no choice but to return to the mansion.

Amara called early on Sunday to invite him to their son Jeom’s second birthday, and he couldn’t say no to Amara. Mitch should also be included. Because he is in the province, he will simply call her. If he still picks up Mitch in the city, it will be too much trouble. He didn’t want to leave just in case Duke and him were all right.

Zaneska was invited to Joem’s first birthday party. And I’m still in the province. She didn’t have a choice but to leave because she didn’t want Amara to be upset. Because the girls are all busy, she is the only one who is going. She needed to get somewhere quickly so she wouldn’t be late. She also had an hour’s drive, so it was already five o’clock in the afternoon when she arrived. She had already entered Duke’s house, only to be surprised by the man she encountered. Tristan was the one who was smiling at her.

Don’t tell me Tristan is Duke. Didn’t he mention her before? Tristan approached her, hugged her tightly, and kissed her on the lips.

“You’re too clingy, damn you! You’re just attracting a lot of attention,” Zaneska remarked.

Zaneska was aware that everyone in the room was staring at them. Tristan simply smiled at her. Duke approached her with a broad grin.

“I don’t have to introduce you anymore because, based on what I’ve seen so far, you’re too close,” Duke said.

“Is this bastard your friend?” Zaneska inquired of Duke.

“Yes, did you know this man kissed me without saying goodbye 8 years ago? To my surprise, I slapped him,” Zaneska explained.

Zaneska notices Duke’s amusement.

“Really? That was called fate,” Duke said.


Zaneska has already found and loaded baby Joem. Amara was beaming.

“You’re blushing, Zaneska, and that was sweet,” Amara said.

“U-huh? You’re still beautiful, Amara, even though you have a child,” she said.

“Of course,” Amara responds, “you need make-up so your husband doesn’t leave you.”

“Really? That’s why my husband left me because I didn’t look good anymore,” Zaneska said in hushed tones to Amara.

“Because he’s a great fool,” Amara replied quietly.

As a result, they both laughed.

When Zander saw the earlier scene, his blood began to boil. He’s not sure why, but he’s not pleased with what he sees with another man approaching Zaneska. Especially since he was well aware that the man’s appearance would not go well. What he sees now is a series of Zaneska going in different directions.

Zaneska was bored in the hours that followed, so she considered going to the back of the house, but her eyes widened when she saw. Zander and Mitch are kissing passionately. She walked away before they could see her.

She noticed that she had already gone through the back gate so that Duke and Amara would not question her about what had happened. She was sobbing. She assumed she was fine. She hadn’t been able to see them in that sweetness before. She got in her car and slammed on the brakes hard. She didn’t realize a large truck had hit her car because she was driving too fast. Whatever she did, she was suffocated. She had no choice but to close her eyes.

She was aware that this was the end of her life. She will accept if she dies in this manner. She closed her eyes as her body collided with the hard object, causing her to pass out.

Zander was never saw Zaneska again. Maybe it will return home. Tristan, the man, is still here. He noticed Duke’s unease, and Tristan, Amara began to cry. So he went up to them. Duke gave him a death stare, but he ignored him.

“Amara, what’s the matter?” he asked.

“Zaneska, she was in an accident; her car was crushed when a large truck collided with it; her entire body was filled with blood,” Amara sobbed.

Zander seemed deafeningly deafeningly deafeningly deafeningly deafen He had no idea how people would react. Please do not reach for anything that he is afraid of. If something bad happens to Zaneska, he won’t be able to forgive himself.

So he bolted, followed by Duke and Amara, as well as Tristan and Mitch. He no longer waited for Mitch to get in the car once he was in it. He’d already driven the vehicle. Zaneska had just arrived at the hospital by ambulance when he arrived.

Zander approached Zaneska, who was lying  with blood all over her.

He appeared to pass out from fear. Zaneska appeared lifeless as she lay on the stretcher.

“Zaneska, sweetheart, I’m sorry; if I hadn’t been selfish, you wouldn’t have gotten to this point,” Zander explained.

Zaneska opened her eyes, despite the fact that she appeared exhausted from the pain she was experiencing. Zaneska touched his face with her blood-splattered hand. He didn’t mind if his face was smeared with blood as long as Zaneska lived. She fixed her gaze on him.

“Be happy, okay? I know I won’t last long because my body is weak and I have a lot of fractures all over my body,” Zaneska said.

Zander became terrified.

“Don’t say that. You’re not a doctor to say such a thing. Promise me you’ll fight, and if you do, I’ll marry you in any church,” Zander said.

“Zander, don’t say that. I know this is my punishment for the mistake I’ve made with you two and Mitch, so goodbye,” Zaneska said as she let go of her grip.

“Enough,” said the male nurse, “we need to get her to the operating room before it’s too late.”

As a result, Zander trailed behind, his chest tense. Then they arrived, accompanied by Duke.

They came up to him.

“Zander, where is Zaneska?” Amara asked.

“Zaneska is inside, checking on her condition,” he replied.

“How is she doing? Was she seriously hurt?” Mitch asked.

“I’m not sure.”

Zander was leaning against a wall.

“You better get ready, Zander, because if something bad happens to Zaneska, I’m going to bury you alive!” Duke yelled at him.

When Tristan stepped in, Duke was about to punch Zander.

“This is all your fault; if you hadn’t separated him, this wouldn’t have happened. Pray hard, Zander, because otherwise I’ll forget we’re both friends!” Duke exclaimed.

Zander remained silent as Duke spoke.

He has already repented.

Mitch and Amara are already in tears because the doctor they have been waiting for hasn’t come out. Zander questioned why he had become so selfish. Even now, when Zaneska was on the verge of death, he realised everything.

“No, Zaneska! No!” Zander exclaimed as he pushed open the door and entered the operating room.

They, too, followed. Zaneska’s straight line heartbeat was also visible to Zander. Not at all! His mind’s cry. His tears began to fall.

Oh my goodness! Kindly help her! Please!

Duke yelled, “Zaneska! Fight back! We need you here!”

The doctor attempted to resuscitate Zaneska, but her heart rate remained straight line on the monitor. He had given up hope and knelt on his knees. Mitch embraced him.

Zander overheard the doctor say, “Time of death: 7:35 p. m.”

He abruptly rose to his feet and approached Zaneska.

“No way! She’s still alive! Resurrect her! Have mercy on her!” Zander begs the doctor.

“I’m sorry, we tried everything, but she gave up,” the doctor said.

In front of Zaneska, he burst into tears. She didn’t mind if his tears dripped. All he wanted was for her to be with him for a long time. He kissed Zaneska on the lips and touched her face.

“Please, don’t leave me oh. I love you so much. I can’t live without you. I promise you I won’t leave you again. Wake up, please,” Zander said.

Two person went inside to took Zaneska’s body.

“No, don’t come near here! I still want to talk to her!” exclaimed Zander.

“Sir, there’s nothing we can do. Your wife is gone; that’s just the way life goes,” the man replied.

“She’s not dead yet! Take what you said back!”

He was about to punch the man when he heard the monitor ring with Zaneska’s heartbeat, which had returned to normal.

“Call the doctor!” exclaims the nurse.

The doctor returned his gaze to Zaneska.

“I’m not sure how it happened, but her heartbeat returned; you’re lucky because something about her love for you kept her from leaving you,” the doctor told him.

He took a seat on the cement floor. He felt relieved when he saw Duke’s tears dripping against the wall.

“You all come out first, and I’ll tell you the result later. Don’t worry, her heartbeat will continue to return,” the doctor said to them.

They all came out, but the nervousness in Zander’s chest remained.

“You’re lucky even you’re stupid!” Duke exclaimed to her.

Mitch handed him water, which he drank.

“You’ll rest first, Mitch, come home with Amara, sleep at their house first, and I’ll take care of it,” Zander explained.


Zander was left in the waiting area after Mitch left. He was content despite his many upbringings and mistakes. Time will not allow it. Zaneska has been home from the hospital for nine months. That was one of the scariest things Zander had ever seen and experience, so he promised himself that if there was a problem in their lives, he would understand her. Because her two legs were injured, Zaneska is still in a wheelchair and is not completely healed. As a result, he was extremely cautious. Even if he is tired, he will not make it appear so. He couldn’t believe that no matter what he did, he’d end up back in Zaneska’s arms. And Mitch is only a relic from his past.

*ENDING*NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

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