Spencer only smiled and leaned back. “Damm, Dimitri” he said, “This woman got you good. Since when are you bothered by people’s feelings or what people thought of you? I can’t blame you though, I saw her that day at the theater, she looked beautiful”

Tired of Spencer’s teasing, Dimitri picked up his beer again. He was about to reply with a snarky comment of his own, when the elevator pinged open. Their attention was diverted from their beers and the television and they all watched as Kelly walked in.

Dimitri stood immediately, “Kelly….” he said as he took a few steps towards her.

“Hi, Dimitri,” Kelly murmured.

Dimitri heard David murmur, “Speaking of the devil”, and normally he would have replied, but he was way too focused on Kelly. There was this look in her eyes and he knew instantly that something was wrong.

Kelly saw Spencer and David that moment and then she turned her attention to them, “Hello” she said, lifting her right hand and waving a little.

“Hello,” Spencer said.

“Hello beautiful” said David, “You’re Kelly. We have heard so much about you”

“You have?” Kelly replied, looking surprised and Dimitri bit his lower lip. His friends were just the worst.

“Yeah” David said, then he added hurriedly, “Good things…. Very nice things indeed”

Spencer just sat there and grinned at her in a funny way.

Despite her worries, Kelly smiled. They looked like very nice people and maybe when things got better, she would get to meet them again. She realized that she hadn’t spoken for a few seconds when David and Spencer kept staring at her. She shook her head.

“Ermmm… I’m sorry. My head isn’t in the right place right now. I’m sure that next time we meet, I will be able to make a better impression. But right now, I just came to talk to Dimitri” she returned her gaze to Dimitri, who was watching her closely. “It’s very important,” she added.

David and Spencer got up that second. “Oh, it’s fine. We were just taking our leave anyway” Spencer said, although Kelly was sure they were just leaving so they could give her and Dimitri some privacy.

“See you around Kelly” Spencer said, and they both slapped Dimitri on the shoulder.

“Later man” they said, and then took their leave.

Dimitri still stood where he was, one hand buried in his pocket, beer in the other.

“Hi” he said, when Kelly made no effort to say anything.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hello, Dimitri,” she croaked. Her voice sounded weird and her throat felt dry. “I’m sorry I came like this. I called but you weren’t picking up and I really needed to talk to you”

Dimitri looked around and felt his pockets. “I’m sorry. Guess I left my phone in the bedroom” he said, then returned his gaze to her. “I wanted to see you yesterday. I called but you didn’t pick up”

“I was…. Occupied” came Kelly’s reply.

Dimitri nodded his head, “You have been… Occupied a lot lately. Was beginning to think you were avoiding me for some reason. Did I do something wrong again?”

Kelly didn’t reply, and he took another sip from his beer. “You look worried about something, Kelly. What’s going on? You can tell me….” he added. “Is something wrong?”

He pulled his other hand from his pocket, and took a few steps closer to her. Not too close, but enough to make her heart beat a little faster. Kelly took a deep breath. The man seemed to suck out all the oxygen in the room. His stance was bristled with spiky tension, insisting on space around her.

Dimitri moved again, this time away from her. He trod softly, moving over to a desk, propping himself against the front of it, trying to establish a relaxed, non-critical air. He didn’t want to beat her over the head with anything. He wanted her to trust him, he realized. If she’d just place some confidence in him, she would tell him what was wrong…but there was none forthcoming at the moment.

“It’s okay, Kelly” he soothed, trying to be a little playful. “I’m not going to bite. Just tell me…whatever it is”

Her head tilted back. She swung around to face him. Her expression seemed torn between intense inner conflict and a need to rise above it.

“I wasn’t careful, Dimitri,” she said. The bare statement held both guilt and defiance.

His mind wandered. What was she talking about? Did she mean something about the company? If it was, then why was she coming to him? Or was this about them?

“What were you not careful about?” he asked, doing his utmost to keep calm.

Her lashes fell. Her mouth twitched into a rueful grimace. She took a deep breath, forced herself to meet his gaze squarely, then laid it out. “We have been sleeping together…And I guess you thought I was protected…but I wasn’t.”

It took him several moments to unscramble his mind which had been totally focussed on possible problems at the company. Then it took several more moments for the implication of her words to sink in. The shock of it robbed him of any ready speech. Now that wasn’t what he thought she would say.

“I’m pregnant, Dimitri” she shot at him in case he hadn’t put it together.

Right! he thought, still unable to produce a verbal response. He simply stared at her as understanding flooded through his mind. His eyes drifted to her stomach, which was still flat, and then back to her face. When did she find out? How old was the pregnancy? Did her father know too?

That wasn’t the point. But what did Kelly want of him? That was the big question.

Though instantly overriding it was what he wanted.

Kelly was pregnant with his child.

There was no question about what should be done.

“We get married,” he said suddenly, pushing off the desk to stand tall and determined against any opposition she threw at him.

“Married,” she repeated, as though she couldn’t believe he had made that leap. And honestly she couldn’t. This was the craziest thing she had ever heard him or anyone say.

“Yes. We can do it tomorrow…. Anytime…. As soon as possible… sign whatever papers have to be signed for legal notice…”

“Dimitri, people don’t get married over a pregnancy anymore,” she cried, her arms unfolding, hands flapping in agitation. “Especially when…”

“It was just a sexual relationship” he finished for her.

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