Maid for the Mafia Boss

Chapter 67


I came along Keian’s ‘collection’ last night.

It went pretty normal, actually. You know, they threatened the man’s life. The type where he wouldn’t be able to sleep at night thinking of Keian’s threat.

I’m always at Keian’s side that time.

They didn’t really do something dangerous because someone who is defenseless is not a ‘threat’ to them.

I just watched them do their…  business.

They also have these codenames that relate to a specific skill they are good at.

And now, from the backdoor of the mansion, I’m looking at the training field.

They’re training their men, you know, shooting them with what looks like airsoft guns.

But this time, I think they are wearing a protective vest.

I even heard Steven’s laugh when a man fell. It seems like I will be checking a lot of injuries later. I’ll help Lewis siblings treat people later too.

I shook my head and approached them.

Even Keian, he shots them too.

” If you really find it entertaining to watch your men fall, why don’t you try it yourselves?” they all turned at me.

Steven smirked.

” Oh, Nass. We don’t need the training. We already went through that,” he answered smugly.

” Ahhh, so you’re afraid…” his eyes widened and came to me.

” I’m not afraid! We are almost the first ones to go through that obstacle” I smiled at him sweetly.

” Okayyyy. If you say so!” He squinted his eyes at me before removing the jacket he’s wearing.

” Fine. We’ll show you how great we are! Right guys?” He glanced at the nine others looking at us.

They looked at each other before shrugging, then lowered their airsoft guns.

” Oh! Kei? You’ll come with us?” Devon asked with wonder.

” Why not?”

” You may want to watch us,” Devon answered, not sure about it.

Keian shrugged.

” A race is even more fun to do than watching all of you fall,” he said, a little magniloquent.

The seven looked at him.

” Is that a challenge?” Zeke asked, grinning.

Keian just grinned back and didn’t answer them.NôvelDrama.Org content.

While others are preparing for the obstacles, Keian went to me and kissed me on the lips quickly.

I avoided his eyes.

” What are you doing! There’s a lot of people here!” I said, almost whispering.

He turned my face back to him and looked at me seriously.

” Watch me,” I repeatedly blinked while staring at Keian’s back.


” Felix, give us a head start!” Keian shouted. Felix nodded.

I noticed that Katie and Maxence didn’t join others on the obstacle course.

Katie was holding a phone and looked like she will video them.

” 3 ”

” 2 ”

” 1… Go!” People on the obstacle course rushed to run when Felix fired the gun as a head start.

They are pretty fast. It would’ve been fine if they weren’t pulling or pushing each other.

My eyebrow raised when I saw Keian leading out of them all.

My eyes went to the table where there is the airsoft they were using a while ago.

I smirked when I got an idea.


I neared a gun and examined it.

It’s heavier than the pellet guns you can buy at farmer markets, and I’m sure it fires stronger.

Katie, Maxence, and the other men watching looked at me.

” Sh8t! Ow!” Keian widened his eyes at me when he got hit on his shoulder.

Because of this, Steven passed him, who I shot too.

Ahhhhh. Why is this so satisfying???

I shot them just like what they were doing on their men.

” Ey! Nass! Don’t shoot us!” I heard Steven complained.

I pointed the gun at him, and he immediately raised his arms.

I shot the space below him, and he was shocked by that.

I’m glad my gun skills are still not rusty…

I’m not surprised that they dodged the pellet balls. They truly have the skills.

But because I’m great, I was still able to hit them.

” Nass! That looks fun!” Katie approached where I’m standing with a wide smile.

She took a gun and imitated what I’m doing.

” Hey, Katie! Why did you join shooting?!” Zeke shouted while dodging a pellet ball.

She didn’t answer him and just continued shooting.

I turned to Maxence, who’s interestingly watching the people race.

” Felix!” The one I called came to me. Smiling, I gave the gun to him.

” Replace me” he was shocked by what I said, but he still took the gun.

” Hey, Felix! Don’t you dare” Felix hesitated at first but shot Dale first.

I tried to refrain from laughing at what’s happening now.

I sat beside Maxence.

He ignored me and returned his look to his phone.

” Why didn’t you join?” I asked.




I tried not to frown.

Almost 25 minutes have passed, I still have not received an answer!

Hmph>_< I was about to say something again when he finally responded. " I don't like it," he shortly said. I glanced at him, who's looking at Keian and others again. " You don't like physical activities, or you don't like to hang out with them?" For no apparent reason, he looked at me badly. " I don't care about them, especially you, so can you please not sit beside me?" You can see his annoyance at what I said. I bit my lip because I might've offended him. " Sorry, but I know your relationship with them is good…" I can see him roll his eyes. " We're not" " I can see it. You just think to yourself that you are not close to them" I saw his jaw tightened, and I intend to stand up to leave. I don't want him to get mad at me. " Oh, I will go n---" " Wait" I looked at his hand on my wrist. I gulped before sitting again. " You think you are so mighty that you know everything. Well, let me tell you that you don't know anything about me, so don't intrude" his expression darkened but aside from that, I can see the sadness in his eyes. I breathed deeply. " You really cared for the people around you, but they told you not to interfere. Is that it?" His hold on my wrist tightened, so I winced. " What's wrong for worrying!? I don't understand why no one cares for me, and I still care for them?! F*** this stupid feeling! I nearly died because I cared for someone I loved!" He let go of me and clenched his fist. " I just want their attention. But I realized that caring for someone is useless. You will just get tired, mentally" He looked at me before standing up and left. I watched his leaving figure. " Hey" I turned to the one who called me who is Keian. My look returned to the obstacle course, and Steven and Devon are still there, who looked like they are now chasing each other. " Who won?" He narrowed his eyes at me. Later on, his hands are on both of my cheeks, pinching my face. " What's wrong?" I glared at him. " It's how you are penching my cheeks! That's whot's wrong!" He smiled then he let go of me. " Nothing. I just talked with Maxence" his eyebrow furrowed before he sat beside me. " I won, obviously," he said, a little arrogantly. I quickly hit the back of his head. " Oh? Where's Maxence?" I asked when I didn't saw him on the table where all of them are except for him. " In his room, don't want to eat," Devon answered me. I became worried because he might really be upset with me. " Nass. You should eat with us" I looked at Zeke and shook my head. " I'm already done eating" I brought him a pitcher of iced tea and poured some on his glass. " You all should just eat," he grinned at me while drinking with his glass. " So, Zeke. Regarding the noise you and Katie were doing last night," Zeke's eyes widened, and he even spilled the iced tea on his clothes because of shock. He quickly stood and moved his glass away, then shoot daggers at Keian. " Kei! We are eating!" Katie, who's red, scolded him. " What? It's true! Theo also heard the two of you" I looked at Theo with his head lowered not because of shame but because of… anger? Steven, Devon, Erick, Laiza, and Keian looked at each other. Then all laughed at the same time. I kicked Keian's feet when Zeke and Katie got more embarrassed, and Theo's expression darkened even more. " You're awake!" Maxence said, shocked when he entered the kitchen. It's almost midnight, so practically all of them are already asleep. I smiled at him. " I just needed to do something" he rolled his eyes at me, then turned around maybe to go back to his room. *Grrrr* I grinned when Maxence stopped when his stomach rumbled. " You didn't eat dinner. I left some food for you," I said to him. He faced me with a blank face. " No thanks," I took the leftovers that I've set aside for him then approached him. " Here. It's already a little cold. You want me to re-heat it?" He looked at the tray I'm holding before looking at my eyes. *crash* I sighed when I saw the food for Maxence on the ground. I knew it. The food is only going to be wasted! Then I would clean the floor as well! I took his arms and pulled him to the table. He got confused at what I did. I pushed him down on the chair, and you can see his irritation. Before he even got to complain, I hit the table. " Stay!" His eyes widened at me, and he slowly nodded. " Good," I said, satisfied. " You can just remove the food. Why do you have to throw it?! A lot of people in this world can't eat three times a day and is hungry! I now need to cook you another food, and clean the mess you did!" I scolded him. He gulped while looking at me. He is silent, so I just sighed again. I went to the stove and started cooking another meal. I'm glad there is still leftover rice! After cooking, I served Maxence who's head is still lowered. " I hate you" My eyes flickered to Maxence, whose food is still untouched. Honestly, I got sad at what he said, but I understand why he said that. " I hate that you cooked for me, I hate that you're cleaning the mess I made. I hate that it seems like you're caring for me" he clenched his fists. " I hate it. I hate people like that. Stupid people who give a damn about everyone, anyone. They don't realize that the person they care for is already using them," he nearly growled out of anger. My mouth straightened while seriously looking at him. " So you must've hated yourself" he turned to me, shocked. The anger in his eyes a while ago is already gone. " I may not know anything, sorry about the things I said. I should not say this… but if you really care for that person, you would not stop caring whatever others may say or even if you won't get something in return. For me, it will be pointless if you will stop worrying about a person even though they are significant to you" I can see his tears fell from his eyes. " They threw me out of our house. Like I'm not their family. Even my old friends didn't defend me. That's why it's better not to care and worry. Though I really want to show how I really care" I smiled at him sadly while approaching him. " It's okay, Maxence. You're not alone now, and you're surrounded by the people who cared for you" he nodded at me before hugging me like a child, crying. I rubbed his back to comfort him…

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