Mafia’s Curves

Chapter 33

There were millions of thoughts racing in their head as they ate in silence. Could the king want to marry one of the daughter? Or did he want the Mexican mafia? Either way they couldn’t refuse any of the king’s request. All kinds of scenarios ran through their head.

“Not trying to meddle but what happened to Martin?” Hayden asked trying to be respectful to the dead and the losing family.

Juan sighed and looked at his wife, “The boys were out for a drive when they stopped in a gas station. Martin was attacked at the alley, neither of the brother’s were there by the time they found him, he was half dead…” Juan looked around the table hesitate to say the next part. Hayden may or may not be involved in this and if he is involved, telling him anything would give him an upper hand. Juan though to himself.

Hayden rose his eyebrow at him indicating to speak up, a few seconds of hesitation later he decided to tell him anyway, “The brothers took him to nearby hospital. Where Martin was finally killed by a doctor there who was paid by the attacker.” He said taking deep breaths to calm himself.

Hayden leaned back on the chair, “How come none of you saw or monitored the doctor’s actions?” Hayden asked the twin brothers. They both looked quite shocked with the indirect allegations, “W-we didn’t. We were too busy worrying about Martin that everything flew out of our head!” José said not meeting the eyes of his parents.

“Where is the doctor? I am sure you have him in custody” Hayden rubbed salt in their wounds, he knew doing this will bring more damage to Antonio.

Juan looked ashamed, “No we don’t. She somehow disappeared. We are not able to track her down”

“So we thought to blow up her house so that somehow she’ll contact anyone of her neighbour. But she didn’t, she is must be in high security with that attacker!” Alejandro said. Hayden took a deep breath not wanting to pull out a gun and shoot this bastrad.

Antonio cannot be more annoyed anymore, all they were taking about was Martin and his murder. For god’s sake leave him be and move on!! He thought to himself.

“Sometimes you really don’t see the foe disguised as a friend” Hayden broke the ice making Antonio stiffen. But his actions were not noticed by anyone. The rest of the family looked at Hayden sceptically, “Okay that’s it! Why did you call us here? What do you want?” One of the sister Pam asked.

“Well enough beating around the bush. I am here to give you a gift, a life changing one.” Hayden said and pulled out his other phone. He opened his gallery and played a video. He handed the phone over to Juan, everyone left their seat and came behind their father to see what Hayden had to show.

Antonio was hesitant at first but he went behind his sister anyway.

The four brothers parked their Camaro in the gas station. The twins, José and Alejandro went to the shop fooling around, while Martin and Antonio stayed behind with the car. Antonio was filling up the gas when Martin said something to him and went to the alley way.

The scene then changed to the alley way, you could see a silhouette of a man just behind the trash bin beside the bathroom stall. Just when Martin walked out of the stall, the person came out of it’s hideaway with a heavy looking object that had a stick to its hammer like head. He swung it powerfully and hit Martin’s head. Martin’s head swung to the other side due to the powerful impact and collapsed on the floor holding his head.

The attacker took another hard swing of the heavy metal at the back of his head.

Martin layed limp on the ground as blood came out from the back of his head. The masked man pulled out his mask revealing, Martin’s supposed best friend Richard.

Everyone was shocked to say the least but Antonio was afraid what was about to come next he knew well enough. Anger was surfing through everyone’s body when Richard revealed himself, the twins wanted to kill that bastard for backstabbing their beloved brother. Everyone was planning the ways to kill Richard but Antonio was death afraid he had to distract them, anyhow.

“We have to go and get that bastard!” Antonio growled from clenched teeth. Everyone was too angry to bother about his unusual behaviour. The family was seething in rage.

“How can he betray his best friend like that?” Esme said tearing up.

“Martin treated him like a brother… Like a family!” José said in anger wanting to strom to that motherfucker and kill him

“That’s what you get to make anyone your family!” Alejandro said through clenched teeth.

Hayden raised a mocking eyebrow at them chuckling, Juan’s attention snapped towards the Mafia king.

He was thankful as well as offended, “What do you find funny about a murder?” He snapped angrily. Hayden gave him a smirk, “You guys are fools. That’s why I am laughing. You are so focused on the snake that you are not seeing the scorpion. Keep looking, it gets better!” He said picking up his knife and fork, cutting his steak.

A minute went by and a man walked to the two men, his back was to the camera so you couldn’t see his face. But weirdly enough, his structure and clothes seemed familiar… Very familiar.

He conversated with Richard but that came to a halt when Martin started groaning and moving around. Panicking, the man took the steel object from Richard’s hand and bashed it on Martin’s back. Splashes of blood splattered around, the way Martin withered in torment and his face scrunched up in agony showed how much pain he was inflicted.

He kept on bashing him untill the attacker’s head snapped to the other side showing a part of his face. Antonio.

There was a series of gasps looking at this side of him. Antonio caught in perturbation took the knife near him and pulled his youngest sister to him. He put the sharp knife on her throat and moved back to the door, “Nobody move! Or else I’ll cut her throat open!”

The brothers and the father looked at his own blood in hate, “Why the fuck would you do that?” Juan growled.

Hayden was now really bored, he took the wine bottle and poured himself another drink till the drama is going on, unbothered about the whole useless shit.

The mother started wailing, not being able to digest that a brother killed his own brother in cold blood and for what?

Hayden rolled his eyes, forget keeping up with the Kardashians, this shit is so much doper. Hayden thought and chuckled to himself.

“Because it has always been Martin! Martin this, Martin that. Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin. I WAS SICK OF THAT SHIT!! MARTIN THE PRODIGY SON, THE ANGEL AMONG THE DEMONS! WHY DIDN’T YOU EVER LOOK AT ME? I WAS GOOD TOO! BUT THAT BASTRAD ALWAYS TOOK THE LIME LIGHT. NOBODY WAS BOTHERED ABOU–” he was cut off by his sister, Jasmine he held captive.

She elbowed his guts making him crouch down and losing his grip on the knife. Jasmine turned to the traitor of a brother and kneed his face, the twins then tackled him down beating their brother up, the two sisters too joined stomping their pointy heels on their brother’s flesh.

Hayden raised his glass slightly and drowned the whole content, “Anyway I’ll get going! And there is more to the video that I’ll send you..” Hayden turned to Juan who was consoling his wife.

Juan took a deep breath and nodded. He was ashamed, what he was supposed to do as a father and a husband, he wasn’t able to. Rather an unknown man did such a big thing for them, he was forever in dept of his king.

“Thank you so much Mr. De’luca. You have done us a great favour! Just remember whenever you need any kid of help or anything, we’ll be just a call away!” Juan said showing his true loyalty and greatfulness to Hayden.

He just nodded with a small smile, getting up from his chair and shook Juan’s hand.

Back in the hotel, Hayden layed in his bed comfortably, he began thinking of Fallon. He still doesn’t believe that she gave him a chance after all the shit he put her through. Its a miracle that she even was in the same room as him.

He smiled to himself and went to the closet and took out his suitcase. He pulled out a small black velvet box, he opened it to a beautiful engagement ring.

He wanted to give her something more unique than just regular diamond, something that represents her. He smiled like a 15 year old thinking how he planned to propose to her. She’d cry, maybe even hit him but she will finally be his, really his, in every sense.

The blinking of his phone grabbed his attention, he opened it and saw Jason’s text, his right hand man.

‘ Everything happened according to your plan.

– Jason’

He took a deep breath and kept the ring in its place and went to sleep. Everything is alright now, I can finally sleep in peace. Hayden thought to himself not knowing what he is about to face.

The next morning Hayden left for the airport, he kept on readings and signing business papers in his car.

When he reached his private jet, he gave some of the files to one of his loyal man and ordered him to give it to his right hand man, Jason.

As soon as the plane took off he went to the room to see everything is done accordingly. He went Infront of the mirror and one by one took off all the prosthetic he was wearing.

He cracked his necks, loosening the knot that formed wearing this shit. He went to the bathroom and changed into a cargo pants and a plain t-shirt.

He he came out someone punched him in the face, that took him by surprise. The attacker thew another blow at his ribs, “I knew that was not a real face, Caleb Kings!” Caleb/Hayden looked startled at the intruder.

“I thought you would be dead by now” Caleb snarled at Richard. He threw another punch at Caleb, “I must say you’re having the best of both world. Son of a multi-billionair, Jason Kings and the heir to the De’luca empire!” Caleb pushed him to the near surface making Richard lose his momentum.

Caleb caught him by this neck and smashed it into the bathroom wall, “How did you get in here?” He growled and punched his jaw. Richard pulled back and took out a small knife from his back and stabbed Caleb in the shoulder.

Red hot liquid poured out of his wound, “It wasn’t hard when I had a gun pointed to the pilot” Richard said with a smirk. Caleb grunted in pain as Richard pulled it out and went to stab him in the stomach. Caleb caught his wrist and twisted it in an abnormal way.

“My turn” he said and punched his face. Richard lost his balance and stepped back, seeing this as an advantage. Caleb caught his hand, ducked under his arms and twisted it. Caleb elbowed his elbow making it tear out if it’s flesh.

Richard howled in pain and dropped on the ground facing the ground, “You have a lot of nerve to come here” Hayden spat circling Richard like a predator. Richard cried in pain making Hayden sigh in content, he loves when his enemies are in pain.

Hayden examined Richard who was twisting in raw pain, shouting and crying. A smile made its way on his face, “aww look at you, groaning in agony” he cooed mocking him. Richard let out a loud cry when Hayden caught broken bone and tore it out of his body.

Reflection of a shiny object caught his eye, he turned his face to see the knife that Richard stabbed him with. Caleb’s blood was on it, he smiled perilously with a wicked glint in his eyes.

He took the knife and inspected his blood, “What a waste of precious blood!” Caleb said and stabbed Richard’s shoulder blade. He let out a loud yowl, “Stop screaming like a banshee! I have just began!” Caleb hissed and dragged the knife on his back without pulling it out.

Caleb had a childish smile on his face as he doodled on his back. Blood came pouring of of Caleb’s wound like a fall but he was oblivious to it.

“Yo-u ar– goi-ng to d-ie” Richard spit out blood as he said those things.

Hayden smirked wickedly, “Oh really?” He mocked the man who layed on the ground in his own blood. Caleb grabbed Richard’s head between his hands and snapped to the back side.

The jet was flying high up in the sky as the sun shined brightly giving light to everyone, it was a peaceful day for people outside the jet. But a sudden blast of the jet disrupted it all, killing every person in the jet.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

Parts of body scattered over the ocean.

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