Mafia Obsession

Chapter 18


I enter the kitchen, and all I can think about is how good last night was. Not only did we have mind-blowing sex, but we talked-really talked. I’ve not talked to anyone about my

mother in years, but with Jasmine it just came out.

I intend to take Jasmine breakfast in bed, as she’s still fast asleep after everything we did last night. We were up into the early hours of the morning, unable to keep our hands off each other.

Rick speaks from behind me, “You seem too happy, considering,” Rick says, as I reach for the fridge door.

I turn to face him. “Considering what?”

“All the men can’t stop talking about how you rushed down with a fucking mattress to save your prisoner. A prisoner who was trying to escape the other night.” He raises an eyebrow. “I’ve been gone two days and everyone knows, Kane.”

Rick’s words snap me awake from the crazy, lust filled daydream I’d fallen into. Of course, they’re all talking about it, I’ve showed weakness- something I never do. They witnessed just how desperate I was to save her, which may or may not be taken to mean I care about her.

Most of my men would have expected me to kill her for trying to escape me, not save her life. I’ve been so wrapped up in my bubble with Jasmine, I hadn’t considered damage control. “I punished her for it,” I say, schooling my features into calm and collected. Even though beneath the surface I’m out of control and panicking.

“Not according to the guards, you didn’t,” Rick says, stepping forward. “They saw you escort her back to your fucking room.”Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.


Leo enters behind Rick, smirking at me. “Not to mention, it sounded like she has been enjoying her punishment a little too much, if you ask me, Daddy.” He raises an eyebrow slightly.

I clench my fists. “No one asked you, Leo,” I grit out, feeling irritated that he heard what she called me. It’s often easy to forget Leo’s room is two doors down from mine, and we weren’t exactly quiet last night. Jasmine had been screaming my name and Daddy, for half the damn night.

“Did you forget my room is down the corridor from yours?” he teases, grabbing a pint of milk from the fridge.

I ignore him and busy myself in the cupboard, searching for the ingredients to make pancakes. I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that Rick won’t approve of my plan to make breakfast for her and take it to her in bed, especially after everything.

The click of the kitchen door shutting makes me turn back to Rick. His face makes my stomach dip, as I know he’s about to pull rank over this-I know exactly what to expect.

“Sit down.” He nods his head to the kitchen island.

I sit on a stool opposite him, crossing my arms over my chest. Rick’s lectures only piss me off, especially considering he’s my younger brother, but he’s also the boss and it means I’m obligated to listen to him.

“Do you realize how dangerous this twisted thing is between you and this girl?” He glances at Leo. “For all of us.”

I shake my head. “It’s not dangerous. I can keep it under wraps.”

Rick cracks his neck, setting his palms flat on the table. “Brother, we’ve got the no-attachment rule for a damn good reason.”

He is right. The reason we’ve got the no attachments rule is because this world is too dangerous to have anyone you care about close. We didn’t even grow up with our mothers. Not to mention, Jasmine isn’t cut out for this kind of life. She’s good and pure, everything I’m not, but everything I need.

There’s no part of me that can even consider giving her up, not after last night. She’s imprinted on me so deeply there’s no way I could ever leave her side. Normally, once I’ve been with a woman, I don’t find myself itching to do it again. Before we’d slept together, I knew it would be different with her. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted, and I’m not giving her up, no matter what Rick says.

“You need to let her go, Kane,” Leo says, patting my shoulder.

“It’s not going to happen.” I shake my head. “There’s no chance in hell.”

Both of my brothers sigh simultaneously, exchanging glances. “If you’re serious about her, then she needs to be brought into the loop.”

My brow furrows as I try to work out exactly what Rick is saying. He can’t be talking about inducting her into the mob. Sure, it would make her somewhat safer, but it would also prove to people how much I care about her.

There’s been something bothering me for a while about our own mafia. I’m certain not everyone is as loyal to us as we believe and throwing Jasmine into that dangles bait in their faces.

I shake my head. “The mob is too dangerous for her.”

Rick tuts and crosses his arms across his chest. “Then what do you suggest?”

I wrack my brain, trying to think of a way around it. My mind is spinning, as all I want is to keep Jasmine in my life forever. I’d even leave the mob for this, this life I never wanted, and I know neither of my brothers would stop me if it’s was really what I wanted. “I could leave…”

Rick bangs his fist down on the table. “No chance in hell.”

Leo shakes his head. “We stick together no matter what. If you are serious about being with this woman, we will protect her as one of us.”

A lightness settles in my chest hearing my brother say those words. Jasmine is everything to me somehow, even if I can’t explain why. I’ve known her for just over a week, but I’ve never been surer about anything in my life. She’s the one for me. The question is, does she feel the same?

She said she wanted to be mine last night, but she was horny and needy. I need to clarify whether she’s in this for real, as if not, there won’t be an out once we bring her into our circle-not a safe one, anyway. A crazy idea has been growing in the back of my mind, one I think will make her safe. Before I can reconsider saying it out loud, the words tumble out, “I’ll marry her.”

Both my brother’s eyes widen and they stare at me like I’ve flown off the fucking handle. “Isn’t that over the top, bro?” Leo asks.

Rick nods. “You’ve known her just over a week, and we can keep her safe without marriage.”

I shrug, unable to explain why I’m feeling this way about a woman I barely know. There’s a part of me, deep down inside that longs to claim her as my wife and make her mine for real. A possessive and primal part of me that won’t rest until she has my second name and is pregnant with my child. Until she is marked as mine forever and no other man can touch her.

I grit my teeth as my balls tingle at the thought. “It would make her safer than just protecting her. No man in his right mind would touch Kane Romano’s wife.” I run a hand through my hair. “We can keep the wedding small and quiet, if she says yes.”

Leo stares at me like I’ve lost the plot. I can understand why, considering I’ve never been the type to consider a steady relationship, let alone marriage.

“Are you sure about this?” Rick asks.

I nod my head without a second’s hesitation. “Positive.”

He runs a hand through his hair. “Fuck, all right, follow me.”

My brow furrows as he walks out of the room, heading left down the corridor toward the library. “Where are we going?”

Rick holds up a hand, as if to tell me wait and see. I follow him right into the library. He heads toward a locked cupboard, pulling a key from his jacket and opening it. I didn’t even know it was there. I watch him as he fishes out a black box and turns to me, narrowing his eyes.

“Dad kept this locked in here, and I didn’t know whether to tell you about it,” he says, flipping the box open.

“What is it?” I ask, walking toward him. “Your mother’s engagement ring.”

I stop in my tracks, staring at my brother. Why the hell did he keep that from me? I’ve got none of my mother’s possessions, other than a photo of her.

He shrugs. “If you’re going to ask this girl to marry you, then I thought you might want to use it.” He turns the box around to show me the large solitaire diamond ring sitting in the middle. A flood of conflicting emotions hit me. On the one hand, this ring was my mother’s and to give it to Jasmine it would prove how serious I am about this.

The only thing getting in my way is the fact my asshole of a father purchased this ring. He gave it to her.

I shake my head. “I’m not sure I can bring myself to give Jasmine something he bought.”

Rick smiles at me. “He didn’t buy it.”

My brow furrows. “How do you know?”

He sets the ring down on the desk in the library and returns to the cupboard, pulling out an old looking envelope. “Your grandmother gave him her mom’s ring to propose. There’s a letter from her why it was so important.” He shrugs. “It’s got a lot of family history on your mom’s side.”

My throat tightens as I glance between the ring and letter. Emotions over never knowing my mother flooding me, as I consider giving something so sentimental to Jasmine. Even though we haven’t known each other long, I know she’s the one for me.

“Take the letter and the ring, and think it over,” Rick says, setting the envelope down on the desk too. He walks passed me, clapping me on the shoulder.

I can’t speak. The emotions hitting me all at once, as I stare down at the beautiful diamond ring. All I have from my mother is one lousy picture, no memories of her. This ring would look perfect on Jasmine’s finger-a part of the woman I never knew with the most important woman in my life all of the time.

I don’t read the letter, stowing it inside my jacket pocket. It’s too much to read right now. Instead, I snap shut the box and clutch it in my hand. There’s no time like the present.

Jasmine might not feel the same way I do, and the fear of her rejection scares me more than anything, but I need to know.

My heart pounds hard and fast as I turn out of the library toward the stairs. The blood rushing through my veins is all I can hear, making my stomach churn. I’ve never been this nervous about anything before. Jasmine will probably think I’m insane. It is insane.

I stop outside my own bedroom door and hesitate. My hand settling on the door handle, waiting for the courage to step inside. What if she rejects me?

It’s ridiculous that I’m more scared of her rejection than anything I’ve ever experienced in my life. I turn the handle and force the door open, willing my heart beat to settle down. It doesn’t. The moment I clap eyes on her, lying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling, I’m more of a mess than ever.

She looks over at me and smiles widely, chasing all my doubts away.

This is right.

“Morning, beautiful,” I say, clutching the box behind my back and walking toward the bed.

She rubs her eyes and then stretches her arms over her head. “Morning, Daddy.” She blushes at the word, and my cock gets harder than a rock.

“I’ve got to ask you something,” I say, kneeling on the edge of the bed. She sits up straighter. “What is it?”

I take a long, deep breath. “I know we haven’t known each other long, and this may seem utterly crazy.” I pause, doubting myself.

She reaches out and presses her soft hand against my cheek. “What’s wrong?”

I shake my head. “Nothing.” I pull the box out from behind my back and flip open the lid. “Will you marry me?”

Her mouth hangs open, and her eyes widen. For a long while she’s silent, and I’m sure I’m on the edge of experiencing a heart-attack. My heart pounding harder than ever against my rib cage.

Jasmine launches herself into my arms, tears rolling down her cheeks. “It is crazy, but yes.”

A flood of relief fills my gut as I hold her close, allowing her to cry into my shirt. “Why are you crying?”

She pulls back and looks into my eyes. “I’m happy.” She shakes her head. “It’s totally and utterly crazy, but I’m happy.”

I smile at her, kissing her gently. “It’s the best way to keep you safe.” I entwine my hand with hers. “Once we’re married, no one would dare touch you.”

A flash of something enters her eyes, and she bites her bottom lip. “I’m in danger being with you, aren’t I?”

I can’t lie to her. She is in danger. Danger follows me everywhere and caring about someone instantly makes them a target. “Yes, but I will do everything to keep you safe.” I wipe a tear from her face. “You’re mine now, Jasmine.”

I pull the ring from the box and slip it onto her finger, shocked that it fits perfectly.

Her eyes widen. “How did you know my size?”

I shake my head. “I didn’t.” I swallow hard. “This was my mother’s ring… You must be the same size.”

She glances down at the ring and then back up at me, emotion clouding her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Kane.” She worries her bottom lip with her teeth. “Are you sure you want to give this to me?”

I scoop her up in my arms and sit down with her in my lap. “I’ve never been surer about anything, baby girl.”

She rests her eyes shut and leans against me. My heart beat is even and steady as I hold my fiance close, feeling like the luckiest man alive.

The only thing now is to get through the wedding without anything going wrong. It sounds easier than it is, especially for a Romano.

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