Go to Pieces

Overall, Anne has been in the hospital for a week now. The woman has even moved from the ICU to a VIP care room. All the medical equipment that was originally attached to her body has been removed one by one. Anne is even free to sit and lie down on her own without assistance from anyone.

Today, it’s Julie’s turn to keep Anne company. Meanwhile, Noah himself, the man, appears to be busy discussing with the doctor who has been taking care of his sister.

Although they hadn’t known each other before, Julie and Anne seem familiar with each other. They often engage in light conversations and even serious discussions.

“I thought you and Noah had been working together for a long time. I just didn’t expect you to be willing to even tolerate working with him.”

Julie smiled. She understood Anne’s meaning well. While continuing to peel the apple in her hand, she responded, “I’ve only gotten to know him recently. The first impression I got when we first met was that Noah is an arrogant guy. He even openly underestimated my abilities back then.”

Anne chuckled. She felt intrigued by what she had just heard. As the only sibling, she knew Noah’s behavior all too well. He had always considered women to be creatures of God to be avoided. “Don’t be offended,” Anne said earnestly. “Believe me, despite appearing so annoying, in reality, Noah is a good person and very caring.”

Julie reflexively nodded in agreement. “Yes, you’re right. At first, I thought Noah was a conceited guy. But, after seeing how he has treated you recently, observing, caring, and trying to protect, I understand that he’s a responsible family man.”

“Exactly,” Anne nodded too. “This is what makes me love him so much. I hope that someday Noah can meet a woman who truly understands his nature. He’s too focused on taking care of his family and work to the point of forgetting to find a life partner.”

Julie was taken aback to hear this reality. She truly didn’t expect that a handsome guy like Noah didn’t have a partner. “I even thought your brother already had a wife and kids.”

Anne immediately shook her head. “Many women he has turned down. Besides, Noah is the type of guy who doesn’t like to be tied down. I don’t know how long he’ll remain alone like this,” Anne complained. “I even pray that someday Noah can find a suitable life partner. At the very least, his future wife should understand and comprehend his profession. Dad has asked him several times to get married soon.”

“Who’s talking about marriage?”

From the door of the room, a man’s voice suddenly chimed in. Apparently, the subject of Anne and Julie’s conversation had arrived and entered the room.

The man approached Anne without hesitation. He planted a brief kiss on the top of his sister’s head.

“What are you two talking about?” Noah asked curiously.

“Nothing. Just discussing when you’ll get married,” Anne replied casually.

Noah sighed. He extended his hand and playfully ruffled Anne’s hair.

“I won’t get married until I’m sure you’re living a happy life. Besides, it’s not easy to find a woman who’s willing to understand my profession.”

From her seated position, Julie nodded along, trying to understand the conversation between the two siblings. Shortly thereafter, the room’s door was knocked. A doctor and a nurse entered, accompanied by two men dressed formally. From their appearance alone, Noah knew who the visitors were.”

As the doctor and nurse performed their duties of checking on Anne’s condition today, the two men were busy chatting with Noah and Julie.

“Mr. Aldevaro and Miss Salvatore, nice to meet you again,” one of the men greeted politely and warmly. They shook hands with each other. “We’ve returned to visit you because we want to ensure Miss Anna Maria’s condition. Is she much better than before?”

Noah nodded. He was prepared for this visit. However, before continuing the conversation, he and his guests chose to listen to the doctor’s report on Anne’s condition.

“The patient’s condition can be described as much better. The post-operative stitches are starting to dry. Moreover, there were no vital organs injured from the beginning. This has led to a faster healing process.”

The formally dressed man then responded to the doctor’s explanation. “Is the patient able to travel?”

“Based on her condition, there shouldn’t be any problems if the patient wants to go for outpatient care in a day or two. However, it’s important to remember that even though she’s recovering, she shouldn’t push herself, especially to the point of exhaustion.”

After observing and providing a brief explanation, the doctor and nurse left the room. Noah and his guests then resumed their discussion.

“If her condition allows, we really hope Miss Anna Maria can be present during the investigation. The sooner, the better.”

Noah glanced briefly at Anne, who was sitting leaning on the bed. After observing his sister’s condition once again, he nodded the next moment.

“I’ll try to bring Anna Maria to Rome tomorrow. Hopefully, this investigation won’t take too long. Considering her improved condition after the surgery.”

The man in formal attire nodded in response. He invited Noah to shake hands again before bidding farewell.

“Well then, we’ll await both of you at the AISE headquarters as soon as possible.”

After their guests left, Noah immediately walked over to his sister. He pulled a chair and sat right beside Anne, who was lying down.

“There’s something I need to tell you.”

Anne furrowed her brow. From Noah’s expression, she was sure that there was something important he wanted to convey.

“Tomorrow or the day after, we have to go to Rome. The AISE team will conduct an investigation and gather evidence before bringing Valentino to the Supreme Court for trial.”

Anne’s suspicions turned out to be correct. What she feared had indeed come true.

“How long do we have to stay there? You know, I need to catch up with Kaivan in London soon.” Anna Maria’s face turned anxious. She was convinced that this investigation process would likely take a considerable amount of time.

“Maybe a week. At most, a month.”

Anne took a deep breath. She despised being in a position like this.

“Can’t I meet Kaivan first? Until this moment, he hasn’t fully recovered. I’m sure he needs me by his side.”

“Anne…” Noah’s voice softened. He tried to calm his sister to prevent her from becoming emotional. “Hans gives you regular updates about Kaivan’s condition almost every day. You also exchange photos often. I’m sure, when Kaivan’s condition improves, he’ll understand your situation.”

Anne shook her head immediately. “But I’m also certain that during the investigation, neither of us will have any contact with the outside world. So how can I reach out to my husband or give him news?”

Noah let out a soft sigh. It wasn’t easy to convince Anne in this situation.

“You can leave a message to be conveyed to Kaivan that you’re undergoing an investigation. I’m sure he’ll understand your situation.”

Anne fell silent, unsure how to respond. She should feel relieved that her condition was gradually improving. But it seemed she had to be patient once again.

“Anne…” This time Noah even squeezed his sister’s wrist, hoping she would comply with his request. “The sooner this task is completed, the sooner you can meet Kaivan. I promise I’ll take you back to London.”

“Alright…” After a long moment of thinking, Anne finally nodded in agreement. “But I ask that once everything is done, you’ll take me to meet Kaivan promptly.”

Noah nodded in agreement. He embraced her tightly and responded softly.

“You know I never break promises.”


It had been a week since Kaivan was admitted to the hospital. Although he had passed the critical period and even awakened from his long slumber, he still couldn’t be considered fully recovered.

During his time in the hospital, Kaivan spent most of his time sleeping. Even when spoken to, he didn’t respond much. The doctors said this was normal and often occurred. Kaivan’s body was adjusting after the major surgery he had undergone. Gradually, his level of consciousness would naturally improve.

As his sibling, Kenzi exhibited great patience, taking turns with Hans to watch over Kaivan in the hospital. Occasionally, Richard or Edward would also visit, providing support to help their friend return to normal.

This morning, it was Hans’s turn to be by Kaivan’s side. After allowing the nurse to change the IV bag, Hans resumed his activity of reading the news on his tablet. While engrossed in his tablet, he faintly heard Kaivan calling his name. He quickly stood up and walked over.

“Do you need something?”

Still lying down, Kaivan nodded. “Please help me sit up,” he whispered. “I’m tired of lying down like this.”

Hans nodded and reached for the remote control hanging on the left side of the bed to adjust the position of the hospital bed’s panel, making Kaivan more comfortable.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Is this enough?” Hans asked to make sure.

“This is much better,” Kaivan replied softly.

“If you need anything else, just let me know.”

Kaivan nodded again. In the next moment, his gaze scanned around in all directions. This naturally caught Hans’s attention, prompting him to ask.

“Are you looking for something?”

Kaivan’s gaze returned to Hans. “Where’s Anne? Is she alright?”

Hans smiled, his face appearing calm. He was ready for Kaivan to ask this.

“You don’t need to worry. Anne is fine.”

“Then where is she now? Why don’t I see her around?”

Hans maintained his smile. He was determined not to make Kaivan worry.

“Anne is still at Palermo Hospital. Your wife is still undergoing intensive care after the shooting incident a few days ago. But according to Noah, her condition has stabilized and is improving.”

Hans then retrieved his phone. He opened the gallery and showed Kaivan some photos that Noah and Anne had sent him.

After seeing the photos of his wife’s condition, Kaivan remained silent. It was unclear what was going through his mind at that moment. Taking a deep breath, Kaivan responded after a brief pause.

“Can’t I see her? I really miss Anne, Hans.”

“Of course, you can,” Hans quickly reassured him. “However, not right now. Both of you need to focus on recovering your health first. Besides, can you bear asking Anne to come see you while her condition is not fully stable? Similarly, your condition also doesn’t allow you to travel to Palermo to see her.”


“Focus on your health,” Hans interrupted swiftly. “Don’t worry. You’ll definitely see each other soon. Just be patient. For now, you can communicate or exchange news through phone calls or video calls.”

Kaivan nodded slowly. There was no other option at the moment. He had promised himself to recover quickly and return to his normal activities.

“Do you want to contact Anne? If so, I can try calling Noah right now,” Hans offered.

Instead of agreeing, Kaivan shook his head. “No need. I don’t want to contact Anne in this weakened state. It will only make her worry more. Let me recover first.”

“Alright. But if you ever want to reach out to her, just let me know. I’ll help you.”

Amidst his conversation with Hans, Kaivan noticed a familiar woman entering the room from the doorway. Though slightly surprised, he welcomed her presence.

“How are you? I visited you a few days ago, but unfortunately, you weren’t conscious then,” the woman said after standing not far from where Kaivan was sitting.

“Veronica…” Kaivan whispered. Understandably, he was still weak. “Thank you for visiting me. As you can see, I’m not fully recovered yet.”

Hans, not wanting to intrude, decided to leave. He allowed Kaivan and Veronica to talk freely.

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