Mafia Kings: Massimo: Dark Mafia Romance Series #3

Chapter 22

I’d already planned the next thing I was going to complain about.

There hadn’t been any hot water. In fact, it had been freezing cold when I washed my hands.

So I was going to bitch about that –

When I saw him in the bedroom and stopped in my tracks.

Massimo had pulled off his shoes and socks…

Then taken off his suit and shirt and was hanging them up in the wardrobe.

Which meant he was standing there wearing nothing but black boxer shorts.

And OH…



I’d been attracted to him before.

But seeing him now, half-naked?

I think I spontaneously ovulated.

He was already super tall and handsome –

And I knew from when he threw me over his shoulder that he was incredibly well-built.

But I had no idea.

His muscles…

His arms, his shoulders, his back…

He made Henry Cavill look puny.

He made Chris Hemsworth in the Thor movies look like a runt.

And his abs…

Oh my god, I’ve never seen abs like that.

There was only a tiny lamp in the corner providing any illumination, so the room was just halfway lit –

But his abs were, like, throwing shadows.


His thighs were huge… like small tree trunks…

His calves were big as cantaloupes…

And his ass!

I could’ve just stared at his ass for hours.

It was, like, this amazing bubble butt.

Like, BAM!

Just like, Hey, I’m the perfect ass, Imma hang out here under this guy’s underwear if you wanna cop a feel.

I just wanted to walk over and grab his ass in both hands and squeeze.

Fuck that –

I wanted to BITE it. Sink my teeth into it.


He was a little hairy – his chest, arms, and legs, anyway – but not over the top.

I liked that more than I thought I would.

The guys I’d slept with in the past hadn’t been hairy at all. Shaved chests, that sort of thing. Some of them had been pretty hot –

But next to Massimo, they were downright scrawny. Like 13-year-old boys standing next to Mr. Universe.

Massimo finished hanging up his shirt and suit and looked over at me.

“What?” he asked.

I gestured helplessly towards the bathroom.

“The, uh… the water’s…”

I couldn’t form a coherent sentence, so I just abandoned the thought.

“Is that the bed?” I asked, prying my eyes away from his body.

“Yes, that’s the bed,” he said in a voice like Duh, you IDIOT.

That sparked my temper and snapped me out of my daze.

Fuckin’ asshole.

You’re gonna pay for that.

“Are you through in the bathroom?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said. I tried to sound bitchy, but didn’t quite pull it off because I got distracted by his abs again.

God damn him for being so hot.

“Alright, I’m going to take a leak and then I’m going to bed,” he said as he brushed past me.

I was going to say something like TMItoo much information…

But his massive arm brushed against me –

His giant, sculpted, bare arm.

That was just as naked as 90% of the rest of him.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

And I kind of forgot about everything else.

“Okay,” I said as I watched him go past me and disappear into the bathroom.

Actually, I didn’t watch HIM disappear into the bathroom so much as I watched his ass disappear into the bathroom.

It was only when the door slammed shut that the spell was broken.

Okay, FUCK that guy.

He thinks HE’S hot?

YOU’RE hot, too.

Let’s fuck ‘im up.

I had one card up my sleeve that I knew he couldn’t beat, no matter what:

I was the granddaughter of la Vedova – the Widow of Venice.

I didn’t care how many kidnappers he’d saved me from.

If he so much as touched me, Nona would cut his dick off and put his balls in a jar.

And he knew it.

And that was how I was going to make him pay.

I grinned.

This was going to be fun.

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