Mafia Desire (Erotica)


“You better get dressed. I’ll do the same and meet you out there,” I said after more than enough time had passed. She pouted, then smiled before kissing me again. My naked sister opened the door–glanced down the hallway–then after wiggling her behind at me she made a nudie run to her room.

I chuckled to myself, closed my door, and got dressed.

I dressed quickly and snuck out to the hot tub to gather up the alcohol and empties from the night before, along with my discarded clothes. I didn’t want my parents seeing the mess and start asking questions. After depositing of the evidence in my room, I caught up with everyone else in the dining area. Dad was sitting at the head of the table as usual, with my mum to his right and Tori opposite our mother, but I couldn’t see Hayley anywhere.

A hand groping my butt caused me to jump, and I spun around to see the pale skin beauty wearing her dress from the night before.

“I’m heading off. Lucy is picking me up,” she said, then gave me a hug, followed by a kiss on the cheek. “We should catch up again soon.”

“Yeah. Definitely,” I replied with a grin.

“Bye Tori. Bye Mr and Mrs Parks,” she called out to my family.

My sister bounded over to her friend and gave her a big hug while my parents said their farewells from where they sat.

I watched Hayley leave and admired her backside right up until the doors closed behind her, then headed to the dining table and took the seat on the opposite end of the table from my father.

I wasn’t sure what I expected from my parents, they hadn’t even come to greet me yet–not that I expected them to–so I sat in silence and waited for my father to make the first move.

“Good to see you Jason,” my old man said after a few minutes.

“You too Dad,” I replied.

Looking at my father as he sat there, I could see where I got a lot of my looks from. His hair was mostly grey–though he wasn’t even fifty–but we shared the same hairline, nose and jaw. My sister resembled our mother strongly; both were short and had darker hair, but Tori had always been told she had our father’s eyes.

I studied my mother objectively for a minute. Yeah, she did share her looks with my baby sister, and I thought I might even find her attractive since I’d already passed the hurdle of incest. But I didn’t. She wasn’t Tori.

“How was your trip?” I asked, mostly to break the silence.

“It was adequate,” he replied.

He seemed to be studying me, like I was a dog about to do a trick and he didn’t want to miss it. It made me a little uneasy. My mother sat quietly, though she had her phone stuck to her hand as usual. I swear she was born in the wrong generation.

“So, what’s up?” I asked after a few long minutes of awkward silence.

“I was going to talk to you two individually but since you’re both here…” My father pulled a car key from his pocket. For a second, I thought he knew I’d been driving his car but quickly realized it was a different key. He placed it in front of my sister with a warm smile.

“An early birthday present darling,” my father added.

Tori jumped out of her chair and ran around the table to hug our father, squealing with delight. Our mother looked on adoringly with a big smile, then got to her feet. She rounded the table and hugged my sister when she was done squeezing the life out of our old man.

“Come on honey. Let’s go for a drive,” my mum said. The two women passed me on their way to the door, and I could tell Tori wanted to give me a hug–possibly more–but with our parents here, it was probably best we kept a healthy distance. My mother however did stop, she placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a smile. It even looked genuine.

“Good to see you again Jason.” She leaned down and gave me a quick hug. “Hayley is a good catch dear,” she whispered into my ear.

She gave me another smile and then her and my sister were out the door, I chuckled inwardly about my mother reading what passed between Hayley and myself wrong. Sure, I found Hayley incredibly attractive and she was an amazing girl, and I would have dated her in a heartbeat. But after my recent adventures, I wasn’t looking to settle on one girl. Tori had made it abundantly clear she was fine sharing me, and I’d be a fool to pass that up. But it was probably a good thing that my parents saw my interest in other women, instead of finding out about their children having sex.

My father standing brought me out of my mind, and a lifetime of having propriety drilled into me by the stern man had me getting to me feet with him.

“Come with me,” he said.

I kept quiet and followed my father upstairs and into his office. I hadn’t been in here yet, even during Tori’s and my sex marathon around the apartment. A massive mahogany desk sat against the windowed wall with a comfy looking leather chair behind it. A small circular coffee table sat off to one side, flanked by two brown leather armchairs. Along one wall was an enormous floor to ceiling bookcase that ran the length of the wall, leather bound copies of law books, encyclopedias, and other works of fiction and fact lined the shelves. Some might think that my father bought these books purely for decoration, but they’d be wrong. Each volume on these shelves was unique to the ones downstairs, and it likely that he’d read them all.

My father motioned for me to take one of the armchairs around the coffee table, so I did. He went over to a small wooden bar that was lined with bottles and glass decanters, and taking two scotch glasses, he poured three fingers of an unknown amber liquid into them and carried them to me. I took the one he offered, and he took his seat. He hadn’t taken a drink yet, so I refrained from doing so as well.

I was still feeling a little dusty from the night before, but the mornings activities and the erotic shower had helped immensely. I was just thankful we woke up when we did and not five minutes later.

“I want to offer you a job,” my father said after a few minutes of silence. He’d crossed one leg over the other and rested his glass on his knee. I could never pull off that sitting position, so I simply cradled my glass in both hands.

“Doing what? I didn’t study law,” I said.

“I am well aware of what you didn’t study,” he replied.

What I studied at University was a touchy topic for my father and I, he wanted me to learn law and follow in his footsteps. Instead I did computer programming and software design, my plan was to become a videogame designer. That plan kind of backfired when I realized how hard it was to get into the industry, so I ended up working for the government, getting any technical support job I could. It paid well and the work was easy, but I had to deal with a lot of stupid people. I still helped program small indie games from time to time for fun, but it didn’t pay the bills.

“I want you to be my assistant. You’ll get a steady income, and you can learn about the firm. If you decide you’d like to be more involved, I’ll pay for you to go back to University. If not, then you can continue working for me until you find something more to your liking.” He finally took a sip from his drink. I was suddenly aware of how early it was in the day and I wondered if he’d find it rude if I put the drink down. I decided to just hold it.

I mulled over my father’s offer. He’d always wanted me to work with him and take over the firm one day, so the offer wasn’t new, but his terms were. I could work for him for as long as needed until I found work I was suited to or enjoyed more.

My father’s generous nature was strange; I was accustomed to my old man ruling with an iron fist–his way or no way.

“I could leave whenever I want?” I asked.

“Of course,” he replied.

“What would be required of me as your assistant?” I added.

“Mostly you’d manage my schedule, organize my meetings, and help with the day to day running of the firm. Most of my clientele are high end now, so you wouldn’t have a great deal of work in the day to day of the firm. But you would be required to sit in on my meetings, not as my assistant, but as my son.”

I understood what he wanted of me now, he was playing to my non-committal side–giving me a job that I needed now, in the hopes that I would stick around. If I stayed, then attending all my meetings with my father would at least get my face out to all his clients. If I didn’t, then he could just say it wasn’t for me. He was truly a smart man.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“I think I can manage that,” I answered. I finally took a sip of my drink.

“Good. Because I can’t deal with an assistant who tries to sleep with my daughter,” my old man added. I half choked on the smoky liquor, barely stopping myself from spitting it out like a cartoon character.

“Careful boy. That’s three hundred dollars a bottle,” my dad said with a chuckle.

I took a moment to let myself cough up the alcohol that had gone down the wrong way. I didn’t drink much and was especially unused to strong liquor.

“What do you mean?” I asked when I finally got my coughing under control.

“My last assistant thought it was a good idea to pursue your sister. I had to let him go,” he said without an ounce of remorse. I took another sip of my drink–a small one–to give me a reason to not say anything right away. Inwardly I smiled at the thought of my old man only hiring me because he wouldn’t have to deal with a young man chasing his attractive daughter, only to have his own son bending her over the kitchen counter each morning. I glanced to his massive desk and had our next spot picked out.

“Well. I’m glad you’re keeping an eye out for Tori,” I said as neutrally as possible.

“I’ll expect you to, now that you’re home,” he added sternly.

I smiled at the thought of how well I’ve been keeping an eye on my little sister since I came home, I enjoyed keeping my eyes on her. I quickly cleaned the smile off my face, so my father didn’t suspect anything.

“It’s settled then. You can start next week,” my father said, downing his drink in one gulp.

“You’ll need a suit. I suspect you’ll have the funds for that?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah. My redundancy package was sizable,” I replied.

“Good. I’ll supply you with one of the company cars, damages come out of your pay,” he finished with his stern, no-nonsense tone. I nodded my reply and stood when he did. I hadn’t finished my drink, so I downed it–less gracefully than my old man had–and placed the glass on the coffee table.

My father held his hand out to me and I almost didn’t know what to do; he’d never shown any kind of affection towards me as I was a child. He spurned my hobbies and thought I screwed around too much, and after meeting my grandfather I saw where he got it from. The old coot was a gruff as they come, and if my grandma could be believed, he was ten times harder on his son than my old man was with me.

“Thanks Dad. I won’t let you down,” I said, taking his hand in mine.

“Let’s hope not,” was all he said.

The fact he hadn’t immediately expected me to fuck shit up was a win in itself, maybe life back home wasn’t going to a difficult as I imagined.

He mentioned he had some work to do–clients to call and meetings to arrange–so I left his office and headed downstairs. The kitchen and living areas were eerily quiet; I hadn’t spent much time alone since I’d come back, and I wasn’t sure what to do. I could wait for Tori, but with our parents’ home, it wasn’t like we could sneak off and get freaky with one another, and with Dad home now I was without a car until he gave me the work one.

So I did what I was so used to doing.

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