Mafia Desire (Erotica)


“I got offered a redundancy,” I replied. “Decided I was done with Melbourne, and got on a plane home,” I added. Glossing over the exact details again.

“What about your girlfriend?” My sister replied. I hadn’t realised she even knew I had a girlfriend.

“We split up,” I said casually. I could almost feel Vicky’s stare on me. She was pretty intense.

“Oh, that’s a shame,” Tori replied. She didn’t sound to upset by the news, and maybe even a little relieved.

“Yeah, shit happens,” I said. Trying my best to sound as care-free as possible. I usually didn’t care what people think of me, but I really didn’t want these girls to think I was some loser, even if I was-just a bit.

“Viiicckkkyyyy, Let’s go already,” Liz said. Getting to her feet. “We only came back because you left your wallet,” the redhead added, tugging on her blonde sister’s hand.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Oh yeah, fuck I forgot about that,” Vicky said. “Hey Jason, Wanna come for a swim?” Liz rolled her eyes and slumped back into her seat. I saw similar looks on the other girls faces too. I was getting the impression Vicky was like this a lot.

“Nah, I got a few things I have to do,” I replied. In truth I had jack shit I needed to do, but I needed a moment away from the jungle of female flesh to get my thoughts together. I also wanted to set my laptop up on the wi-fi so I could get some gaming in; my buddies would be on and already started by now.

“Suit yourself,” Vicky said with a smile, then planted a kiss on my cheek before standing up.

“Come on girls,” Vicky announced. “We’re wasting daylight,” she added, as if it wasn’t her holding everyone up.

“I’ll catch up with you guys,” Tori said as they all gathered to leave. “Buzz Mike to let you back in if I don’t see you guys before you come back,” she added as the four girls turned to leave. They were as spectacular leaving as they were coming. Vicky’s ass cheeks bounced with each step, her hips swaying with exaggerated movement. The blonde gave me a smile over her shoulder before disappearing through the front door.

“I’m so sorry about her,” Tori said as she stood up and held her hand out to me. “She’s pretty crazy sometimes,” She added.

“It’s fine, it really is,” I said. Standing up and taking her hand. It felt odd to hold my sister’s hand; I never did that before, not even when we were little.

“Come on, I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.” She started off, dragging me behind her. We went down the right-side hallway before the living room, the sliding door to the hallway opening and closing without a sound. The hallway was narrow, with three doors along the sides, two on one side and one on the other that was between the two.

“That’s my room,” Tori pointed to the first door. “That’s yours,” she indicated the second door. “This is the bathroom.” She opened the single door and I was greeted by a monstrous room. The floor and walls were polished black tiles, a huge bathtub sat in the corner of the room that could easily fit six people-ten if you squeezed in tight. Next to the tub was a counter running the length of the room with two large mirrors fastened to the wall, hanging over two bowls, set into the wooden counter that acted as sinks. A toilet was in the opposite corner of the bathtub and it even had a privacy curtain that was pulled open. But what caught my attention was the glass wall that ran the entire length of the final wall. A door opened on one end and through the frosty glass I could make out three huge shower heads hanging from the ceiling and what looked to be jets along the tiled walls; it was easily the biggest shower I’d ever seen outside a group shower at a gym. I had no idea why anyone would need something so big, but I was pretty eager to try it out.

“Pretty impressive isn’t it?” Tore said, her beautiful lips twitching up into a smile. She closed the bathroom door, walked to the end of the hall, and opened the door to what was going to be my room.

“Vicky was going to be staying here but I’ll put her in my room,” Tori said, and I wondered if the other girl would get mad at being shifted around for me.

“I can crash on the couch, it’s really no problem,” I said. Not wanting to rock the boat.

“Nonsense, you’re my brother. Besides, Vicky will sleep anywhere,” she said with a shrug. With the looks the blonde bombshell was giving me, I silently agreed with my little sister.

I poked my head through the bedroom door and had a look around. The room was spacious with a modern décor that matched the rest of the house; the bed was king sized with black sheets and sat relatively close to the ground. The far wall was glass with a sliding door set on the right-hand side, leading out to a balcony. A table and chair were the room’s only other furnishings, but the free wall had floor-to-ceiling sliding doors that I assumed were the built-in wardrobe. It was more than enough for me.

“Look’s good. I’ll take it,” I said with a grin.

“It’s in a great neighbourhood,” Tori replied. “The neighbours can be a bit much though,” she added, keeping on with the joke.

“God damn we’re fucking lame,” I said as we both burst out laughing.

“Yeah, but it’s okay to be lame sometimes,” Tori said after she recovered. I was suddenly struck with how beautiful she was, and how pleasant she was to spend time with. She was nothing like I remembered, and I started to wonder if I even remembered my baby sister properly; had I been holding a grudge against her for nothing all these years? What had I missed by staying away? Regardless of who she was back then, she was wonderful now, and I would make up for my absent years now.

“Hey how about I order some pizza for tonight? We can have a few drinks now you’re eighteen and we can catch up,” I suggested. She smiled and hugged me around the waist.

“I’d love that Jace,” She looked up at me and I was hit with the sudden urge to lean down and kiss those perfect lips-I didn’t-she was my little sister after all. I guess I needed to get some alone time and jerk off; the buffet of female body’s from earlier had really gotten my juices flowing.

“Awesome, you go catch up with your friends. I’ll go for a walk and get some drinks and pick up some pizzas,” I said, making the plans for tonight.

“Sure,” Tori replied, looking very excited. “Oh, and don’t walk, take dad’s car. Keys are in a bowl by the front door. Your card will let you gain access to the garage.” She was still hugging my waist, so I put an arm around her shoulders.

“Won’t dad get pissed off it I drive his car?” I asked. Knowing there was nothing more sacred to my father than his cars.

“He’ll never know,” she replied. “If he does. I’ll say I drove it,” she added with a shrug. I knew this could be some plan to get me in shit with our dad: get me to drive the car, then snitch on me when they get home, but I wasn’t getting that feeling from her right now.

“Daddy’s little girl as always,” I said in a mocking tone.

“Damn right,” Tori replied, sticking her tongue out at me. “It has it perks.” She smiled.

We headed back to the living room and separated. Tori picked up her towel from the kitchen bench and headed to the front door.

“We’ll be back in a couple of hours,” she said over her shoulder.

“Sure thing. I’ll have everything ready, are the others staying?” I asked.

“No. Liz has to work tonight, Hayley will probably go stay at her boyfriends since her mum is out of town, and she’s Lucy’s ride.” She listed off the other girls.

“Oh cool, well I’ll grab enough for the three of us,” I said.

“Remember, barbecue meat lovers,” my sister reminded me. I wouldn’t have forgotten her favourite pizza even if she was the worst sibling in the world when we were kids, because it was also my favourite.

“Done and done,” I said, giving her a wave as she vanished out the front door, my eyes temporarily drifted down to check out her perfect little ass.

“Fucking hell man,” I said to myself.

I packed away the meagre belongings I had brought with me and set my laptop to charge. I didn’t have the wi-fi password so there was no gaming for me for now. I tried out the fancy shower my folks had installed in the bathroom. It took me a good five minutes to figure out how to even turn the thing on. There was a touch screen panel on the wall just outside the shower and looked to be one the same inside the massive cubicle. I touched the screen and it lit up with a display. It looked to have saved settings in the system, so I touched one and the shower started up. Before long the entire shower cubicle was filled with steam.

When I stepped into the shower it felt like I was walking into a sauna, but there was more water spraying everywhere. It turns out the jets on the walls of the shower were a mix of steam and water jets; it felt like walking through a car wash as every part of my body was being massaged with steaming hot water. It felt amazing but I decided next time I would pick a lower temperature. My sister loved showers so hot you could cook ramen noodles, not I.

I washed up and exited the shower, shutting the water and jets off. I’d contemplated jerking off, but I had too much to do. My erection was gone for now, so I didn’t see the point. I could always do it later if shit got too intense. I dried myself off and got dressed in some clean clothes.

To fit the summer fashion, I pulled on a pair of swim shorts and a singlet before slipping my shoes and socks on. I was already feeling more relaxed here than I had in Melbourne the last couple of years. Once dressed, I grabbed my wallet, keys and sunglasses. My phone was dead, so I decided to leave it on charge in my room with my laptop. I grabbed up the keys next to the front door and jumped in the elevator. Tori was right, the key card allowed me to pick the lobby floor or the garage floor. I hit the button for the garage and waiting as the lift descended smoothly, the doors opening with a chime.

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