Mafia Desire (Erotica)


Andrew”s POV

1 year later…

I silently watched as she stood there, her dark hair flowing perfectly onto her shoulders, her eyes fascinatingly determined and her magnificent lips curving into a perfect smile, shooting a gun in the range.

Without even trying she always managed to take away my breath and every day, every moment I lived I was grateful that she stayed in my life.

A year ago she decided to stay with me, and gave me another chance. And I couldn”t imagine life without her.

My heart beat for her, my soul belonged to her and my lungs breathed for her. She was my other half and no one but her mattered to me, as much as she did.

There”s a saying that says “You are everything I never knew I wanted in life.” And while I believe in that she is everything I never knew I needed in life. Without her I would still be lost, without her I would still be pushing everyone, without her I wouldn”t be alive.

She is the one thing I need in life, more than I need air to breath, more than I need water to drink and more than I need food to eat.

Nothing in life made sense without her in my life.

Home wouldn”t be a word without her and I wouldn”t understand the brightness in the stars if it wasn”t for her.

She explained to me one day that she loved stars not because of their beauty but of their ability to light the sky up even though darkness surrounds them. I smiled thinking about it… she was my star.

I love her.

Ava”s POV

In the past year not much has changed. Besides from the fact that Andrew and I were together, I had become the best assassin in the world and still one of the most sought after and Andrew”s gang was now the biggest in the world.

I aimed my gun at the target and began shooting as I thought about the past year.

1 year ago today I decided to give Andrew another chance and although at the time I was hesitant to it, I would never in my life regret it.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

I used to believe that I was broken beyond repair, that I would never be able to love again but I had never been further from the truth.

He helped me more than he could ever hurt me.

After he was released from the hospital I decided it was the best idea too go back to New York. I reunited with Charis and Jenny who both almost had a heart attack when they saw me but later almost beat me up for leaving.

They forgave me when I bought them both pizza.

Jenny was pregnant and about to have a baby when I returned and Charis and Travis had finally got married. Although I was upset about missing both I knew I couldn”t say anything I had known the cons of leaving.

It took a few months but Andrew and I had finally tracked down Melissa to where she had disappeared too. She was in Texas and when we went too her and offered her job back she told both of us that she had moved on from “that life” and now just wanted a normal one.

Even so she was really proud of me and I would forever owe my life too her.

I continued to stay at Andrews house and even though Dalia didn”t need it I visited her everyday, just trying to make up for the lost time that we had missed. Andrew told Emily and his mother what he did not long after we had returned and both of them had threatened killings him if he ever hurt me.

Although they both would never kill Andrew he promised to never hurt me again and to this day he hasn”t… and I truly believe that he never will.

The few first weeks back were weird and off balance… I told Andrew that I would give him another chance but I still didn”t trust him. But after a while I started not being able to resist him and I let myself completely forgive him.

I realized that my heart only belonged to him and as much as I hated to admit it he was the only person in my life I would let break it. No matter how many times he would break my heart or my trust I would always give it back too him in a heartbeat because he was truly the only person that owned it.

My heart no longer belonged to me, it had belong to him… from the first kiss too when he almost killed me. My last heartbeat would belong to him, my last thought would belong to him and my last breath would belong to him.

I love him.

“Kitten.” Andrew said, bringing me out of my thoughts. I blinked a few times, looking at the target, the bullseye only had one hole but my chamber was empty.

Damn I really am the baddest bitch.

I turned too Andrew and tilted my head at him, I had never seen him so uneasy before.

I was becoming a little worried, “Andrew?” I said. He walked towards me with his hands in his pockets and I noticed his forehead a little sweaty.

“What”s wrong?” I asked, with concern in my voice.

He shook his head and looked me straight in the eye, I looked into his and admired his sparkling green eyes.

No matter how many times I looked into his eyes I would never get tired at looking at them.

“Ava, when you came into my life you were something else. You completely changed not only me but my life for the better. You brought a light to my darkness and showed me the meaning of caring for someone else more then yourself. I will never be able to repay you for the things you have done to me and I will never be able to show you how much you truly mean to me but I hope this is enough.” He said, taking his hands out of his pocket and putting gone knee to the ground.

I gasped, knowing what was happening and trying not to hyperventilate.

“Ava will you marry me?” He asked, pulling a tiny black box out of his pocket and opening it too revile the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.

I felt my eyes beginning to water and my heart pumping at a hundred miles an hour. Nothing in the world compared to the feeling I had that moment with the love of my life on his knee asking me to spend the rest of his life with him.

I looked away from the ring and too Andrew”s deep green eyes, that were now glittering with happiness. I felt every bone in my body fill with happiness and all I could muster out before flinging into his embrace was…



OMG its over AHHHHH….

I really did cry this time.

Anyway I love them so much and I will miss them so much.

But I am writing another book in this next chapter titled: SISTERS DESIRE, and you guys should really goo check it out.

Its a fictional story that involves incest, but it is not an incest only story. It focuses on Harem Lit.

All characters involved in sexual activities of any kind are eighteen years or older.

None of these events are real, no matter how badly we may want them to be. (Sucks doesn’t it)

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