Mafia Desire (Erotica)


Ava’s POV

Few days later

Andrew’s hands were wrapped around my body, and his head was in the crock of my neck when I woke up. I smiled and gently stroked his hair. Nothing had ever felt so right, so safe, so complete. There were no words to describe it, but he was the only person I could confide in; I knew he would always protect me even if he knew I could do it myself. He was my comfort, my warmth; he was the only reason I felt anything and wasn’t lost.

“Congratulations on your birthday, kitten.” I could hear him mumbling into my neck.

“How did you know?” I asked, my face lowering as I stopped stroking his hair.

“I’ve got my resources.” He responded by taking his head off my neck and looking up at me.

“Uggggg.” I sighed, I despised my birthday.

“What’s the matter?” He inquired, his hands cupped around my face.

“Nothing, I just don’t like my birthday.” I responded, lost in his deep green eyes.

“You’re going to like this one.” He said, kissing me.

I closed my eyes and lost myself in his perfection; his tongue quickly found its way into my mouth and competed with mine for dominance. I flipped him over and straddled him, fighting for dominance but was surprised to win.

With a grin on my face, I pushed him back down onto the bed and began kissing him from his mouth to his abs. I had almost arrived at my destination when I felt a strong pair of arms pull me up and onto the side of the bed.

I scowled at Andrew for not allowing me to continue. “I want you as much as you want me, but you have somewhere to be.” But don’t worry, I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll be unable to sit.” He whispered seductively into my ear, and I felt blood rush to my cheeks, turning them red.

“Come on, kitten, let’s get this party started.” Andrew laughed when he saw my reaction. I rolled my eyes, got out of bed, and began getting ready.

I changed into a black bodysuit, boyfriend jeans, and black boots after getting out of the shower. I used a dark red lipstick and a little mascara.

I noticed that the shirt was a little low on me, and I would not normally wear something so revealing, but Andrew instilled in me a new sense of strength and confidence. It didn’t matter who looked at me as long as they didn’t touch, and if they did, I could easily get them off, and I’m sure Andrew would beat them to death if he was there.

I exited the bathroom and approached Andrew, who was also getting ready but was still shirtless and facing away from me. I smirked, knowing exactly what I was going to do. As I began to kiss his neck, I placed my hand on his shoulders and ran my hands down to his chest. I smiled as I heard a growl from his chest, knowing I had him exactly where I wanted him.

When Andrew turned around, the lust in his eyes had been replaced by something else that I couldn’t place. “What are you wearing?” Andrew inquired, looking me over. Andrew just raised his eyebrows at me as I laughed at what he had just said.

“Go change.” He said this while putting on a white t-shirt.

“No.” I said this as I walked away from him and to the bedside table to take my phone.

“Yes.” That’s all he said as he followed me to the bedside table.

“No, I’ll wear whatever I want.” Picking up my phone, I responded.

“You may wear that only around me.  I don’t want any other man to see you.” Andrew snarled.

“I. Don’t. Give. A. Damn. I’ll wear whatever I want, whenever I want, and however revealing I want.” I turned around to meet an angry Andrew only centimeters away. I could see his frustration in his eyes as he grabbed both of my hands and pinned them against the wall.

“Kitten I’m having very unholy thoughts just by looking at you, and no one else is allowed to think them except me. So, please change.” He responded, his tone tinged with frustration.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance at his inability to accept no for an answer. I put my leg behind his and brought it towards me, causing his leg to fall out from under him, causing him to let go of my hands and stumble backwards. I took advantage of the situation by grabbing his wrist and twisting his arm behind him, rendering him immobile unless he wanted a twisted arm and dislocated shoulder.

“Your eyes may be green, but jealousy doesn’t look good on you,” I said, bending down to his ear. ” If it makes you feel better, you can spend the entire day with me.”

I heard him chuckle before grabbing my arm and throwing me over his shoulder. “I guess we’ll just have to make do.” He responds by dragging me over to the closet. I sighed in defeat as Andrew placed me on the ground and hands me a black leather jacket.

“You’re unfathomable.” I grabbed the jacket and slipped it on. I realized it was his when I smelled his enticing scent and discovered that my arms were too short for the arm sleeves.

“Just for you.” Andrew said, winking smugly at me.

“Where are we going?” I asked, rolling my eyes at him. I inquired.

“Your two friends are waiting for you at that bakery you frequent.” He said as he clasped his fingers around mine and led me out of the bedroom.

“Awwww, someone is thinking.” While walking with him, I teased him.

“Mhm, I won’t be able to join you at the bakery, but I will pick you up, I have a surprise for you.” Andrew said as we walked down the stairs.

“Oh? Now I’m really excited.” I said.

“You should be, Seb will accompany you to the bakery and stay with you the entire time.” As we approached the bottom of the stairs and found Seb standing by the door, he explained.

“Is it really necessary?  I can take care of myself.” I replied, looking at Andrew.

“Yes, you killed a Mafia boss, so people will come after you.” Andrew elaborated.

I shook my head and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed me back and wrapped his arms around my waist, leaving no space for air, which neither of us needed. He kissed me passionately and desperately, telling me he needed me more than he needed air, and I reciprocated the same need.

My soul was his.


“Avayyy!” Charis screamed, causing everyone in the bakery to turn around.

“Shut up, you jerk.” I exclaimed, laughing.

“Oh, stop talking, I missed you.” Charis said while sprinting towards me and embracing me in a hug. I laughed and hugged her back as Jenny approached us and joined the hug.

“Hey, Ava,” Jenny said.

“Hey Jenny,” I said.

Charis and Jenny let go of me and led me to a table near the back of the bakery, where there was almost no one. I smiled as I looked around at the table, which had balloons on all four corners and confetti strewn all over it. In the center was a large cake with the words “Happy Birthday Ava!”

“This is excessive, you guys.” I was astounded at how big they had grown.

“Nonsense,” Charis said as she pushed me over to my chair.

I sat and watched as Jenny and Charis sat across from me, each with one present for me. “Here are your presents, baby.” Jenny said as she handed me her gift. I smiled and took it from her grasp; it was a small gold-wrapped box with a white bow on top.

“My gift is better.” Charis chuckled, almost hurling her present at me with delight. I took Charis’s gift, which was in a larger box than Jenny’s and wrapped in red paper with no bow but a small note.

“I’m getting more than I deserve.” I burst out laughing.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“Close your eyes and open your gifts.” You already know you deserve the best.” Charis responded.

I took Jenny’s present and carefully unwrapped it, revealing a white box labeled “AirPods.” “Omg, I can’t accept it, it’s too much,” I exclaimed as I looked up at Jenny.

“No, I know your earphones broke and you’ve wanted these since they were released.” Jenny yelled.

I smiled and rose from my seat, hugging her. I sat back down and took Charis’s present. I unwrapped the red wrapping to reveal a pair of diamond-encrusted pearl earrings. My eyes widen as I gaze at the magnificent piece of jewelry.

“Charis, holy sh*t.” As I heard her laughing at my reaction, I gasped.

I’m so in love with them.” I said, s till in awe of how beautiful they are.

“I’m overjoyed you like them.” Charis yelled.

“I love you both, thank you.” Looking up at them, I said.

“We love you as well, baby.” Let’s eat some cake now.” Jenny stated.

I set aside my gifts and amused Jenny and Charis by cutting the cake and giving them each a piece. My favorite cake was red velvet, with buttercream frosting and chocolate ganache. Charis, Jenny, and I continued to talk about what was going on in our lives, including Travis and Charis’s relationship, which is now official.

“So, what’s up with you?” Charis stated her mouth full of cake.

“What exactly do you mean?” I inquired as I took another bite.

“How are your job and your work for that family?” Charis inquired.

I sighed and looked up at my two best friends, knowing I had to tell them the truth. I couldn’t tell them I was now involved with the Mafia and Andrew Jayson and I were… well, I’m not sure what we are, but we’re together…

I place my fork down, which draws both Charis and Jenny’s attention.

“What’s the matter?” Jenny inquired.

I exhale deeply and tell them everything. I told them the entire story about Sylvester, as well as how Andrew and I are seeing each other and that I have feelings for him. I told them about the ball and what Robert had done to me, and then I told them I had murdered him.

I looked up again and was surprised to see their faces calm and unbothered. “Are you afraid?” I inquired, perplexed.

“We love you, Ava, but we knew.” Jenny responded.

“What did you know?” Even more perplexed, I inquired.

“We knew you were in the Mafia and what you did.” We had no idea about Sylvester, but I am deeply sorry for what happened to you; you did not deserve it.” Charis’s face dropped at the last part.

“How?” I inquired, having lost interest in Sylvester.

“Jenny’s boyfriend works in Travis’ gang, and she is involved as a weapons dealer, while I am a smuggler who makes a lot of bombs.” Charis responded.

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