Mafia Desire (Erotica)


Kyle awoke feeling better than he had in weeks. The early morning blues he’d been feeling over Gwen’s betrayal certainly felt like a thing of the past. A wide smile slipped onto his face as he sat on the edge of the bed.

He looked out the window and saw the sun was just beginning to creep over the horizon. He had time before breakfast then.

He went through his morning stretches, then his exercise routine to help loosen his long muscles and tighten his core. Then he took a shower and pulled on his cycling pants and jersey. He assumed Alfred would kit up in some official cycling team colors so he opted for a different message. His jersey’s message was simple. Red sides with white centers and a huge red maple leaf on the chest and back.

“Represent!” he thought to himself with a grin.

He tucked the matching gloves into his helmet.

He finished getting ready, packed, and moved his duffle bag into the hall to be picked up.

Then he headed down to the dining room with his helmet in hand and rolled his eyes when he saw Alfred entering the room ahead of him. The man was wearing the fabled yellow jersey of the Tour de France leader. The man’s cockiness knew no bounds. He suddenly felt bad about using that term to describe the man’s overconfidence.

When Alfred turned his face to the side Kyle saw his scowl. Kyle hoped Fiona hadn’t said anything to her husband about their… interlude. Then he felt guilty for willfully participating in Fiona’s cheating.

Breakfast was a buffet so Kyle selected foods he knew wouldn’t adversely affect his stomach on a strenuous ride. Then he found a table by the window. He relaxed and watched the scenery as he enjoyed the meal.

“Good morning! May we join you?” said a lovely British accent.

Kyle smiled and turned to look at Helen and Skye who were smiling hopefully.

He gestured to the chairs before him and they settled in.

“How are you feeling today?” Skye asked him with just the hint of a naughty smile on her lips.

“Really good. You?”

“I slept blissfully,” Skye replied as the wicked grin finally surfaced.

Helen looked between the two of them as she read his neutral expression and her mischievous one. “Did you two…?”

“Mum!” Skye exclaimed in obviously fake shock and outrage.

Helen’s bottom lip pouted just a little as she realized she’d missed another ‘little bit of fun’ last night. She caught Kyle’s eye as he peeled a banana.

He stopped as he picked up the message from Helen pretty clearly. She wanted to be with him again. He felt his face warming up. This had never happened to him before. He cleared his throat. “There are plenty of opportunities left on the tour,” he said softly and Helen’s face absolutely lit up. Skye grinned at seeing her mum’s happiness.

He lifted the fruit to his mouth but spotted Kimberly approaching. He gave her a friendly nod.

“Good morning!” Kimberly said cheerfully as she walked past with her plate.

“Good morning, Kimberly!” Helen and Skye blurted with just a little too much enthusiasm, happy smiles spread across their faces. The redhead was slightly taken aback by the burst of joy from the ladies. She turned her eyes curiously towards Kyle but he just smiled and nodded again with a slight flush to his face. She continued on but glanced back to see Helen trying to hide her excitement about something.

Kyle threw a look to Helen to calm herself and she nodded as she turned her attention to her breakfast but the smile refused to be dismissed.

Shaking his head slightly, he lifted the banana once more to his mouth but was again interrupted.

“Good morning Helen, Skye,” Fiona said as she stopped by the extra chair next to Kyle. “Good morning Kyle. May I join you?”

He blinked in surprise at her as her husband was only two tables away. “Uh, sure.” He set his breakfast down on his napkin as he stood up to move his chair a little to give her room. He pulled her chair out for her and took the opportunity to glance quickly over his shoulder to catch Alfred scowling in their direction.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Ooo! Such a gentleman!” Fiona said as she settled onto the chair.

As Kyle sat back down he noticed the banana was missing. He glanced over at Fiona in surprise.

“I haven’t had one of these in years! Would you mind if I had a little of your banana?” Fiona asked with a wide eyed innocent look on her face as the tip of the fruit stroked against her plump lower lip.

Kyle froze as he wasn’t sure what to do. He found himself nodding as he watched the banana slip between those full lips and slide into her mouth ever so slowly. Then he realized she was facing him directly, presenting her husband with a clear view of her suggestive display. Kyle’s cock throbbed in his bike shorts and he swallowed as she took her bite and handed it back to him.

She turned her face forward again, chewed the fruit in her mouth and swallowed daintily.

Skye was watching her with a happy grin on her face. Helen was trying not to stare and concentrated on her own breakfast.

Kyle shifted on his chair to make room in his shorts. He caught the satisfied smile on Fiona’s lips.

“Is everything ok?” he asked her cautiously. “Alfred’s been looking pretty sour since he got here.”

“We had a little disagreement last night. I told him I wanted an apology for what he said to you about me. He told me I was being too sensitive and it was actually a compliment. So, I told him which of his orifices he could stick that compliment in. We aren’t currently talking and won’t until he stops being such a pig and apologizes.” She smiled at the two ladies across the table. “You don’t mind if I ride with you two today, do you?”

“Not at all! You’re welcome to join us anytime!” Helen said with a smile.

Kyle turned his attention back to his breakfast and saw she’d eaten half of his banana. This made his mind flash back to the night before when she’d taken him all the way into her throat. He shifted again.

“Are you alright, Kyle?” Fiona asked with the hint of a smile on her lips.

“Yes, fine,” he mumbled as he ate the rest of the fruit. “I’m going to see if they have another banana.”

He pushed back from the table and dropped his napkin on his plate as he moved behind Fiona. On a bold and reckless impulse, once more completely out of character, he leaned forward slightly as he stepped past her and dragged the bulge in his bike shorts across the exposed skin of her back. She sucked in a sudden breath as she felt the heat of him through the thin, tight fabric.

He left to head back to the buffet, leaving Fiona gasping and wide eyed as she replayed the memory of the sensation over and over in her mind.

“What’s wrong?” Helen asked as she watched Fiona’s face heat up. The blonde just shook her head and tried not to be too obvious about looking for Kyle across the room. Helen thought she looked a little wild eyed.

Kyle was standing before the fruit, oblivious of the selection as he tried to get a handle on what the hell he was doing. He would never have behaved like this before! Was he becoming some kind of man whore? He snorted at the term as he thought of it. He didn’t feel like he’d treated any of these women poorly. He was just being way more promiscuous than he’d ever been before. Is this how he wanted to be? He had to rein it in!

“You ready to lose, lover boy?”

Kyle started from his thoughts. “What? Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention… wait, what did you call me?”

“I said, are you ready to lose, lover boy?” Alfred was annoyed at having to repeat himself as his words lost their impact.

Truthfully, he was pissed off his wife was sitting with ‘the enemy’, his opponent for today’s ride. He psyched himself up before every competitive ride by choosing his enemy. Today, Kyle was it. He knew the kid was close to half his age but he felt confident in his ability to outride him.

Alfred knew that little display Fiona made of fellating the banana was some kind of dig at him. He was unsure what Kyle made of it and that unsettled his mind. He glanced down and saw something to sour his mood even more. No doubt Fiona was aware of Kyle’s… dimensions. Cycling pants weren’t exactly designed to hide the area.

“Loverboy?” Kyle asked, cautiously.

Alfred sneered at Kyle. “I heard about your little romp with the Livingston ladies, though I use that term for them loosely.”

“Hey, say what you want about me, but there’s no reason to be rude to the women,” Kyle said with a scowl.

“Whatever. Are you going to uphold your side of the bargain?” Alfred asked impatiently.

“Yes, but I have a question. “Are you expecting to race from here to the next chateau or are we only racing during the alternate route section?

“The entire route! Or will that be too much for you?” Alfred pushed.

“Either is fine.” He paused to look closer at the man. There was an almost tangible sensation of belligerence emanating from him. He leaned a little closer to speak softly. “You know, you can be aggressive without being hostile,” he suggested calmly.

Alfred snorted. “I have a race to win. I’ll wait for you at the finish line, but don’t make me wait too long,” he boasted as he walked from the dining area.

Kyle just shook his head as he watched the man leave. Alfred was showing his true colors and it wasn’t pretty.

Coming back to himself he picked up another banana and walked back to the table, peeling it as he went. He looked up and saw three sets of eyes watching him approach. He could almost feel them peeling his clothes off and a twitch went through his cock in response to their hungry looks.

“I see you found the bananas,” Fiona said as her eyes were looking directly at the bulge in his bike shorts. Skye burst into giggles and even Helen got in on the fun with giggles of her own. Fiona flashed them both a happy smile then turned her blue eyes on Kyle with heat in her expression.

Kyle finished swallowing his breakfast standing next to the table. The calm from the night before settled in place and he nodded to the blonde, returning the heat much to his surprise. Her nerve broke first and she licked her lips nervously. Smiling, he moved behind her chair to toss the peel onto his plate and pluck his helmet from the back of his chair before stepping back out. He ensured his bulge pressed firmly against her bare back both ways then smiled at the ladies as Fiona gasped and shivered. She was biting her lip when he smiled at them, holding his helmet before himself. “See you at the bikes. Have a good ride, ladies.”

As he turned to leave he saw David and Kimberly sitting with Carl and Larissa. He nodded and said good morning to them. David was looking more than a little rough and Kimberly’s smile seemed forced with tension in the corners of her eyes.

The Burkettes smiled happily at him and wished him luck.

He nodded and made a quick pitstop at the washroom to have one last pee before the ride and adjust himself more comfortably in his shorts. He was grateful when he’d finally relaxed down there as he tucked himself away.

He then made his way outside to the courtyard where the support van was. Jules and Vivian were wearing their cycling gear and were talking with Dita who would be driving the support van today.

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