Mafia Desire (Erotica)


It was a small family-run Italian restaurant in the city, known for having amazing pasta and the best Bolognese sauce in the city. I was quite a fan of Italian food, so it was the logical choice for me, at first. I thought to pick a well-known Japanese restaurant I used to go to, but Hayley warned me off that, Lucy hated Japanese food.

I sorted through the clothes I’d brought home with me-which wasn’t much-but I had nothing that really suited a restaurant date, I hadn’t ever really needed fancy clothes before, so I never got them.

I pulled out the suits I’d gotten for work and decided to wear the black one, it would look like I was going to a funeral, but I didn’t really have any other choice.

Just as I was about to drop my towel and dress, my bedroom door burst open and I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sudden intrusion.

Tori and Hayley sauntered into my bedroom like they owned the place. My sister bounded onto my bed and crossed her legs, still wearing her bikini from earlier. My lover walked straight up to me, ran her eyes over my naked torso, then smiled at me.

“Tell me again why I’m not going on a date with your brother tonight Tor?” Hayley said as she turned to my sister.

“Because you love your friend and you’re good at sharing,” Tori replied with a grin.

“I guess,” Hayley said with a smirk as her eyes roamed my chest again.

Her gaze fell to the suit I had laid out on the bed and she let out a disappointed sigh.

“Are you going on a date with my best friend or a funeral?” my lover asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well…” I scratched my head. “I don’t really have anything else.”

Hayley pulled out her phone and tapped the screen a few times, then held it up to her ear without saying another word.

“Hello Mr Parks, how’s your golf game going,” my lover said with a friendly tone.

I had no idea why she was calling my father, or why she even had his number to begin with.

“Dad insisted my friends have his number, just in case something happened,” Tori explained, if is she read my mind.

“That’s great, good work,” Hayley exclaimed to my father over the phone. “I have a favour to ask of you Mr Parks.”

I heard my father say something over the phone, but I couldn’t make it out.

“Nothing like that,” Hayley replied with a smile. “Jason has a date tonight and none of his clothes will cut it, may I browse your wardrobe and pick something out for him.”

I was a little shocked that Hayley would even think to ask my father something like that, he hated sharing anything with anyone, let alone his expensive clothes.

“Wonderful, thank you so very much Mr Parks, you enjoy the rest of your day.” Hayley finished with a smile before hanging up the phone.

“Wait here,” my curly haired lover ordered me before striding out of my room.

“Well… I’ve been told.” I turned to Tori to see her suppressing a grin, badly.

Ten minutes later Hayley returned with an outfit picked out, the clothes slung over her arm.

She placed them on the bed and turned to face me, hands on her hips.

“This will work for you, it’s a nice dinner but you don’t need anything fancy, that isn’t you,” my lover exclaimed.

I looked to my sister, then Hayley and to the clothes when I realized neither of my lovers had any intention of leaving the room to let me change in peace.

I shrugged and dropped my towel, both girls immediately dropped their eyes to stare at my crotch and I smiled.

“I’m not just a piece of meat ladies,” I said with a laugh.

“Oh honey, you’re too smart for that, but let us enjoy looking at what we can’t have right now,” Hayley replied.

I turned to see Tori lying on her stomach as she gazed upon my naked body, and I realized that I didn’t even need to leave the house to get laid tonight, I could have either or both of these sexy women before me. But I promised to take Lucy out, so I would.

I pulled on a pair of my boxer shorts-the nice ones I got the first night I went out with the girls-and grabbed the jeans Hayley had borrowed from my old man for me. They were a dark grey boot cut design and they fit remarkably well, my father and I were of similar build, and even though I was a little taller, it didn’t matter to much.

Next was the shirt; a black button down collared shirt of a thicker material than my business shirts. It looked like something on outdoorsman would wear when he wanted to look his best. It too fit quite well, although a little tight across my chest and arms, obviously it had been tailor to fit my father perfectly who didn’t have as much muscle.

The belt came next, a simple wide leather belt with a flat, dull steel buckle. I tucked the shirt into my jeans and bucked the belt on and turned to look at myself in the mirror.

I didn’t think the outfit looked very good, sure it wasn’t bad but I kind of expected more from Hayley in the fashion department. As if she sensed my disappointment, my lover placed my boots down beside my bed.

“These too,” she said with a smile.

My boots were the beige nubuck Timberland boots I wore when we went out to the club, not something I expected to wear to a dinner date, but I pulled on a pair of socks, followed by the boots and tied them firmly.

I stood up and looked in the mirror again, a little more satisfied this time. The colour of the boots really stood out against the dark grey and black of the rest of my outfit, but I still didn’t feel confident on the whole get-up.

Hayley approached me and stood to my side, looking at the mirror with me.

“Just a few finishing touches,” she said with her half smile.

My lover moved in front of me and began folding up the sleeves of my shirt meticulously, each fold leaving an even crease that matched the opposite side. She stopped just above my elbow and straightened each side, so the cuffs flared out just so, she then pulled a chrome TAG Heuer watch from her bag and slipped it over my hand, clasping it on my wrist. The watch fit perfectly, like it was sized just for me and it looked incredibly expensive.

“Where did you get this?” I asked my lover.

“That’s not important right now,” she replied with one of her special smiles.

The slim brunette then grabbed a bottle of something I didn’t recognize and started spraying my hair, the mist that came out smelled of apples and cinnamon. After a half a dozen sprays, Hayley set the bottle down and began running her fingers through my hair. My lover worked at it for about ten minutes before she took a step back to admire her work, nodding and smiling as she did.

“There you go, you should easily drop Lucy’s panties now,” Hayley said with a grin. “If she wears any.”

She stepped aside and I got a good look at what she’d done.

I was quite surprised at what I saw, considering what it looked like before Hayley worked her magic.

She’d straightened my shirt and folded the sleeves up, giving me a hands on work look. The watch added just that extra touch as an accessory. It was clearly expensive, but its quality and functionality won out over a classier watch.

I couldn’t tell exactly what she’d done to my hair, but it looked a touch messy, but without looking unkempt. Almost like I’d woken up and my hair looked this way, but it still looked good.

All of that together with my nearly trimmed beard and my work boots, I had to admit I looked ruggedly handsome, like I was about to chop a tree down then go straight to a steak dinner.

“Are you actually a witch?” I asked my lover.

“You’re not the only one with magic parts,” Hayley winked at me, wiggling her delicate fingers.

I chuckled and turned to Tori, who was still lying on my bed in her bikini.

“What do you think Sis?” I said as I struck a pose once more.

She giggled and I noticed Hayley bit her lip when I called Tori “Sis” and I remembered that she had a incest kink, something I’d have to let her play with some more in future.

“Why are we letting him go out tonight?” Tori turned to her friend.

“You said we have to share Tor,” Hayley quipped back.

Both girls had huge grins plastered across their beautiful faces and I couldn’t help but puff my chest out, these ladies were doing wonders for my ego.

“Well I better get going if I’m to pick Lucy up,” I said to my lovers after I checked the time on my new watch. “Don’t get up to, too much trouble while I’m out.”

“Hot tub?” Hayley grinned and turned to my sister.

“Hot tub,” Tori exclaimed excitedly.

“I don’t have a swimsuit here, you don’t mind if I go in naked, do you?” Hayley added with a smirk directed at me.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Of course not, I’ll go naked too, so you don’t feel left out,” Tori added.

I was almost starting to regret my decision to go out tonight. Almost. I knew I’d get a show for a while, but mum and dad would be home later, and it would be a bit odd if I was hanging around my naked sister.

“Have fun girls,” I said as I left the bedroom and headed to the elevator.

The sounds of some very girly giggles followed me out.

I punched Lucy’s home address into my cars on-board GPS and headed off to pick her up for our first date. As I was driving, I realized that this was the first proper date I’d been on with any of the girls. I decided I should probably fix that and treat each of them to a night out.

Even though it wasn’t peak hour, the Sydney traffic was horrendous as always, so the trip to Lucy’s home took longer than estimated. I was just lucky I left early.

As I pulled into the suburb Lucy was living in, I noticed a massive decrease in traffic, which I was thankful for. This suburb was one of the wealthier neighbourhoods and had an extremely low population compared to the rest of the city.

Every house I drove passed looked like it was worth as much as the entire luxury apartment building my parents lived in, and then some. As I drove, I wondered what Lucy’s parents did for a living; if they were living out here, they must be absolutely loaded.

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