Mafia Desire (Erotica)


I slowed up walking through the short corridor towards the huge oak door at the end it so mom could catch up with me and go first. As she did she took my hand and still walking spoke quietly.

“Ryan, your uncle is a ball buster. You need to know there will not be an easy yes. He loves to play games so let him play them. You or I get pissed it gives him a thrill, so just go easy and ignore anything weird he comes out with. Words are words, not actions, so just be good in there, okay?”

“I guess.”

“You know what I mean, he will be flirting from the get go, even in front of you, don’t let him get to you.”

“Okay, but he tries to touch you…”

“Vicky!” A deep voice boomed down the corridor.

I looked away from mom to see the office door was open and Uncle Malcolm stood in the doorway.

Except for a brief glimpse of him from across the funeral parlor a few months ago, I hadn’t seen uncle in a long time and forgot how… flat out good looking the guy was. Uncle was five years older than mom, but could pass for thirty five, if not younger. His short black hair was free of grey and his well tanned face was smooth and devoid of any lines or wrinkles and his blue eyes, the feature mom said was a legendary trademark of his, were not just blue, but electric blue.

Even from a guys point of view I knew those eyes were amazing. They looked as if they were lit from within and I had no doubt women swooned over them. In addition to his attractive features, Uncle was a large man, with broad shoulders that stretched his black polo shirt and a pair of biceps that threatened to stretch out his sleeves.

His forearms rippled as his fingers tapped the doorknob as he waited for is to reach him and from what I could tell by how his shirt was tucked in, his stomach was flat and hard.

What was not visible-and what I had no desire to dwell on-was the feature that had started Uncle on his way to his career-according to what I’d heard, but never wanted to see despite the fact there were still movies featuring uncle floating around, was that he was hung like a bull.

I’d once heard mom tell a friend that Uncle used to just whip it out on occasions when he was drunk and that mom had added, married or not, she had to admit it was a thing of beauty.

It was that remark that disturbed me. Mom was not herself of late and had not been with anyone since dad and the last few months he was alive he was sick. Mom had remarked to someone on the phone a week ago that she hadn’t gotten laid in a year. Uncle Malcolm was a good looking guy and had always wanted her. Again, I was glad I came.

“Malcolm.” Mom smiled and put her arms out, allowing him to wrap his arms around her and hug her tightly.

Mom all but disappeared in his embrace and now that I was close to him it struck me how tall and flat out… large my uncle was. So much for threatening to beat his ass I thought wryly as he kissed mom on the cheek.

“It’s been a long time dear sister in law.” He said.

He released her and turning to me whistled, “Damn, boy, look at you! You went and turned into a man on me!”

“Good to see you Uncle,” I extended my hand and watched it vanish inside of his huge fist.

“Damn good to see you!” he clapped me on the arm hard enough to almost knock me over. “Been a long time kid, you taking good care of your mom?”

“That’s why I’m here.” I said wincing at the strength in his hand and trying to squeeze his as hard as I could. “To look after her.”

“Ryan.” Mom said, “Sorry Malcolm, he’s…”

“His father’s kid for sure.” He laughed, and whacked my other arm, “Nothing wrong with sticking up for your mom, kid. Mother’s are the most amazing women in the world. Now, come on in.”

He walked away from us towards his massive desk and shooting me a dirty look, mom followed. We sat in the two large leather chairs in front of Uncle’s desk and I noticed mom staring in disdain at a long leather couch along one wall. When Uncle sat, she pointed at it, “Is that where you conduct your interviews, Malcolm.”

I kicked her foot and when she looked at me, I raised my eyebrows. Mom nodded, “Sorry, couldn’t resist.”

“I never could, that’s why I’m in this field.” He laughed. “But the industry is clean Vicky and STD’s can destroy a career and others with it. If someone is interested they have to have a blood test and come back with the results before a casting is even a possibility.”

As he spoke I looked around the office at the movie posters, some were movies Uncle did when he was younger and my eyes widened at the sight of him shirt less, guy was seriously built. So were the women and barely dressed.

As I followed the posters I noticed as the movies became more recent the credits went from starring Malcolm Stone to produced by. I lingered on one starring Nikki Sinn and wondered if Uncle had done one with her.

“Like a kid in a candy store, huh?” Uncle asked.

“Candy Came even” Mom said, “We met one of your wonderful employees.”

“There is nothing wrong with this for a career, Vicky; no one makes these girls perform. Candy is a nice kid, believe it or not she went to USC, but… discovered she could make more money doing this and she likes it. Most of my girls do, I pick women who still like the act as much as the money and try to keep things fun. That’s why my movies are such high quality.”

“Whatever.” Mom muttered.

“Speaking of jobs, I hear you’re working at Wal-mart, Ryan.”

“Yeah, couple of years now, they work around my schedule so it’s a good job.”NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“Please, what do they pay? Why not work for me?”

“He will not work in this business.” Mom said firmly.

“Not like that.” Uncle waved his hand, “Although he is a good looking kid.” He eyed me more closely, “Nice eyes, good features, good build, you’d do fine, especially in our feature lines.”

“Enough.” Mom said, her voice rising.

“Sorry, I evaluate everyone I see.” He shrugged, “Not into guys, but I have to be aware of what is attractive. Porn is just as much for ladies now. The guys aren’t fat slobs like Ron Jeremy anymore, now they look as good as the women. I was one of the first to be picked for more than just…”

He Trailed off as mom stared at him.

“Well anyway, I was talking about being a runner, you know grabbing food, coffee, running errands, delivering scripts, taking the movies for editing things like that. Fifteen an hour and easy work.”

“Wow, I only get nine at Wal-Mart.”

“Don’t even think about it Next thing you know, you’ll be on the set and hanging out with porn stars.”

“Like that’s a bad thing, huh, Ryan?” Uncle laughed.

“Malcolm this is why Joe didn’t want you around Ryan that much.”

“No, there was another reason.” He said, “But okay, just trying to help.” He looked at me and smiled, “Man you are like turning back the clock, Ryan, take a look at this.”

He reached into his desk and removed a photo and handed it to me. It was of Uncle and dad, at what I figured was Dad’s high school graduation. Dad was holding his diploma and uncle had his arm around him, smiling.

“Wow.” I said “Just like me.”

“Yup, dead ringer at that age. Your dad was a good looking guy, you take right after him No ugly babies in this family.”

Mom looked at it with me, “I never saw that one. Joe looks so happy.”

I started to hand it back, but he waved his hand, “Keep it, I have another somewhere, and a lot of others, we were close back then. That was before my poor career choice.” He rolled his eyes.

“But that was the past, we’re here now, so… what can I do for you, Vicky?”

“I could go into a lot of details, but I’m just going to get to the point. The medical insurance collection agency has a lean on the house; I’m behind on the mortgage and…”

“You mean my cautious brother had nothing invested? No life insurance?”

“The insurance was new. When his company changed hands they got rid of the one he hand through them and he had just picked up something for now… it covered the funeral, burial, but not much after.”

“I see.” Uncle had leaned back in his chair and was now looking just at mom. I noticed his eyes lingering on her chest. “Oh, how rude of me, would you like a drink? I have a bar or if not I have coke and water, I can get coffee?”

“We’re fine.” She said, “So…”

“Vicky, would you mind fetching me a coke?” Uncle pointed, “The fridge is under that painting over there.

“I’ll grab it,” I started to get up.

“I asked your mother.” He said softly, staring at her with a smirk on his lips. Mom returned the smile, “Of course.”

She rose and walked across the room. I noticed she was moving very slowly and swinging her hips. Uncle was staring at her, following each step with a hungry look in his eyes and my stomach tightened.

Mom reached the small fridge, and after a brief pause, squatted down to open it. That move caused the skirt to rise and I could see the back of her thigh right up to the curve of her ass. I knew mom had done that on purpose, just as she taking her time removing a can of soda.

She straightened and turning around, walked back just as slowly. She was staring Uncle in the eye the entire time and he still had that smirk on his face, but so did she. He had started the game and she was playing it. She handed him the can and as he opened it, she sat down.

“So the reason we’re here is… you know why I’m here, Malcolm, we need money and you’re our last chance.”

“What about his pension plan?”

“They’re holding it for a year.”

“Borrow against it?”

“The lien on the house means there would not be enough left after a sale if his plan did not pay out for whatever reason.”

“Ah.” He sighed, “Stubborn bastard should have just come to work with me. Would have made more money and been well taken care of.”

“Well, he didn’t.”

“And now you work two jobs because of it and may lose your house.” He took a swallow of soda, “And how are the girls? I’d love to see them, not here of course, but maybe I can swing by?”

“We can set something up, sure.” Mom nodded, “You can take them somewhere for a day if you want.”

“Mom, I…”I began

“Its fine, Ryan, even your uncle isn’t that bad.”

“Thanks!” he laughed

“How did you know I was working two jobs?” Mom asked.

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