Luna On The Run - I Stole The Alphas Son

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Chapter 73

“Well, you seem to be in a better mood now.” He chuckles.

“I was until you stopped,” I growl, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I thought you wanted to escape me?” he laughs.

It is still irking me, but it is mostly forgotten. “You ordered me,” I tell him, still a little annoyed.

“I don’t want to order you, Lena. But you need to slow down. I don’t want to be your Alpha. I want to be your mate, but I won’t watch you run yourself into the ground with exhaustion either,”

“Well, unfortunately, you’ll always be able to pull rank over me now that you’ve marked me,” I tell him. He frowns slightly and I let him go. Mates are supposedly equal yet everything in our nature says otherwise. It’s a little disappointing that no matter what I’ll always be at a disadvantage compared to him.

“But that is what trust is for,” Lexa tells me and I sigh, knowing she is right.

Axton and I shower quickly so we can organize dinner and bathing the kids. Hopping out of the shower, I put my pajamas on, and head down stairs with Axton right behind me.

“I’ll start dinner if you want to grab the boys?” I tell him when we reach the bottom. We part ways and I head for the kitchen, I start rummaging through the pantry and then the fridge grabbing ingredients out when I hear my phone ring. Looking over at the microwave, I see Axton must have put it on charge before he came upstairs to invade my shower. Wiping my hands on a tea towel. I into pages NOW. pick it up and notice it is Marco.

I quickly answer it. “Hey, what’s up?” I ask him, turning back to the frypan where I was cooking my mince and onion for my spaghetti.

“I have the files you requested from the courts,” he tells me.

“Huh? I only just ordered them today?” I tell him.

“Well, one of the supernatural court’s officer’s delivered them personally because the council hasn’t been able to get a hold of me.”

“Right. So why are they looking for you?” Marco sighs.

“What is it?” I ask him when I hear someone in the background talking.

“Who are you with?” I ask him.

“Soyer, I needed him to let me into the council chambers here, I didn’t have my keys. I was at the club across the road when the officer showed up to escort me back to the courts. I put your documents in your filing box for you.” Marco explains.

“Okay-what aren’t you telling me? Why are you being escorted?” I ask him just as Axton comes out setting Kyan in his high chair, and Luke follows with Bane doing the same. Axton straps the boys in then comes over bumping me out of the way to take over.

“We are all under suspicion, I guess you and will be next. But that is not all, the human governments might be getting involved with the entire strigoi situation,” Axton glances at me overhearing him and he gives me a questioning look.

“Wait, you’re under suspicion for being strigoi and me?” I ask him.

“No, no that is a different matter.”

“I’m not following,” I tell him now becoming confused.

“They want to interview me about your parents, with everything going on with your father they are wondering-”

“They think I killed my parents?” I ask gobsmacked they would think that.

“Yes, and they think I covered it up. I have to go but I’ll fill you in when I-” I hear the jiggling of keys and a door shut when Marco speaks again. “Why is Cane here?”

“What?” I hear Soyer ask in the background.

“Probably parked here and went to the club. I’ll find him so I can lock the gates. Go, I’ll find him and ask him to move his car.” I hear Soyer tell him.

“Right.. Elena, you documents are in your filing box, I will let you know what is going when I know,”

“Fine, but stay in touch.” I tell him. We hang up and I turn to look at Axton.

“Marco will handle it. Don’t stress over it.” I nod my head, taking over dinner again. Axton wanders off while I set the pasta in the boiling water, he soon returns with his laptop and sits at the table and opens it.

Luke is playing his video game while the boys munch on their rusks in their highchairs while waiting for me to finish cooking. “What are you working on?” I ask Axton.

“Payrolls,” he answers and I nod my head. Ten minutes later dinner is cooked and Axton pushes his laptop aside and gets up to help me set dinner out. Yet my mind is on those files, knowing they hold the answers I need so I barely remember dinner at all. Until Axton is clearing the table which makes me look up.

“Sorry,” I mutter knowing I zoned out.

“Come on, help me get the boys bathed so we can have an early night,” he tells me and I stand up. Luke is stacking the dishwasher and I move to grab Bane. His face covered in spaghetti sauce. I chuckle wiping his face with his bib before following Axton to the hall. Stopping I peer back at Luke. “You ok?” I ask him and he looks over at me, dish in hand. He gives me a thumbs up and I nod watching as he turns back to his task. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

The night seems to end in the same routine except now I am staring at the ceiling twiddling my thumbs bored.

“Why don’t you pick a movie to watch or something?” Axton suggests and I look over at him. He has spent the last few hours checking his laptop every five damn minutes.

“What are you waiting on?” I ask him.

“The notification for the quarterly taxes?”

“It’s nearly midnight. Check it in the morning,” I tell him.

“Supernatural courts don’t sleep. It’s twenty four hours. And Marcol put a urgent request on it.” Axton says and I see him refresh his portal again. head I lean over him to steal the remote when I hear his laptop make its notification jingle. Falling back against my pillow I start flicking through the many apps on the TV when he groans.


“My laptop is about to die,” he curses and I sigh.

“Can I email it to yours?” he asks.

“Can’t it wait until morning?” I ask him, becoming annoyed that he told me I can’t work but he’s done nothing but work all damn night.

“I need to send it off, its past due,” I groan. Just as I got comfy. Getting up, and tossing the blanket back Axton jumps to his feet.

“I’ll grab it,” he tells me quickly leaving to head to his office to retrieve it. “Why do these apps have so many movies, how are you supposed to pick?” I ask Lexa, when nothing catches my attention. Axton returns and hands me my laptop. I unlock it.

“Password is your name.”

“That’s it?” Axton asks and I nod.

“That is the shittiest password, anyone could guess that.”

“I have two factor authentication. Why, what is yours?” I ask him.

“Your date of birth.”

“And you think my password is shitty, and I know you don’t have two factor authentication,” I tell him as he unlocks my computer. My phone bings and I approve it being unlocked while he takes a seat.

“Yeah, good point,” Axton mumbles sitting beside me. He finds whatever he sent to my email before tapping his chest and I raise an eyebrow at him. He pats his chest again.

“Elena, now,” he growls and I roll my eyes and move closer only for him to jerk me so I am half laying on him.

“Frig sake, I can’t see the TV now!” I whine.

“Because I want to show you something.” Axton purrs burying his face in my neck. He taps my laptop screen and I glance at it. My brows furrow, confused at what I am looking at because it has nothing to do with taxes or what he claimed he was doing. Instead its the title for his pack.

“What?” I ask him peering up at him.

“I don’t want to be your alpha, Lena,” Axton murmurs. “I want to be your mate,”

“You’re alpha,” I remind him.

“Not on paper,” he tells me and my head jerks back to the screen. My eyes widen when I see his name is gone and mine in it’s place as the alpha. I blink at the screen. He gave me his pack….

“Axton, I don’t want your pack. I have two,”

“Now three, I may be alpha, but I will never be your Alpha. Now we are equal,” he whispers as I stare at the screen. “I rather be your Lupha.” he chuckles, and I look at him.

“Lupha?” I chuckle,

“You can tell Michelle, I said thanks for the honorary title, I thought she had speech impediment until I kept hearing your pack call me it,” he laughs and I smile.

Axton grabs the laptop setting it aside before turning back to me. A devious smile on his lips as he leans down, pressing his lips to mine. “I love you, Alpha,” he mumbles against my lips, and I chuckle.

“Love you too, Lupha.”

“Is it weird that I don’t actually hate it, I can get used to it,” he chuckles.

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