Loving You Too Long

Chap 87

Haisley knew she was wrong. She didn’t think that far. She knew her father would be disappointed if she got married without asking for his blessing. But Haisley believed her parents would understand her actions. Something then flashed in her mind.

“I can ask Juan and Crystal to bring them here. I can also contact Aunt Monica, and you just need to call your father. He’s the farthest from here. We can process the wedding in two days if you tell your father right now. At least he can take the earliest flight and arrive here as soon as possible.”

“You’re crazy, Haisley,” Nathan groaned. Haisley’s thoughts clearly seemed unreasonable.

Haisley froze, standing still with her eyes locked on Nathan.

“I am indeed crazy, Nath. But at least my craziness doesn’t exceed Loretta’s. It’s your fate to be surrounded by crazy women like us.

“I leave all decisions to you, Nath. If you really don’t want to marry me soon, don’t blame me if I never want to see you again for the rest of my life,” she said as she walked into the bedroom, leaving Nathan with her decision.

Nathan sat in contemplation after hearing Haisley’s words. Learning that the girl wouldn’t want to see him for the rest of her life felt agonizing. He eventually gave up, searching for his phone and then contacting his father.

Although his father seemed hesitant due to their unresolved issues, he left all decisions to his son. Nathan felt truly grateful to have his father. His father also promised to find the first flight to Miami to attend his wedding.

Next, Nathan contacted his mother. His relationship with his mother hadn’t improved since she left. Nathan should have apologized from the beginning and explained everything to avoid misunderstandings. However, he knew his mother well, and he didn’t want to burden her with more stress.

Nathan pressed the call button upon seeing his mother’s contact on the screen. If he used his previous number, he was sure his mother would ignore him. However, with this new number, she answered on the third ring.

“Yes, who is this?” the middle-aged woman asked in a flat tone.

“It’s Nathan, Mom,” Nathan whispered.

There was silence before Nathan heard his mother take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

“Why? What do you want? Are you going to inform me that you’re officially ending your relationship with that blonde girl?” she accused curtly.

Nathan tried to hold back his laughter. It had been a long time since he had pranked his mother. He really wanted to transform into Gilbert, who could easily prank others. It felt like he could try it now.

“Yes, I’m getting married,” he said as casually as possible.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“You?” his mother exclaimed. But Nathan heard the woman take a deep breath again and exhale slowly. “Congratulations then,” she muttered.

“With Haisley,” Nathan continued, making his mother gasp in shock.

“W-what did you say? Did I hear it wrong? Are you going to marry Haisley?” his mother stammered in disbelief.

Nathan nodded, realizing his mother couldn’t see him. “Yes, I’m marrying Haisley, the day after tomorrow,” he said to his mother with a smirk on his face.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” his mother uttered, and Nathan was sure she was currently searching for something to hold onto, so shocked. “How is this possible? What kind of dream did Mama have last night?” she mumbled more to herself than to Nathan. “You’re not lying, right? Don’t tell me this is some kind of prank, Nath,” his mother said again. Nathan then switched his phone call mode to video call. His mother appeared to be sitting on the sofa, one hand massaging her temples.

“I’ve been in Miami for a few days now, with Dean and Gilbert. Nathan came here to get Haisley back, Mama’s future daughter-in-law.” Nathaniel then shifted the camera to the back and showed the bedroom where Haisley was lying, clearly annoyed. “She’s angry because I kidnapped her,” Nathaniel admitted without feeling ashamed. Maybe this was what he should have been doing all along, pouring out his feelings and thoughts to his closest ones instead of dealing with everything alone. “There are things that Papa and I need to say, but I think we should hold off until Mama comes here. Will Mama come and see my wedding with Haisley?” he asked hopefully.

His mother appeared to sit up straight, looking at Nathan’s face on the phone screen with enthusiasm. “Of course. How could Mama miss your wedding? But why rush like this? What about Haisley’s parents? Have you told them about your intention to marry Haisley?” his inquisitive mother asked.

“That’s why I need Mama to be here. At least Mama can help me convince Haisley’s parents to accept me as their son-in-law,” Nathan said with hope.

His mother immediately stood up from her seat. “I’ll find the first flight to Miami. Or should I wait for Haisley’s parents at home and go to Miami with them?” the woman began to panic.

“Haisley will contact Crystal. Crystal and Juan will bring Haisley’s parents to Miami. Mama can meet them here,” Nathan said again, hoping it would calm his mother.

His mother nodded enthusiastically, expressing her gratitude, and promised to come to Miami as soon as possible. After ending the call, Nathan walked to the room where Haisley was lying with closed eyes due to annoyance.

“Haisley,” Nathan climbed onto the bed and lay facing the woman he now realized he truly loved. Slowly, Haisley’s eyes opened, gazing at Nathan with an expression that Nathan found difficult to interpret. “I’ve contacted Mom and Dad. They’ll be coming here as soon as possible,” Nathan informed her. Haisley didn’t respond and continued to look at Nathan with the same expression. “Are you sure?” Nathan asked, now doubting whether they had made the right decision.

Instead of answering, Haisley inched closer. She rested her head on Nathan’s upper arm while her right hand held onto Nathan’s stomach tightly.

“I’m sure. Very sure,” Haisley replied with a muffled voice against Nathan’s chest.

“Do you want to contact your family?” Nathan asked, handing her his phone. Haisley responded by shaking her head, making Nathan frown in confusion. “Why not? Don’t you want them to come?” he inquired.

Haisley then looked up, kissed Nathan’s chin softly before smiling again. “I’ve contacted Crystal and asked her to bring Mom and Dad here,” she whispered.

“What? When?” Nathan asked, bewildered.

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