
You came back!

Alex was starting to get scared of Richard’s presence when they heard her doorbell ring downstairs.

“Are you expecting someone?” He asked her.

“N… yes!” She lied and left him for downstairs before he could hold her back. Happily opening the door to at least be free from him, she saw Randy.

“Ma’am, I was sent by Mr Larkson…” Randy saw that she was in a towel and looked away immediately.

“Randy, thank goodness it’s you.” She pushed him outside and followed, closing the door behind her.

“Ma’am I…”

“Shhhh. I need you to help me okay? There’s someone in there whom I am currently not very comfortable with,” she started and when she saw that he was listening, she continued.”I want you to act like we planned to leave together and that you came to pick me up. Can you?”

“I was actually sent by Mr Larkson to…”

“Aren’t you listening to me?!” She whispered shakily.”I need your help, someone broke into my house.”

“I’m not the police, ma’am.” Randy remained polite though he didn’t believe what she was saying.

“Babe?!” Richard called from upstairs.

“C… can you hear him now? Can you see now that I really do need your help?”

“I don’t think I’m prepared for this,” Randy muttered to himself with a sigh, wondering why she was being dramatic. He turned around to leave.

“Hold on, are you leaving?” Alex asked but got no reply from him as he walked away. She thought to herself for some seconds and decided to follow him but heard a gun cork from behind her.

“Don’t think of it, Alex.” Richard threatened her while descending from the stairs.”Close the door, will you?”

Alex contemplated following his order and how not-so-beneficial it would be if she did. She saw Randy walk farther and thought to scream but got startled by Richard when he let the nozzle of the gun touch the back of her neck. While she was thinking, Richard had come nearer to where she stood.

“I asked you to close the door,” he gave her an angry, stern look before closing the door himself and turning the lock after. He turned her around and made her rest her back against the door, slowly trailing the gun’s nozzle from her neck down to her cleavage. He stared at her breasts for some good time before suddenly taking the fun back to her neck but this time beneath her jaw.

“You made me take out a gun now, I did not want to do that.” He brought his face to hers and spoke to her face, playing with the gun by stroking it against her right cheek.

“Is that my gun?” Alex asked when she had a chance to set her eyes on the gun he held.

“This? Yes, it’s yours.” He smiled and tapped on the tip of her nose with the gun.

“How did you…” She trailed halfway through her question in confusion because she knew the gun was in her safe and it had a lock.

“I know the code to your safe and all your passwords, Alex.” He reminded her.”I know the password to every one of your devices. Did you forget how you suggested that we knew each other’s passwords? Just. In. Case?”

Alex instantly regretted suggesting that idea when they were still together. She also regretted not changing her passwords.

“Oh Alex, I love that look you have on right now.” He said and kissed her shoulder but she pushed his head away.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Having what’s mine,” he held her neck and heard her gasp.”Don’t make me become aggressive, Alex. You know how extreme I can be with rough sex.” He chuckled and kissed her on the lips after. Alex tried to move her head to stop him but his hand was around her neck to bring back her face to his the more she tried.

He got his way, parting her lips and touching her tongue with his for the kind of kiss he loved. He was enjoying what he was doing till Alex bit his tongue.

“Fuck,” he cursed inaudible because of the pain that wave through his tongue. Alex turned and tried to open the door but his hands got to the lock before she could turn it.

“Come on Richard, what is this, huh? Why do you want to do this?” She started to sob when the gun was back to her neck.

“Because I’m fucking tired of begging you to come back to what we were. I’ve decided to have a good time with your body; at least It’s the only thing I can get from you without your consent.”

Someone rang the doorbell after his reply.

“Shit. How many persons are you expecting to come by today?”  He asked rhetorically because he had studied her schedule for the past week and knew she was usually headed to be with Jenna after her shoot but now that Jenna was married and the wedding planning was concluded, he knew she would be home early so he waited for her. It was annoying to hear a second ring of the doorbell.

“Open the door and ask whoever it is to leave. If you do anything stupid, I’ll just have to kill you and kill myself too.”

Alex nodded even if she knew she was going to scream and run the moment that door opened.

Richard took the gun away from her neck and hid by one of the tall curtains there. He signaled her to open the door and she nodded again, her hands shaky as she unlocked her entrance door.

“You came back,” she muttered happily when she saw Randy.

“Mr Larkson asked me to stay with you till he comes.” Randy said unhappily.”Is there really someone here?”

Alex nodded fearfully.

“Does he have any weapon with him?”

“He has a gun,” she whispered and swallowed.”He has my gun,” she made her voice lower than the first time.

“Upstairs?” She shook her head to his question.

“He’s here in the living room, he’s hiding. I don’t want to die.” She ended up saying. Randy sighed and walked past her to go inside. She was reluctant to close the door after he came in because she was scared.

“You know it’s fine, you can just go pick up Jenna first then come back for me.” She told Randy like that was what they were talking about while at the door.

“I’ll wait. Please go get ready so we can leave.” Randy replied accordingly. She looked back at the curtains and then at Randy before going up the stairs slowly, one step at a time.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Richard bit his lips in annoyance at Randy’s presence. He started to think of what to do while behind the curtain.

Meanwhile, Randy sat on one of the comfortable sofas in Alex’s living room, his right hand in his jacket pocket and holding his gun just in case he needed to pull it out and use it.

Richard saw that the kitchen was just near to where he was hiding so he quietly made it there but as quiet as he was, Randy still noticed him by the movement of his shadow.

Alex returned downstairs fully dressed and went and stood behind the sofa in which Randy sat.

“Alright, let’s leave,” she whispered.

“No. Mr. Larkson wants to meet you, we’re going to wait for him to arrive.” Alex scoffed unbelievingly at what he just said.

“He’s going to kill me and himself before Ben comes, let’s just go.” She begged.

“He’s not behind the curtain anymore, he’s in your kitchen. You said he has a gun right?”

“Yes. Do you think he went to get a knife to…”

“Ma’am? Shhh,” Randy stopped her from talking and stood up to go to the kitchen.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Standing behind the sofa still, Alex squeezed her fingers against each other in nervousness as she watched Randy enter the kitchen.

The moment she heard a grunt from the kitchen, she did not want to know who it was grunting in pain. She immediately started for the door but about to open the door, she saw a gun slide all the way from the kitchen to the living room. The gun stopped its motion at a short distance from where she was.

Looking at the door and looking at the gun, she questioned her mind on what to do; if to run or if to pick up the gun and see if she could help Randy.

With a deep inhalation of breath, she went and picked up the gun. She saw that it was her gun and was glad because she knew how to use it.

Walking towards the kitchen slowly, she heard her pots clash and ran back to the door, changing her mind on helping out. On opening the door, she saw Ben and some other men approaching her entrance.

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