Love Unbreakable

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Lauren Broke Down With eyes wide open in shock and tears streaming down her face, Lauren reasoned, “Mitchel, Jocelyn just wasn't thinking straight.

Besides, she's old.

How could she survive in jail?" Mitchel's eyes met hers, and his following words sent a chill down her spine.

"Jocelyn gave Kyle two million dollars.

Where would she get that much money? I need an explanation." Two million was not a small amount.

For a maid like Jocelyn, it could be her life's savings.

Who would spend all they had just to set someone up? Mitchel suspected the money had come from Lauren.

In other words, he did not buy their story one bit.

In a heartbeat, fear washed over Lauren.

Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably, her make-up smeared.

In desperation, she clutched at Mitchel’s trousers and pleaded, "Mitchel, I swear I don't know anything about this.

I'm weak.

How could I scheme against anyone?” At this moment, Jocelyn fell to her knees and shuffled forward alongside Lauren.

"My lady, I'm really sorry.

I sold your jewelry to get the money.

I acted on my own, thinking I was protecting you.

This is all my fault.” "Is that how it is, Lauren?" Mitchel questioned while staring at Lauren with narrowed eyes.

Before Lauren could muster a reply, he added, "Think twice before you answer.

This might be your last shot at earning my trust." Lauren felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

She was petrified and at a loss for words.

Just yesterday, Kyle revealed that Matteo was investigating him.

Upon learning this, Lauren bribed him with two million dollars and promised him the cash if he took the fall.

On no account could he tell the truth.

Earher, before Mitchel showed up, Jocelyn had given Lauren an emergency escape plan.

If things went south, shift the blame onto Jocelyn.

Lauren had brushed it off at that time.

She assumed Mitchel was just suspicious of a fake paternity test.

How bad could the situation be? Previously, a few tears and Mitchel would surely forgive her.

But now, it was a different case.

Mitchel was deadly serious.

Left with no choice but to follow the plan, Lauren masked her nervous voice with sobs and pretended to reprimand Jocelyn, “Jocelyn, how could you be so vicious? Mitchel has always treated me well.

He wouldn't abandon me..." "My lady, I was out of mind back then.

Please, take good care of yourself from now on..." Their collective misery tugged at the heartstrings of anyone listening.

With teary eyes, Lauren turned to Mitchel and pleaded, "Mitchel, Jocelyn's been with me for years and has always been diligent.

Could you find it in your heart to forgive her just this once?” Mitchel shifted his gaze back to Lauren and asked back, "Is there anything else you're hiding from me?" Lauren was caught off guard.

She was unsure what Mitchel already knew, so she could only feign innocence.

“Mitchel, I've never hidden anything from you.

Don't you know me inside and out?” "If you say so." Mitchel withdrew his gaze and turned to Matteo.

"Matteo, leave the rest to the police.” With anxiety written all over her face, Lauren blurted out, "Mitchel, wait..." Mitchel cut her off with an icy stare.

"Lauren, people should pay for their mistakes." Lauren was stunned and silenced by his cold gaze.

At this moment, she was brimming with hatred.

Raegan was unscathed despite all her schemes, while she was losing a trusted servant.

Jocelyn's loyalty to her was beyond doubt.

Jocelyn’s family were puppets of the Murray family.

Without such a loyal servant, it would be hard to carry out her schemes in the future.

Once Matteo took Kyle and Jocelyn away and the tension deflated, Lauren felt herself on the verge of breaking down.

She lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Mitchel, wetting his shirt with her tears.

"Jocelyn's gone.

Mitchel, you're the only one I have." Mitchel's frigid eyes met hers as he gently pushed her away.

"Lauren, I've arranged for you to see a specialist in Swynborough.

He can provide a complete cure for what ails you.” A wave of panic washed over Lauren.

The truth was, she had recovered a long time ago.

She was injected with a new type of medicine in Swynborough to make her look sick and win Mitchel’s trust.

If he sent her to another doctor in Swynborough, her secret would be revealed.

"Mitchel, the healthcare here in Ardlens has been gentle and effective.

I'm not in pain anymore.

Can't | just continue my treatment here?” "I want you to recover fully as soon as possible.

This isn’t up for discussion," Mitchel firmly said.

Lauren froze.

She sensed the unyielding steel in his voice and knew better than to argue.

She would have to play her cards carefully from here on out.

It was not entirely a bad thing, though.

Going abroad with Mitchel for treatment could provide an excellent opportunity to deal with Raegan.

At this realization, she looked up at him and weakly said, "I'll do as you say, Mitchel.

Once I'm better, we can start a family.

Maybe then, your mother won't be so hard on me." Truth be told, Lauren had zero desire to have kids.

Besides, she never liked children.

But if having a child was the golden ticket to earning a man's affection, then so be it.

And didn't Raegan's pregnancy earn Mitchel’s attention? Well, she didn't mind that if it worked.

Mitchel was silent.

A few moments later, he just frowned and said, "Once you're cured, you should focus on living well.” Lauren assumed he meant living a good life with him.

"When do we leave?" Lauren asked, elated.

"The day after tomorrow.

I've already spoken with your father to arrange for someone to pick you up and look after you for the surgery." Lauren's heart skipped a beat and she panicked.

"What do you mean, Mitchel? Aren't you going to be there with me?" "You'll be staying in Swynborough from now on, and your family will accompany you there," Mitchel explained, his voice devoid of emotion.

It was like a bolt from the blue.

Lauren was utterly stunned.

It took her a moment to grasp the weight of Mitchel's words.

Her face drained of color, and she felt like she had been slapped across the face.

“Mitchel, are you...

Are you sending me away?" she stammered. Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"Lauren, the arrangement of this surgery is the last thing I'll ever do to take care of you,” Mitchel stated flatly.

While Lauren looked like she had seen a ghost, Mitchel was nonchalant.

It was obvious that this was not a spur-of-the- moment decision.

Mitchel had been contemplating this for a while.

Lauren broke into tears.

She felt she was plummeting into an abyss.

"No, Mitchel! I can't live without you!" she shouted hysterically with tears all over her face.

"This isn't up for debate, Lauren.” Mitchel lowered his head and added, "If you agree to live in Swynborough, the business cooperation with the Murray Group will continue.

But if you insist on staying in Ardlens, I'll sever all business ties." Lauren felt trapped in a corner.

The choice was a no-brainer.

Her family would force her to abide by Mitchel’s terms.

"Why, Mitchel? Why are you doing this to me?" Lauren wailed.

"I asked you earlier if there's anything else you're not telling me," Mitchel said while looking straight into her eyes.

"Do you really think I haven't found out anything?"

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