Love For Hire

Chapter 17: 17

Chapter 17: 17

“You did the right thing sending that woman away,” Samuel said as he poured himself a glass of bourbon.

“Father, I really do not feel like talking about it.”

“It was kinder to dispose of her now rather than get her hopes up only to dash them later,” he said, taking a seat on in the armchair across from his eldest son. They had decided to take refuge in the library. The chairs were angled next to the fireplace to enjoy the warmth and catch the light. He had come in after dinner to read only to find his son moping. When asked why he was upset, Nicholas had confessed that he had sent his so-called girlfriend away. It was strange how much it seemed to bother Nicholas.

He just sat in his chair, staring at the fire while scratching the head of his service dog, which sat next to his chair. Nicholas’ eyes never left the fire, and Samuel was not positive if he was staring at the flames because he was lost in thought or if he was just staring straight ahead because he could not see anything. It was hard to tell. Nicholas’ blindness was going to take some getting used to for all involved.

“I said I did not want to talk about it.”

“She was not right for you, anyway. A prince should be with a woman of good breeding and class,” he said as he unbuttoned his suit jacket to make himself more comfortable.

“I happened to like Kinsley. She is a perfectly wonderful woman.”

“To go to bed with maybe, but she was hardly marriage material. The future queen should meet a certain standard.”

“Well, luckily, I will never live long enough to be King, so finding a queen that will meet your ridiculous standards is an issue I will not be forced to deal with.”

Samuel sighed heavily at the reminder of his son’s short life expectancy. It pained me to think about how his son would fall apart both meatily and physically. How, in a short time, he would bury his firstborn. It was a cruel God that would allow any father to outlive their child. Samuel had done all he could to save his son’s life. He had sought out the best doctors, funded the research and paid for the best medical treatment in the world and still, he was forced to watch his son wither away. He was King, and he had more money and power than most, and still, he had to stand by helplessly. It was a pain he would wish on no man.

“Son, what I said at dinner….” He sighed heavily, “it was not said to be cruel. I am looking out for you. I was thinking of what was best for you, as I always am.”

“What is best for me?” Nicholas laughed. “You never think about what is best for me.”

“That is not true,” he snapped, offended. “I think about you all the time. I do everything within my power to save your life. To give you just a little longer so the doctors can find a cure.”

“No,” Nicholas snarled. “You keep me alive for your own selfish reasons. There is no cure, I have accepted that truth, and you should too. If you thought about me for even one second, you would let me die. But because you are a selfish man, I will die a humiliating painful, drawn-out death. A withered husk in some hospices bed. Scared because I cannot even remember my name. Helpless because I cannot see, I cannot speak, I cannot move. That is my fate because of you. If you ever thought of me and what I want, you would let me die. You would let me go out on my own terms.”

“I have a right as a father….”

“What about my rights?” He screamed at Samuel; his words dripped with seething anger. His hand fisted on the arms of the chair as he leaned forward. “What about my right not to suffer? What about my right to leave this world the way I want? When will anyone consider what I want?” He then rose from his seat and took hold of Brutus’ harness, and the dog led Nicholas out of the room.


Octavius made his way down the hall, making his round to see that the running of the manor was flawless. With the rest of the royal family here, his duties had doubled. “Oh, Octavius?” He heard the Queen call to him as she followed him down the hall. He stopped where he was, allowing Naya to reach him. She had a smile on her face when she reached him.

“Yes, Your Majesty? What might I do for you?”

“I am hearing buzz around the palace that Miss. Wells has left.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” he confirmed the rumours. “His Majesty, the Prince, sent her home.”

“Oh, because I the impression she was staying here with Nicholas.”

“Yes, that was true,” he said.

“Did he send her home because of what Samuel said at dinner?” She asked, eyeing his with that motherly look that said she already knew the answer to her question or at least suspected she knew the answer.

“I cannot assume to know the Prince’s mind,” he said awkwardly. Nicholas was his friend, and he owed it to him to keep his secrets. Then again, she was the Queen and lying to a member of the royal family was a federal crime, punishable by prison time.

“Alright, I will ask right out then. No beating around the bush,” oh, he really wished she would not. “How did Nicholas meet Miss. Wells?” He cringed. “Octavius?” She said in a warning tone.

He frowned. “He met her through an escort service. She was the girl they sent him.” Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“And she came to be in this house how?”

“His Majesty took a shine to her. They signed a contract that she would stay here and be at his beck and call for three months.”

“So, she is a prostitute,” she sighed. “It figures,” it was common knowledge that Nicholas had a taste for prostitutes. He’d never had a real relationship with anyone. Nicholas preferred to fuck and send them packing. No strings, no complications. So, it must have confused his family greatly when he introduced Kinsley as his girlfriend. “I knew something was up when Nicholas said she was his girlfriend. I should have listened to my gut. Well then, good riddance to her.”

Octavius frowned. He felt a compelling need to be heard, but he knew he had no place to speak his mind. “Your Majesty, permission to be frank?”

She seemed suddenly interested in what he wanted to say. “Permission granted.”

“I have known his Majesty since we were children. He is my oldest and dearest friend. I have never seen him take to any woman the way he took to Miss Wells. He has feelings for the girl, and I am certain she has feelings for him too. She made him happy. He sent her away not because he was bored with her, but because he cares for her so much he does not want her to suffer watching him die.”

“Are you saying my son loves this girl?”

“I am saying I have never seen him happy since the day he was told he would die. Miss. Wells makes him happy. I know I should not say, but we all know he is not going to live much longer. She is not royalty nor of noble birth, but she makes him smile. Should not his last days on this earth be filled with joy,” he hung his head respectfully. “I am sorry, Your Majesty; It is not my place. Forgive me.”

She was quiet for a long moment. “You are dismissed, Octavius.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” he bowed and then walked away.


Matthew stood around the corner, his back against the wall as he listened to the private conversation between his mother and his brother’s best friend. He smiled as Octavius told his mother his brother had taken yet another whore to his bed. Figures. He had to admit, though, that this one was very pretty. And she had somehow bewitched his brother. It made Matthew wonder how good she truly was. His interest was piqued. Well then, if Nicholas was casting her out, perhaps he would take a crack at her. He wondered what her price was.

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