Love Beyond Control

Sold To Serve

“Do you think I bought you so you can sleep and lazy around my villa?” Asked Elion Copper with a frown face.

“I’m sorry young Master Elion. But sir, I already completed the work that was assigned to me.” With a little pathetic voice, Ella responded with her two palms on her swollen chicks and her eyes fixed on the grown.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Really?” Asked Henry in shocked with eyes fixed on The Butler.

“It took her 7 hours to clean the interior completely.” Responded The Butler leaving everyone in disbelief except Ella.

“Since you are so good at what you do, you will not just be a cleaner here at home but in my company as well.” Elion Copper instructed, leaving everyone stunned.

“Young Master Elion, you mean…” Ella was about to ask when Henry interrupted her.

“You will have to wake up early everyday so you can finish your work at home and be at the company before 7:00 AM so you can keep the place clean before 9:00 AM.” Henry gently explained.

With her fingers, Ella counted from 12:00 midnight to 7:00 AM and tears ran down her cheeks as she tried to explain.

“Please sir, if I have to be at the company before 7:00 AM, it means I will have to wake up every night by 10:30 PM…”

“I bought you from your despicable husband so you can work for me and you are going to do exactly as I say. It seems the only thing you can do without complaining is prostitution.” Explained Elion Copper in a very domineering manner.

After listening to his explanations, Ella fell on her knees again while subbing as though she had been deeply hurt. That evening, she couldn’t sleep. She kept turning on the cold floor while crying non-stop and before she could realise it, it was 10:30 PM. She reluctantly dragged herself into the villa. She gathered all she needed for the cleaning and started cleaning. When she was done, the only room left was the masters bedroom and after wandering in front for over 30 minutes, she finally decided to muster some courage and knock. She knocked severally but there was no response, she checked her wrist watch and it was almost 6:00 AM. Just when she lifted her hand to knock again, the door suddenly opened from the inside and she lost balance and fell directly towards Elion Copper and he immediately shifted to the left leaving Ella to fall to the ground like a log of wood. Ignoring the poor lady going through severe pains, Elion’s words came like a dagger piercing deep into her soul.

“Your husband told me you are a harlot and seduces anything you see in trousers, you better watch your steps and stop throwing yourself at me. If not, I will kill you with my bare hands.”

Ella struggled and stood up before she apologised.

“I’m sorry young Master Elion. Please sir, I wasn’t coming here for any other thing. I have cleaned the entire villa and the only place left is the masters bedroom and that’s why I am here sir.”

“Couldn’t you wait till I go to work first? Are you so determined to seduce me?”

Asked Elion coldly.

“Young Master Elion, if I wait a little longer, I won’t be able to be in the company before 7:00 AM…”

“Get lost.” Interrupted Elion and shut the door at Ella.

Ella waited for a long time and as soon as Elion stepped out in his elegant black suit, she hurried in and started cleaning. By the time she was done, it was almost 6:00 AM. She quickly showered and left at a very high speed. By the time she arrived at the company, it was already late. Ignoring all the eyes staring at her as though she was a funny creature, she quickly ran towards the receptionist and after introducing herself, she was given a badge which contained her name and the position she occupied. She went up to the President’s office only to meet Elion looking very angry. She looked at Henry as though she needed a confirmation and after receiving none, she quietly went straight to cleaning but just before she started, Elion Copper suddenly turned towards her and vomited all his resentment on her.

“Who gave you the permission to batch into my office?” Asked Elion Copper angrily.

“Young Master Elion, The Secretary asked me to keep the office clean as soon as possible because you have an important guest.” Explained Ella.

“Didn’t I warn you yesterday not to come late?”

Elion Copper asked while looking directly at her.

“Master Elion, I really did not waste time. As soon as I was done from the house, I left immediately.”

Ella explained looking so exhausted.

“From the house to this company is just a 13 minutes drive so…” Elion was still talking when Ella interrupted him.

“Master Elion, I’m sincerely sorry for coming late, the truth is I had no transport fare so I had to trek to the company. I will never be late.”

Said Ella while looking at the floor as though it had wronged her. Ella quickly dry cleaned the office and with Elion’s eye fixed on her, she was very uncomfortable but did all she could to avoid any eye contact with him. While she was still cleaning, an elegant young lady bounced into Elion’s office without knocking and as soon as she walked in, her eyes fell on Ella and she couldn’t hide her dislike towards her.

“Isn’t this the prostitute who got married to that baboon?” Asked Liza while walking towards Elion with so much confidence. Ella, who was busy cleaning, suddenly stopped when she heard the question. With a painful smile, she stood up straight and corrected Liza directly leaving everyone stunned.

“With all due respect, my name is Ella. I am not a prostitute and my husband isn’t a baboon either. You might trust me to think I won’t fight back if you address me or my husband as such but to be frank with you, I don’t trust myself especially if you call my husband a baboon.”

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