Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 2

“I’m not going, Alex is stupid”I said, throwing the paper on the floor as i trampled on it.

“You have to go Liv”Zoey said.

“Never, I’m not going to some dumb childish party, especially not one that is being hosted by my archenemy”I said, folding my arms as i sat down on one of the benches in the classroom.

“But you have to, if you don’t go, you’ll be seen as a coward, Alex will win, he purposely gave you that invite because he knows you’ll never come and if you don’t go it will only mean that he has won and you’ve lost, do you want that?”Zoey asked.

“Say whatever you want Zoe, I’m still not going and that’s final”I said.

“Come on babe, you can’t loose to Alex like this, you know how boastful that dude is, he’s really full of himself and i know he’ll most definitely make it a big deal if you don’t attend the party, he’ll tell everyone that you’re just some coward who’s afraid of him and isn’t bold enough to show up at his party”Jane said.

“Really? Jane? Are these your own thoughts or Alex’s?, cause i think this is coming from your own point of view”I said.

“Come on babe, don’t be ridiculous, we’re just stating the obvious”Zoey said.



“Are we seriously doing this?”I asked.

“Yup”Zoey said, popping the ‘p’

It was friday night, and like every other day, my best friends were forcing me into doing something against my wish as usual.

After so much No’s they finally won, obviously they threatened me.

Here’s how our conversation went when i tried talking them out of this.

Zoey:Come on babe, one party can’t be harmful.

Jane:I totally agree with Zoe.

Me: Girls come on, let’s not do this, Alex is bad news, you never can tell what’s going on in that thick dumb head of his.

Zoey:Babe, like you said he’s dumb and so there’s nothing he can do to us, if he tries anything stupid we’ll beat him to a pole.

Jane:I agree with Zoe, he isn’t smart enough to outsmart us.

Me:You see, this is the mistake we humans always make, we always make the mistake of underestimating our enemies, never underestimate your enemies, your enemy can be just as smart as you are or even smarter, the only thing that determines your victory is if you make sure you’re always one step ahead of your enemy.

Zoey:Okay fine, we agree but you and i both know he’s dumb and stupid, what can he do? come on let’s just go to the party and have fun, who knows i might meet my prince charming there and we’ll both runaway and live happily ever after.

Jane and I: ZOEY!!!

And that’s how i ended up in front of my mirror with my two best friends painting up my face and making me look like a clown.

I don’t know if it’s just me or does anyone also think putting on makeup is the dumbest thing ever? Like seriously i prefer being natural but my best friends had stocks of make up and they were literally forcing me to make up.

“Are you guys done with the nonsense?” I asked.

“Nonsense? Olivia Marinette Henderson! Where are your manners!”Zoey exclaimed dramatically.

“Hey what’s with the use of my middle name, I’ve told y’all not to call me by my full name ever!”I protested.

“Whatever, now sit properly let’s finish your make up”Zoey said.

“It’s been 20 good minutes and you’re still not done? You know what? never mind, i think I’m all set now”I said, standing up but they pulled me back down on the chair forcibly.

“Hey!”I screamed.

“You’ve been talking too much lately, now we’ll talk and you’ll listen, got it?”Zoey said.

“Yeah, hope you got it”Jane said dramatically and we both rolled our eyes at her.

“What? so it’s only cool when Zoey does it?”She Said and we shaked our head in disagreement.

“Come on, let me just apply the lipstick and we’ll be all done”Zoey said as she took out a peach colored lip gloss from her makeup box which she applied on my lip.

“All set, now you’re ready to kill”She said and i stared at my reflection in the mirror.

No that’s definitely not me, the girl i was seeing isn’t me.

“Hey what have you guys done to me!”I screamed.

“What? we only made you look a lot more hot, you know to have the boys drooling over you”I said.

“The last time i guy drooled over me, do you both remember where it landed us? It landed us here in this damn ass mess with that Arrogant and grumpy dickhead!”I yelled.

“I know but a little makeup wouldn’t hurt would it?”Jane asked.

“I think I’m perfectly fine thank you, and i already have half of the boys in school drooling over me, I don’t need any more admirers, I’m okay with the way i look”I said as i pulled out the beauty wipe from Zoey’s makeup box and then wiped off the makeup from my face.

I went to the bathroom to wash away the remaining makeup off my face.

“Just look at how she ruined our hardwork” Zoey complained.

“This is all your fault Zoey, if you listened to me when i said you shouldn’t do it, remember i warned you not to make her up, now see the result, you guys never take me seriously”Jane said.

“Will you both shut up already and get ready”I said.

“It’s not fair Liv, we put so much effort in that makeup and you cleaned it off just like that”Zoey complained.

“I warned you earlier before you started so don’t give me that rubbish, where’s my dress?”I said.

“Here”Jane handed a paper bag to me.

“What’s this?”I asked, yanking the dress out of the paper bag.

It was a short black strapless body fitted gown.

“I’m not wearing this nonsense”I said.

“Come on Liv, why do you always have to be so difficult” Zoey asked.

“Hey you both know i never put on gowns and definitely not for some……”

“Dumbass party being hosted by an arrogant dickhead, we’ve heard that a lot already, tell us something we don’t know” Zoey cut in.

“I’m not wearing this and that’s final, if you guys try to force me into wearing something i don’t wanna wear then i won’t go to the party, let Alex think whatever he wants”I said.

“But come on Liv, just look at the gown, it’s beautiful, it’s just as if it’s made for you, your parents own one of the biggest fashion industries in both New york, California, Florida, Canada and England yet you have such bad tastes in clothing”Jane said.

“Hey i don’t have bad tastes, i just prefer knickers and trousers”I said in my defense.

“Why not try something new”Zoey said.

“Please”Jane said with hopeful eyes.

“Fine…. just this once and never again”I said.

“Yay, that’s my girl!”Zoey said excitedly.

“Ok I’ll just change quickly”I said.


“O. M. G, girl you look hot!”Zoey exclaimed.

“Nah, why’s this cloth feeling so tight, I can’t even breathe properly”I complained.

“Whatever, it’s just for one night, just manage it for the night”Jane said.

“I bet all the boys won’t be able to take their eyes off you”Zoey said.

“Hey if that’s your plan then just remove such thoughts from your head, I’m definitely not interested jn any guy, not now or ever”I said.

“Come on babe, you need to get a boyfriend already, you have so many boys trooping for you yet you keep turning them down”Jane said.

“That’s because none of them deserve me, what do boys want? boys only wants a girl they can fuck to stupor, use and then dump whenever they get bored”I said.

“You know not all guys are like that, you need to get over Aiden already, you need to move on and forget him”Zoey said.

“Oh i have, I’ve moved on already and that’s why i definitely don’t wanna get into any relationship with any dumbass, if any guy tries to hit on me I’ll chop his teeth off”I said.


“No buts, i think I’m done with this discussion already, let’s get out of here or else we’ll be late and I’m sure Mr Alexander Stupid Williams would be eagerly waiting for me right now, it’s bad manners to keep our foes waiting”I smirked, grabbing my purse as i swaggered out of the room in my booted heels.

We arrived at the club in no time, we pulled into the parking lot and left the car, heading inside the building.

There was loud music blaring all through the club with sweaty teenagers dancing and drinking whereas some were making out disgustingly causing my stomach to rumble in disgust.

“The party is already in full swing, seems like we’re late”I said.

“And it’s who’s fault?” They both glared at me angrily.

“Ok sorry sorry, I know i delayed you guys, but hey, i was the one invited to the party not you guys, so why are you so worked up over nothing?”I asked.

“But still, it’s a party and you know how Zoey is about parties!”Jane protests.

“Ok sorry sorry, now let’s just watch the party”I said.

“Watch the party?”Zoey asked.

“Yep, what else are we supposed to do?”I asked.

“You’re totally unbelievable, I’m going to have fun, see you” Zoey said, storming off into the crowd.

“That’s my cue”Jane said and before i can protest she varnishes.

“Great”I muttered.

“You know what else is great?”The stupid familiar voice that i can remember even in my sleep, saud behind me.

I turned to see Alex smirking at me.

“What do you want?”I asked.

“Olivia…… Olivia…… Olivia, where are your manners, i invited you to a party and you couldn’t even say thank you”He said, placing his arms around my shoulder. I immediately slapped his hand off my shoulder.

“Thank you?”I asked.

“You’re welcome”He said, smirking.

“Huh? I didn’t even…… you know what? nevermind, i shouldn’t waste my saliva with you”I said walking away.

“Come on Love, where are you going?”He asked, trailing after me.

“Call me that one more time and I’ll make sure you become impotent”I said.

“Ouch, my sweet babies, you wouldn’t dare”He said, placing his hand on his spot.

“Dare me”I said.

“Why do you always have to be so mean and grumpy?”He asked.

“Me? mean and grumpy? I should be asking you that because you’re the mean one here”I said.

“Me? You started it”He said.

“What did i start? just because i rejected your little proposal, awww, little Alex couldn’t handle a little refusal”I mocked.

“Hey watch it, I never liked you anyway, I only wanted to have you in my bed”He said.

“Well…… read my lips, I’m the girl no one, not even you, will ever have”I said.

“I promise you Liv, One day you’ll end up on my bed where you rightfully belong”He said.

“You wish Williams…… you wish”I laughed.


“Hello everyone, thanks for coming to my party, I’m glad you all came, why wouldn’t you, obviously you guys can’t refuse coming to this handsome guy’s party, you know……”He barked with the microphone.

“You know he’s just a show off”I scuffed.

“Yeah i agree, he loves bragging all the time, someone needs to teach him a lesson”Zoey said.

“And i call on Olivia Henderson to come on stage”

“Wait…. what?”I asked.

“Come on Liv, are you shy?”He asked with the microphone and everyone turned to face me.

“Why should i go on stage?”I asked.

“I don’t know, I think he said something along the lines of a speech or something”Zoey said.

“Come on girl, go, everyone’s looking at you, today is his birthday just do it”Jane said.RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

“Fine”I said and got up, heading to the stage.

“What?”I frowned at him.

“You’ve made my birthday worth remembering”He said.

“Huh?”I asked, confused.

“Happy birthday to me”He smirked mischievously and then before i could register what was happening, i was covered in slime.

Alexander Fucking Williams poured slime on me!

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