Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 26

Luciano walked to his room in anger, as if what happened last night at the party wasn’t enough, he just got a call that suggested his grandfather was being buddy-buddy with not only his former best friend but the same person that was a threat to their family too.

“I wonder when that old man would learn,”

He said to himself as he changed out of the shirt he was wearing and walked out of his room, nothing was going as he planned, and the more days that passes he had reasons to be mad, why would his grandfather allow people he knows he hates near, walking out of his room, he made his way out of his house and got into his car.

“Don’t worry, I will drive myself, I don’t plan on staying there long,”

He said to his driver who was already running to come to meet up with him, he didn’t wait for a response as he zoomed out of his house into the main road that lead to the beach house where his family always hangout, a place he barely goes to because he hated it there, it was stupid to hang out with people who clearly hated him and it wasn’t like he liked them all that much either but at the end of the day, they were all still his family and even though he didn’t like them, he would not let anything harm them and the man his grandfather decided to be buddy with had the plans to hurt his family, at least that’s what he knew now, he didn’t have much evidence to back up his claims which is why he is still keeping quiet about the whole thing but that doesn’t mean he would let that bastard near his family enough to gain their trust.

It didn’t take long for him to get to the place, he parked his car in the car park and walked towards the beach house, as he got closer, he could hear laughter and lots of talking, one thing his grandfather loved even at old age was to party and he was damn good at it, growing up, it had been one party or another.

“Oh Mishka, you decided to show up,”

His grandfather said when he spotted him, Luciano frowned at the people with him, Don was a great man but he was stupid too, that’s undisputed because if he wasn’t, he would not be hanging out with the people here.

“Deda, can I speak to you in private?”

He asked ignoring everyone else in the room, the guy he knew was out to get his family, Viktor, his grandfather long time friends, three of them, and Mako, even Dimitri was here, they were all watching him, he didn’t care, he had no business with them.

“I have to speak with this business-minded and always serious grandson of mine, you guys carry on and I will be back,”

Don said, Luciano didn’t expect him to agree so easily, never the less, he followed him as they walked away from where the group was.

“You should be mindful of the people you hang out with Deda,”

He said as soon as they were out of ear spot.

“You are not going to dictate who I can or can’t talk to Mishka, you don’t have the power nor the right to do that,”

His grandfather fired at him in clear annoyance.

“That’s not what I am doing, if you would just listen to me, not everyone should get close to you, there are threats everywhere,”Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

He said.

“Threats? I have lived for more decades than you have, when I was your age, your father was just three, when you were born, I was already in my fifties, I won’t let you start dictating my life, I would know if I am at risk, I have more experience than you, remember that,”

His grandfather said, his voice raising with each word that Luciano was scared that he might collapse.

“I am not dictating, that’s not what I am doing,”

He explained.

“I am just going to ignore you, plus, I shouldn’t take you seriously, you can’t even get a woman,”

His grandfather responded and he resisted the urge to cuss.

“I am not trying to tell you who you should hang out with or not don, I am just saying that not everyone is your friend, I am using the exact words you taught me, this is me looking out for you and our family, there are people out there envious of what we have and would do anything to bring this family down, I don’t want that to happen.

He responded but his grandfather was bent on not listening to him and no matter what he said or do, don was just going to ignore him and not take him seriously the reason for this was so annoying, he should just leave and get the fuck out of the family tree, not as he needed them to maintain his billionaire status but his pride and the thought of letting loser Mako get his hand on the family’s heritage and bringing their name down was enough to keep him, he took a deep sight.

“Don, I have someone I would like you to meet, we were supposed to show up at the party together yesterday, but she had a few plans of her own so she couldn’t make it,”

He said frowning to himself when he remembered just what plans she had, he still had every intention of punishing her for her actions yesterday. There was no point in keeping his grandfather in the dark about it, if that would help him get through to his grandfather, then that’s what he would do.

“Now, that’s what we are talking about young man, now you are talking, so when do I meet my granddaughter-in-law and when is the wedding?”

His grandfather asked in an excited voice, his face and attitude switching up so fast, Luciano just stared at him long and hard, wondering why wife-ing someone was so important, he just couldn’t get the thrill but since it got Don’s attention, he had no choice but to play right along.

“You will meet her soon, as for the wedding, I will need to propose first, hoping that she would give a favorable answer.

He responded, he already knew Arielle would never say yes to him willingly, well he had an offer that would not be able to say no to, and if she does say no, he would make life impossible for her, she would have no choice but to agree with him.

“Good, now that’s what we are talking about, you can come by the house later, I will listen to what you have to say, but don’t keep me waiting on bringing my soon to be granddaughter in law,”

He said, he looked genuinely pleased.

“I will do that,”

Luciano responded.

“Okay, I trust you, just bring her to the family soon,”

His grandfather said while walking away like they were done talking, Luciano couldn’t figure out why he just couldn’t trust him without the wife label, it was just weird and tiring.

“you ran here so fast, were you scared the old man was about to sign everything to me? I can bet this is the first time you have been here in years,”

Mako said, coming from behind him, Luciano turned and eyed him, the man had a lot of nerve to assume he was threatened by him.

“But you are, you feel threatened that’s why you agree to do what Don wants,”

The annoying voice in his head chipped in, Luciano blocked it out, he wasn’t about to argue with his inner voice in public.

Why? Did I leave you speechless? Are you that scared of losing to me? It is not going to be as bad as you think, I would give you a good position, all your knowledge and strength would not go to waste, and I would just be the boss over you while you boss the others, win-win,”

Mako said. Luciano couldn’t even take the man seriously when he say shits that makes zero sense.

“I can’t even waste my time talking to you, not today,”

He said, turned around, and started walking towards where he parked his car, there was no point staying there, he spoke with his grandfather and there was nothing else he could do, plus the security around the beach house was pretty tight, even more than the one at his place, they would be fine, at least for now, he had other business to take care of, one of which was the solution to his present problem with the Don.

“Walking away like a coward once again? You are such a loser and a chicken, it will be fun taking everything from you and watching you beg,”

Mako yelled after him, but he didn’t even look back, he had better things to do, what more? He had a wedding to plan, yes, a wedding, he was going to marry her whether she wants it or not, he owned her anyway…

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