It is now seven pm and I am doing my make-up. I put on a little amount of foundation on my face followed by some powder. I smoke out my eye and give it a winged line. I add some nude lipstick and a light blush on my cheeks. I do my hair in a formal messy braided up do. After doing my make up and hair, I picked up the bag that had my dress and slide it on I then pair it with the golden heels.

I stand at the mirror hanging on my closet door and couldn’t help but agree with what Josephine said at the mall today, I do look like a queen. I take my black purse laying on my bed and with my head high I go downstairs to me the rest of my family.

Mom was the first to see me as I entered the living room. “You look beautiful darling” she says and everyone turns around to look at me.

“Thanks, mom” I mumbled suddenly shy with all eyes looking at me.

Everyone tells me how beautiful I look and I thanked them and also tell them they look nice too.

We go into separate cars. I, Simone and Josephine will be riding together while mom and Dad will go in their car.

Simone stops the car at the pack house and says we have to wait for the Alpha because the Alpha, Beta, Delta and gamma all have to arrive at the ball at the same time. My heart raced knowing that Andrew was in the pack house. Josephine gives me a worried look a d ask me if I am okay and I wave it off, telling her that it is hot in the car.

I opened the door and breath in fresh air when my nostril fills with the sent of him. I open my eyes and my green ones locked the with brown ones of Andrew. My eyes shifted to his right hand that is wrapped around her waist. Memories came rushing in knocking the air out of me.

Eyes are focused on me. The whole hall silent. The atmosphere tense, my heart racing. I do not know what to do. I do not know what to say.

“Anytime soon Sampson” Natasha says without a care in the world.

I looked back at my mate, his brown eyes staring at my pale green ones. “Do you accept my rejection, Celeste?”

Some gasped with pity while other laughed at me. I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw trying to hold back the tears but failing miserably.

“Goddess, Celeste, just accept it already” Natasha said with a hiss, running her hand through her bleach blond hair.

“I-I can’t” I said running out the hall while my brother called after me.

He glared at me while Natasha smirked as they walked into their car. My brother came back and says we have to go. After twenty minutes, we got to where the portal would lead up to the royal palace. The enchanted walls dividing the mythical palace is only visible to magical and mythical creatures. If a humans passes by, they simply are teleported to the other side.

Simone drove in through the wall and we gasped. It is massive, beyond perfection. The palace looks like something that came out of a fairytale story. We parked our cars and I hear murmuring around me. The palace is surrounded by tall trees and even in the dark it looks breathtaking. The bridge that leads to the palace is lit with lamps.

“Let’s go” Simone said as he hold his mates hand and we walk on the bridge. As we get closer to the palace, I see that it has Darkblue-grey stone walls, high tower with small slit windows.

We entered the palace-straight to the throne room and my eyes go wide with how breathtaking is it. A huge chandelier hangs from the ceiling and glisters with diamond. The gray marble floor is well polished and has two beautiful white flowers touching at the tip, and a smaller one at the middle. There are two beautiful gold seats at the alter meant for the King and queen

I walk around and see Alphas and other ranking lycans discussing and laughing among themselves. I decide to go to the bar at the far end of the wall.

“A glass of champagne, please,” I told the bartender. There are two other ladies sitting and whispering when they said something that caught attention.

King Elijah.

“Do you think he’ll come?” the lady in blue asked as she sips on her drink.

“I doubt it, there are rumors that hasn’t been out of the place for seven years since his mates death,” the other lady says. “He doesn’t even attend the annual Alpha gathering too you know” she added.

I sip on my champagne as I listened in on the gossip.

Lady in blue scoffs “He shouldn’t even be king if he can’t get over his mates death and perform his duties as king.”

“Shhhh. Don’t let them hear you or they’ll have your head for that!” Lady in black scolds the lady in blue and she shrugged.

Then, my bladder decided that it’s time for a release and stand up and walk around trying to find the bathroom. I walk through a huge hall passing a few maids and I ask one where the restroom is. The points through another hall and told me that it’s there and I thanked her.

After I was done with my business, I washed my hand and exit the restroom. I decided to explore the palace a little. I walk through different halls and wow at how beautiful it is.

I turned another hall and see him, Andrew smoking. He had one of the windows open letting the smell out. My heels click on the floor as I walk up to him. He throws the Cigarette out the window and turns around to face me.

“What do you want now?” He said throwing his backwards.

“To accept your rejection” I told him with my head high.

“Yeah?” He scoffed. “I pray to the goddess you do not run away this time” Andrew says running his hand through his brown hair.

I look at him in breath in air then release it. “I, Celeste Sampson, accept your rejection.”

I fell our mate bond break after those words. My wolf howls in my head from the losing of her mate. I hold my head from the pain and so does Andrew. After a few seconds, it was silent and Andrew walks always without saying anything.

I see a balcony and walk there breathing in the fresh air. There’s a glass of wine sitting on a chair.

“Fuck it” I said as I grab it and down it in a go.

“You shouldn’t take what doesn’t belong to you” A deep voice said from behind me.

I scream and turn around, trying to find the source of the voice when my eyes land on him.

Steel Grey eyes, are staring at me. The bright flakes in his orbs captivating me. This man is beautiful and not in a feminine way. He is absolutely breathtaking and I just stare into his eyes, him doing the same. I take in a deep breath of his sent and immediately bow my head.

“Y-your majesty” I said with my head down and my neck tilted, afraid that he might a have my head for invading his space. His aura is strong, stronger than any Alpha out there and forcing me into submission.

“Don’t” He says.

“Your majesty?” I am not sure exactly about what he said.

“Do not bow to me” he said clarifying.

“But why, your majesty?” I dare to ask.


“Elijah..” That’s his name, of course it is. His name is known throughout the world and amongst the Lycan race. “I am sorry sire, but I am not worthy enough to call you by your first name.”

I watch as his jaw clench and his eyes dilate. He is getting irritated.

“It is a royal order and dare you not go against your kings order.”

A royal order.

“As you wish yor-Elijah”Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

I watch him walk closer to me and avert my eyes to his shoe He stops about a feet from me and his delicious sent fills my nostril. He puts his thumb under my chin and raise my head.


“Celeste Sampson sire”

His eyes darkens and his hold on my chin tightens.

“Is something wrong?..” I asked him genuinely confused.

“Call me Elijah” He said with authority.

“Where is your mate, Celeste?” His question catches me off guard. “With another” I told his without thinking.

“He rejected you. Why?”

“Because I am not fit to be a Luna” I told him, recalling what he said three years ago.

He brushes a strand of hair out of my face and my skin tingles from where our skin touches. I expected my wolf to make a fuss about having another male touch us especially with just accepting our mates rejection but she isn’t. She’s silent, but very much interested in what the king has to offer.

He takes a hold of my hand and lead me out the balcony. “Elijah, where are we going?” I asked him and he ignores my question.

I hear noises and I see that we are going to the throne room where the ball holds. I see that the door is closed as we got closer.

“He is right. What your mate said was right,” Elijah said as we stop in front of the giant door and I tense, my eyes burns. “You are not fit for a Luna, you, Celeste should be a queen.”

He turns me to face him and brushes the lone tear that manage to escape my eye.

“And queens shouldn’t cry.”

“Wh-what do you mean..”

“You, Celeste… are going to me mine.”

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