King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

87. Epilogue part 1


Just over one year later…

It was new years eve and we had all been invited to the Blood Moon pack this year. Maria, Del, Ri, and everyone was here.

This year, although we were having a huge party with the two packs tomorrow,

today was just a smaller group which included the Beta and Delta families of the Blood Moon and the Blue Moon.

It was now evening and me, Del, Ri, Raven, Robyn and Taylor were in the kitchen at Mom’s. Dinner had been prepared by Mom, Aunty Monica and Maria, so us six were responsible for the desserts. We’d had a late lunch and the kids had an early dinner before they had taken naps as the older ones wanted to stay awake for the fireworks.

As for Asher, Sienna, Alessandra, and Heaven, they would be put to bed before midnight with Raihana saying magic would keep their rooms totally

soundproof from the sound of fireworks.

“Daddy, can I have another cookie?” Chase, Taylor and Zack’s three-year-old son, asked. 2

“Not now, ok, Aunty Raven says no.” Taylor responded, making Raven narrow her eyes at him.

“I never said that! Here you go!” She took one as Taylor pouted at her, before Chase chuckled and ran off.

“That was his fourth cookie.” Robyn said

with a small smile.

“Exactly.” Taylor nodded, crossing his arms as Raven looked at him sheepishly.

“Well… I can’t say no to kids, you know that.” She said as she cleared the sides.

Raven wasn’t much of a cook, so she was given the task of preparing the trays. Raihana was making the mocktails, although her magic was doing the job as she sat there waving her hands and breastfed Heaven.

“Well, it’s new years, besides you can never have enough cookies.” Delsanra said, biting into one herself.

“Coming from a true foodie.” I laughed.

Raihana sighed and nodded.

“Yes, although I feel recently I gain weight faster.” She said with a small smile on her face, watching Heaven who was drifting off.

“I don’t see it.” I said shaking my head and the others agreed.

“How is she during the nights?” Raven asked her.

“She’s not too bad, but Chris is a

sweetheart, he really helps out as I breastfeed her, so I want her in my room. I have like an adjoining room to mine, Chris is an expert at burping her and settling her in again.” She replied with a smile.

“He sounds like a sweetie.” Taylor said.

“I think all our mates really are.” I said smiling as I looked around at the others.

“I agree, let’s list our top favourite thing about our mates, and I don’t just mean what they might be packing.” Taylor winked at Raven. I didn’t get the inside joke but when she blushed and giggled, I had a feeling I didn’t want to know if it involved my brother!

“He treats me like a queen.” Raihana replied with a toss of her head.

“A queen that you are.” Tadded teasingly, putting in mini Oreos into the Oreo cheesecake shots.

“Of course, I am a Rossi by blood. Royalty is in my genes.” She said airily, making us all laugh.

“Rayhan… I don’t know how to choose just one thing, but he never gave up on me even when I had given up on myself. He’s the truest and sexiest man I have ever met, not only that, but he’s an incredible son too.” Delsanra smiled, a faint blush on her cheeks.

“He is, I think Rayhan definitely gets the award for being the most charming alpha around.” Raven agreed. “Robyn, your turn.”

“Damon’s kindness, he always puts others before him, and he has a heart of


I nodded, I agreed with that one too.

“It’s true, Damon always gives and never expects anything in return.” Raven agreed, sprinkling chocolate over the


“Oh, I’m sure he expects enough in return, right Robyn?” Raihana smirked, startling Robyn a little, but even with her chocolate skin tone, I saw the slight blush on her cheeks.

“Aww someone’s blushing.” I teased as Delsanra and Taylor whistled.

“I’m not.” Robyn denied making me chuckle.

“My turn! Liam, I love the way he’s so pure, he’s always so patient and caring. Honestly, you may not see it but he’s always worrying for others. He always thinks about his family and makes time for everyone.” Raven stated with a smile.

I nodded, it was true, Liam did do what he could for us all.

“For me, it’s what an amazing dad Zack is to Chase, and on top of that what an incredible mate he is to me, someone I

can always rely on.” Taylor added, smiling faintly.

“Aww.” Raven said hugging him. “You’re getting emotional.”

“I’m not.” Taylor said hugging her back.” So what about our queen’s mate?”

My mate, my king, my Alejandro..

“His heart. Alejandro always cares for others, and he never expects credit for it. He doesn’t even see how much he does or how much he cares. He does everything from the heart. He’s perfect.” I said softly, my heart skipping a beat at the thought of him.

“That’s sweet, you two are an amazing couple.” Robyn said with a small smile as the rest nodded their agreement.

“A very hot couple too.” Taylor added, making me smile slightly.

“I guess so.”

“Mama?” I turned, seeing Kataleya standing in the doorway.

One year on; her heart wasn’t healed but her smile had returned to her face. My angel was over seven now, and although it broke my heart to see her still using one hand when she thought no one was watching, I just prayed with time she would heal. She still wore the locket Alejandro had gotten for her, but Kiké was the one she hugged while sleeping at night. 3

“Yes, my darling?” I asked as I motioned her to come in.

The worktops were covered in trays of baked goodies and mini dessert shots. Raven had asked why they were so small considering how much everyone ate, but visually appealing food was needed, right?

“Can I get some milk for me and the girls? “She asked.

I planted my hands on my hips.

“Did Azura or Skyla send you?”

She looked at her shoes before glancing at the hallway door.

“Skyla did.” She said after a moment.

“Tell her she can come have some in the kitchen, Azura too.”

She nodded before running off, I went to the fridge to get the milk out.

Azura.. Mom and Dad had told her the truth about her birth a few weeks ago and she didn’t seem bothered, in fact, she had asked why it was necessary to tell her when she was still their favourite

daughter either way.

Mom was worried about her reaction, saying she feared she’d keep stuff inside. Although she didn’t say it out loud, I knew she meant like Aunty

Indy keeping her troubles inside. Mom had made it clear to her that if she ever wanted to know more or had questions, she and Dad were there to explain and answer them for her.

However, Azura didn’t change, being the same firework as always. Mom had nothing to worry about because Azura loved her greatly. She was mine and Liam’s baby sister, Dad and Mom’s daughter, and nothing would change that.

Alejandro had told Mom and Dad about Atlas as well, and although Dad didn’t think it was important for them to ever know of each other, Mom said that it wasn’t his or her choice to make but Azura’s. And in a few years, they’d tell her about him too, not wanting to overburden her right now.

“What’s on your mind?” A deep voice came as a strong pair of arms locked around my waist, sending off a storm of

sparks through me.

“Oi, nomen in the kitchen!” Raven ordered. “It’s too crowded in here!”

Alejandro cocked a brow before glancing at Taylor, who simply smiled sweetly.

“I’m helping.” He said.

“I think Raven meant no useless men.” Delsanra added. “Sorry King Burrito.”

I smiled as I kissed his lips.

“Missing you.” I murmured,

“Same… How long are you going to be fucking stuck in here? The kids are driving me fucking nuts.”

I laughed, the men had been given the job to entertain the kids, although the older kids were entertaining themselves.

“Are my nephews annoying you?” I teased.

Liam’s boys were a handful and the older

they got the more they became rowdier. They were nearly four now, and goddess, they had the energy to channel a hundred adults. Renji was gentler, and Ares was pretty lazy at times, but they were still were hyper.

“Very much, guess they take after their mother.” Alejandro replied, casting Raven a withering glare. One that she returned with equal passion.

I shook my head as Robyn hid her smile.

“Where’s Alessandra?” I asked.

Alejandro who was a little distracted by my breasts, staring utterly shamelessly at them, looked up at me.

“With Scarlett.” He said with a cold smirk.

I smiled at our little Alessandra. She was the double of Al no matter what he said, everyone saw it but him. She was the little baby who everyone spoilt. She was also Dante’s favourite sister, something he

didn’t mind reminding everyone of, especially when Skyla annoyed him, although he said Kataleya was a close second.

He and Skyla clashed a lot, with both having strong personalities. However, Skyla pushed him to his limits often, the older she got the more her personality was coming out and she was the most aggressive of my children. Dad said she was a little Alpha female in the making.

The trio plus Malevolent, who was Skyla’s shadow, now entered just as Alejandro left the kitchen reluctantly.

“Who called?” Azura asked as she lowered the shades she was wearing, holding a candy stick as a cigarette in her mouth.

“And who do we have here?” Raven asked leaning over the counter.

“We are the Devil’s Angels, now who summoned us?” Azura asked, tossing her

hair, as Skyla put on her best frown as she crossed her arms. 2.

Kataleya, who looked like anything but a devil’s angel, blinked as she stared at the other two.

“Well, I heard certain angels wanted milk?” I asked.

“Oh yes.” Azura flicked her liair as she took a puff on her fake cigarette, inaking the rest of us shake our head, just this morning they were pop singers.

The trio sauntered over to the table and I took the glasses of milk over to them.

“Thanks, Kiara.” Azura said, giving me a small smile before she slipped her glasses down and crossed her legs as Delsanra placed a cookie in front of each of them.” Thank you, miss.”…

I resisted a chuckle, she was ten now, but she looked so much older. She was Mom’s height already and I was sure soon she’ll

pass me too.

“Ok, the trifles are done.” Taylor said, turning and giving us a smile.

“And so is everything else.” Delsanra said as she munched on another cookie. “Can we go to our mates now? I miss my yum


“Dare I ask what exactly you miss?” Raihana asked with a suggestive smirk.

Delsanra blushed lightly before she waved her hand.

“Hey, I haven’t seen him for a few hours. “She pouted.

“Hmm, or his-“Taylor was cut off by Robyn placing her hand over his mouth as Raihana burst out laughing.

“You’re my type of friend Tay.” She winked at him, and he blew her a kiss.

“Kids are present.” Robyn reminded Taylor, making Raven giggle.

“I think we are all done, our witch team can keep the temperatures for each dessert just right. Let’s go get ready for the night.” I said, running my hand through my hair.

“Already done,” Delsanra said with a flick of her finger, and I felt the temperature -behind me drop around the trays of mini

cheesecake shots.

“My favourite part! Getting dolled up” Raihana said, standing up as she carried the now sleeping Heaven in her arms.

“Of course it is.” Delsanra responded.

“Ok, let’s say we have an hour to shower and spend some time with our sexy men before we meet up again?” I suggested.

Although we all had our own accommodations, with some at the packhouse, we were all getting ready here.

“Sexy men. Yuck, there’s nothing sexy about all of those gorillas who just growl

every time they’re angry.” Azura snickered as she sucked on her straw, slurping the milk up loudly. Before she did a mock growl making Skyla cackle and almost fall out of her seat. 4

“i’m an alpha! Growl growl.” She said mockingly before she and Azura high

fived one another. 5

“Daddy and granddaddy arent yuck.” Kataleya said looking saddened. “No one is yucky… and Rayhan is never dirty either

“Rayhan isn’t yuck, he has nice hair.” Skyla added. “I think long hair is nice.”

I raised my eyebrow, were they really discussing men?

“Well, when you all find your own mates I’m sure you won’t be calling them yucky, well if they’re men anyway.” Angela said, coming into the kitchen.

“Yeah, yeah, but even if they’re our

mates, they will still be gross men.” Azura replied.

Kataleya seemed lost in thought again, but the small smile on her face made me


E I left the kitchen, spotting Marcel talking

to Channing, Damon’s mom’s mate, and Rick, who was Robyn’s brother.

The entire house was alive with hustle and bustle, and to my surprise, Damon and Alejandro were talking, but before I could even say it was a miracle I realised Asher was standing there looking sad, whilst Alejandro was holding Alessandra rather protectively. ?

“I don’t trust him.” He was saying to Damon, who looked thoroughly amused.

“He’s just a two-year-old pup.” He said, ” Ain’t you kiddo?”

“What’s happening here?” I asked taking Alessandra, who was beginning to look

rather upset in her father’s arms.

“He was kissing her.” Alejandro growled, making Asher’s eyes begin to glitter with tears. 2

I frowned, glaring at Alejandro.

“He’s a child, let them kiss if they want.” I scolded, placing Alessandra back on the floor. 3

Damon chuckled as Alejandro turned his glare on him. Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“That’s what I said. He’s just doting on her.” Maria said as Asher wrapped his arms around Alessandra and, to my utter amusement, planted a chaste kiss on her lips, making her go all shy.

“I like baby.” Asher said cutely.

“This shit ain’t happening.” Alejandro growled, taking our daughter and walking off. “I don’t trust Nicholson men.

“And I don’t trust Rossi men!” Azura shouted after him as she came out of the kitchen and picked Asher up. “Mean Rossi men.”

“Hey, what did I do to you?” Rayhan asked as he came in from outside with Liam, a small smirk on his face as he looked at Azura.

“You are the only Rossi man that I actually don’t mind.” Azura said, giving him a wink before she walked off with Asher.

“Ouch, that hurt.” Marcel joked, placing a hand on his chest, making a few of us chuckle.

“What did we just miss?” Liam asked, wrapping his arms around Raven and kissing her neck.

“You don’t want to know, babe.” She responded as he lifted her up to kiss her lips,

I smiled as I shook my head, watching as Delsanra and Robyn went to their respective mates. Damon pulled Robyn against him and kissed her softly, as Rayhan kissed Delsanra’s hand before pulling her close and claiming her lips in a passionate kiss.

Yes, every couple was perfect.

I glanced back at Taylor and Raihana.

“No really, what did I miss?” Taylor asked, having stepped out of the kitchen too late to see what had happened.

“Not much, just a Rossi behaving in a very typical Rossi way.” I said with a small laugh as I decided to go after my stubborn protective mate…

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