King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

85. To A New Future

Three months later…


The hum of conversation in the room full of men in suits holding glasses of wine only made me want to fucking leave. I pulled at my tie, wanting to fucking toss it aside. If it wasn’t for how important this conference was, I wouldn’t be here to begin with. Oh, and the fact that I called for it I looked over at Kiara, who was wearing all white, looking fucking fine as she talked to Delsanra, a hand resting on her baby bump. A bump that had grown over the last few months. She was glowing, the light that she always seemed to hold showed on her face, and that small smile that I loved so fucking much played on her lips as she talked. Her sandy brown hair was coiled up into an elegant bun on top of her head. Our pup… We had decided not to find out the gender this time, deciding on keeping it a surprise. I knew this was going to be the last, so I made sure I spent as much fucking time by her side as possible, enjoying these fleeting moments and treating her like the fucking queen she is. “It’s almost time, King Alejandro.” One of the men who had organised the event said as he bent down next to me. I gave a curt nod before looking across at Rayhan. He was wearing a suit, his hair back in a bun, but unlike me, he was at complete ease in this fucking environment, talking business, stocks and investments. How the fuck did Raf and Maria raise the perfect son who was so fucking good at all this shit as well? More so, how the fuck did he get time to do all this boring shit as well as run a pack?

I hated fucking meetings, I hated fucking ties and I hated being fucking restricted to one damn seat for hours. Fucking businessmen. It reminded me of school and I hated school. Why the fuck did we go to school for? I learned nothing. s The fucker Rayhan saw me watching and turned, raising one of his brows at me. “Want to say something?” He asked. “No.” I almost growled, making both Delsanra and Kiara glance at me. Kiara placed her hand on my thigh, sending a wave of calmness through me, although I think what would really calm me would be fucking her whilst I used this damn tie to tie her

hands up instead. Rayhan was currently the richest man in the room, it was obvious he held power in the business world, money that funded more than just his pack. The Rossi Empire was vast, and Rayhan held the most shares. The second most wealthy man here was Kenneth Arden… both men who were to play an important part in today’s event… I poured another glass of wine, downing it in one go as I frowned remembering the meeting I had with Arden a few weeks ago


“I’m not here for pleasantries, I’ll cut to chase, Arden. I know what you did to Rafael back at training camp.” His face instantly fell as he sat on the leather sofa, before he put that mask of indifference back on. “I see… Please understand, I was a teen with issues. What happened… was unforgivable, but let the past be in the past.”

“Yeah, but you never were fucking held accountable because the Arden’s are one of the richest families in the country, right? Back then Rafael didn’t have much. He seemed to tense but clenched his jaw and nodded curtly. “There are many accounts of what happened, but I assure you I meant no harm. What you may have heard was not the entire truth.” I knew he was probably fucking lying…. But the fact Raf let it go meant I wasn’t here to stir up shit. “Yeah, maybe fucking so. I have more than one fucking way to get the truth of what happened, to the extent I can have us revisit that scene from the past, but I’m going to let it go.” I watched him for a reaction, but he remained emotionless. It was obvious that first comment had taken him off guard, but since then he was in control…People like him, you need to be fucking careful of. “But I think it’s high time the Arden’s put back into our community. You were fucking eager to create a relationship between us, but no I’m not here to fucking offer you one of my pups. I’m here to put forward an offer. If you agree, we will be partners in a business venture that will not only benefit our kind, but our entire country.” I “I’m listening.”


“Alejandro, you need to go.” Kiara whispered softly, leaning over. She placed a soft kiss on my lips, moving back before I could even deepen it. I’ll make up for that shit later… “Good luck.” She said softly, and I took her hand, kissing it gently. “Right, let’s get this shit done.” I stood up, the talking died down as I made my way to the podium at the front, buttoning my suit jacket up. There were a few guests from witch families and those who held businesses in the human world called from across the city for this meeting. I just needed as many people on board as I could… All eyes were on me and even with my aura reined in everyone knew who the ultimate alpha in the room was. I took my place, glancing down at the microphone before looking out at the crowd. Familiar faces, from family to Alphas and betas from most packs in the country… Those who weren’t here, were getting this live streamed. This was it, the time to do something as the king of werewolves. “Thank you for attending, and for your patience. I won’t take too much of your time, but I request that before you start throwing questions, to hear me the fuck out before putting them forward.” ‘No swearing, remember?’ Kiara’s gentle voice came. Yeah maybe I shouldn’t swear but I don’t even fucking realise I do it. I glanced over at her and gave her the tiniest of smirks. “It’s been around two decades since I united the packs of the United Kingdom under me, two decades of many trials and many changes. There was a time when each pack held a handful of allies and the hostility between us was always there. With time, the number of feral rogues has dwindled, the number of killings has lessened, and we are living a better life. However, there have been times that we have been faced with trials. A decade ago, there were monsters that were becoming a threat to our kind. A time that we fought Against Endora and those who worked with her, a battle where we lost many; friends, mates, parents, children and pack members.” I paused for a moment, remembering how many we had lost back then. The hall was silent, the hundreds of people in here remembering that night. Even if they hadn’t been a part of it, or if they had been lucky enough not to lose someone, there was still someone or other they knew who had been affected by it “Back then many of us united to fight that threat, but that time made the hatred towards witches rise. A race that we were fucking enemies with to start with. Yet let’s not forget that my so-called mother was a witchProperty © of NôvelDrama.Org.

too, her blood runs in my veins no matter how much I fucking hate her. Witches… It was a witch who told us where Endora’s attack was to take place, it was only because of her help that we were prepared. A few years passed and some witches went on to work undercover with the hunters to try to destroy us, however it was also witches who stood by our side.” I could see the frowns on many faces. The tension in the witch-kind was present as they listened to me. The men frowning deeply, and the women tensed, some were on edge as if they may need to use their abilities. “A few months ago, a mistake made by my ancestors came back for revenge. In the form of a devil from hell, and once again witches stood by our side. Without them, we may have had many more deaths, but it’s a two-way thing. We gave them the security that they can live their lives without the fear of being hunted. There is evil in every race, and there is good. Witches, werewolves and whatever else is out there. I’m sure there is always going to be more good to outweigh the evil.” This was the part that I needed to relay to them. I also hoped wherever he was, that Leo was watching this. “I’m not fucking good with words, and I’m not the perfect fucking king. I’m – trying, but even then I’ve still made – mistakes. I’m learning with every passing day to be better. To do better for my people and for all species around us. I want to create a world where we can live in peace and openly. To get rid of the stigma and fear of other species. I want to abolish the Alpha training regime, because in this day and age, are we really only fucking training our sons?” I saw the elder alphas exchange looks, but before they even tried to protest, I raised my hand, letting my aura roll off me, “Why? Why do only the men get this training when one of the strongest and most incredible Alphas of our time is a female?” I glanced at Scarlett who looked surprised for a split second before masking it and smiling faintly. “Why are we ranked; Alphas, betas, deltas, warriors, omegas… from this day forth I’m abolishing the rank system that has been in place for centuries. No one will be fucking forced to stay in the rank they are ·born into, if an Omega rank wolf wants to become a warrior, then they can, same with the positions of Beta and Deltas. It should go to the most capable in the pack, not by birth-right. These are rules that are already held in my pack, but one pack doing this isn’t enough.” We all knew my pack was different, Darien was of alpha blood himself. “As for Alphas… Alpha wolves are different, leaders that are needed to look out for their packs, however, I don’t want everyone to only consider their firstborn son to be of the position but the one who

is most capable. Whether it is a female or male, our gender shouldn’t decide our future.” I glanced at Kiara as she smiled at me proudly, I knew this would really rile. everyone up and I could see the uncertainty spreading through many, yet it was obvious those who felt entitled to the positions were most worried. – “We have two Alphas who were not born to the position; Damon Nicholson and Chris Somers. Both who have proven far more efficient than many other born from Alpha blood. As time passes, our kind will only grow in number, we need to break away from the age-old rules and start to do what’s best for our packs.” I took a moment’s pause before continuing “As for those worried about the abolishment of Alpha training, there will still be training. I mean we can never rule out another threat, who knows what we may have to face in the future. In each huge battle, we have fought alongside witches… so I have decided, and this is the reason why I have called you all here tonight, to ask for help for the start-up of an academy for our kinds.” All eyes turned on me and a whisper spread through the crowd, curiosity and interest rippling through them. ? “A school for all supernatural species, where we co-exist, and I hope someday all traces of hatred toward one another vanishes, even if it takes a few fucking decades. We have to start somewhere. I have already talked to the elders of the coven who liked the idea of this school. It won’t only be for witches, but their male counterparts as well. Where they can also learn to fight and train alongside us. There will be the national curriculum, of course, as well as; strategy, survival, training, and more. A school where our youth will have the chance to be themselves without having to hide as they currently do in human schools.” I took a gulp of water from the glass that stood next to the microphone before scanning the crowds. “We will start with one academy, and as time goes on, I am hoping to at least have four by the end of a decade. It will take time to build, get the staff we need and set it up, however, we have two of our wealthiest Alphas ready to fund the development of these schools. Alpha Kenneth Arden and Alpha Rayhan Rossi. I myself will, of course, be putting in as much as I can. However today I ask if anyone is willing to provide funding or any help possible. Please take a read of the brochures that have been prepared and are currently being handed out. They will answer many of your questions and after a thirty-minute break, we will resume and move on to any questions you may have. Thank you.” Everyone began clapping as I walked away from the dais and toward my queen, who stood up as I approached. The look of pride on

her face made me feel like I was doing something right. It was going to take time, but I was ready to pave the path to a new future. ‘No fucking idea how that shit went, but I hope I at least explained something.’ I said through the link, snaking my arm around her waist and resting my other hand on her stomach as I kissed her softly. ‘You did amazingly, you explained everything perfectly. I am proud of the vision you wish to create, and I will help in every way I can.’ She replied, our eyes met and I kissed her neck. She always did, standing by my side. · Always. Just then one of the elders of the coven came over, as did Allen, a council member. “Alpha King Alejandro, that was a pleasant surprise, and might I say it is an honour how you acknowledged our help.” The elder from the council said. He was. new, and one of the younger ones, but something told me he’d be one of the ones I’d be dealing most with. “Of course, credit should be given where due.” I said shaking his offered hand. “My niece almost died in the battle against the Djinn yet she told me you moved her to safety. It shows you indeed treat us well, I have some assets and a vast amount of knowledge if the king is interested in having history taught at this school…” “Why not, it gets kinda tiring having to ask the witches every time I need answers. “I joked with a cold smirk, making both men chuckle just as Kenneth came over, nodding to us all before taking Kiara’s hand and kissing it. “You are glowing, Queen Luna.” “Thank you” Kiara replied with a smile, although I was tempted to pull her away from all these damn men. A waiter offered us some drinks, and we all took a glass. To a new start?” Kiara suggested with a small graceful smile. “To a new beginning.” Allen nodded.

We clinked our glasses before we downed them. To a better fucking future.

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